"You see, if you want to agree, sign a confidentiality agreement. I'll let my daughter come. If you don't agree, I'll let you go now." Lu Yisheng said.

Meng Li:

"the four word truth has come."

Lu Yisheng:?


"It's all here. I'd like to have a try."

Meng Li is a little relaxed. After all, Lu Yisheng doesn't have to make such a big detour because of their different identities.

"OK, Xiao Liu, take people down."

Lu Yisheng said to the people next to him.

Xiao Liu takes Meng Li away and arranges Meng Li to have a rest in a room. Meng Li finds the toilet and urinates for the child. It's not good to carry the child all day. Meng Li puts the child on the ground to let the child learn to walk.

Accompany the child to play for a while, Xiao Liu took a contract to come over, also did not ask Meng Li know not to know the word, let Meng Li see for himself.

Meng Li looked at it again, and it said that if he lost, he couldn't say what happened today.

If you win, don't talk about it.

She will be given a position on the surface, but in fact, she is the first lady's personal guard.

There is also a salary on it. The salary is very high. It can be said that according to our current conditions, we can't find such a high salary outside.

However, there is another clause. In a word, if you break the contract, you will end up in a bad situation.

Meng Li is very excited. He needs money to settle down in troubled times.

Meng Li signed the contract.

The other party took away Meng Li's identity certificate, and later returned it to Meng Li, probably keeping a file.

At noon, he also gave Meng Li a meal. Meng Li said that he had seen such a rich meal for a long time, but he was not polite. He simply explained that he had no poison and ate it.

Then he felt that his behavior was funny. He had nothing to show himself to others, and when he arrived at other people's territory, he was worried about others' poisoning?

At that time, she really had no choice but to follow Lu Yisheng. To a certain extent, Lu Yisheng helped her out.

If you don't follow, you have to follow the two patrolmen to the end. Even if you run away, I'm afraid you will be wanted.

Meng Li ate, the child also ate something, and then the child fell asleep, Meng Li put the child on the next chair, staring at the child's small face, feeling that during this period of time the child had a little meat.

The skin is still tender and smooth, is it because you drink too much nutriment?

nutriment can meet all kinds of energy needed by the human body, but it can't bring a good feeling on the taste buds.

The child bajixia mouth, Meng Li can't help but smile, the story of the child did not get a good education, also did not get the love of the family, later mediocre inaction cowardly, in fact, everything is for a reason.

All kinds of circumstances made him what he would be.

I hope this time, the child will be better.

With the feeling of running, Meng Li's gloomy haze in the morning dissipated.

After a while, the sound of footsteps sounded, and there was a voice from the outside. Meng Li looked in the past and was looking at Lu Yisheng's eyes.

Beside Lu Yisheng stands a woman in her twenties. Like Lu Yisheng, she is also valiant in military uniform, boots and horsetail.

Meng Li stood up politely. The woman was a little surprised and said, "Dad, isn't it her?"

Lu Yisheng nodded and said to Meng Li:

"this is my daughter."

Lu man pursed his lips and said:

"Dad, first of all, if she can't beat me, you don't want to find me a little tail in the future."

He murmured in a low voice:

"you can't beat me. How can you stay with me? I don't have anyone to practice with."

Lu Yisheng said:


Lu man straightened his face, walked towards Meng Li and said:

"my name is Lu man. Please show your real strength to compete with me."

Although Meng Li's image is very village woman, Lu man doesn't despise Meng Li. The people who can be called by her father, no matter how bad they are.

Meng Li nodded and said:


Lu man takes the lead. There is a lot of space in the rest room. They fight in the rest room and the child sleeps quietly.

Lu Yisheng sat aside and watched them fight quietly.

Both of them were unarmed, only the sound of fighting and rubbing with their clothes.

And Lu man gradually fell behind, because she found the opposite woman's strength is amazing, as long as hard to take her a punch, his body is back a few steps.

This makes Lu man more ready, can't help but take out the whole body ability to deal with, but under some exchanges, Lu man or Meng Li uniform.

Meng Li let Lu man go and said, "yes."In fact, Lu man is really good. After all, his body method is a combination of years of experience and learning from all over the world.

Lu man said directly:

"now we all use guns. Do you dare to compete with me?"

Meng Li's eyebrows:


Lu Yisheng can't help laughing. He looks at his daughter's unwilling face and is satisfied.

My daughter is excellent in everything else, but she is arrogant. It's very good to find someone to kill her.

Too arrogant is easy to fall.

Meng Li holds the child and follows Lu man to the shooting room. Considering that the sound is loud and it's easy to wake the child, Lu Yisheng suggests that Meng Li give the child to his subordinates for a hug.

Meng Li hesitated and finally gave the child to someone else to take with him for a while.

Meng Li's shooting level has always been good, but he didn't make a special effort. He drew with Lu man in the end.

Although Lu man said the draw, if it is very accurate, Meng Li is a little better.

Lu man looks at Meng Li and helplessly shows his hand:

"OK, you can stay."

Lu Yisheng clapped his hands:

"yes, Dad, did I find you a good partner? I hope you will live in peace in the future. "

Lu man snorted noncommittally.

Meng Li finally found a job, but because of the characteristics of the work, Meng Li can't go back to the place he used to live.

Meng Li can only go back to refund the rent, saying that he has become a female soldier and wants to live in the army. The landlady is very easy to talk about, and the person is also straightforward. She directly gives Meng Li back the house money.

He said that he should have a good relationship.

Also joked that let Meng Li and her husband developed, do not embarrass her on the line.

The child Xiao Liu has been arranged. When Meng Li left work, someone took the child for her in a special courtyard.

There are also some children in it. One sheep and a group of sheep are put together to watch.

Meng Li felt that this was both a welfare and a means.

The children are all in the compound. If something happens in the middle of the way, someone will take care of the children.

Of course, because the child was in the courtyard, she did not dare to have other thoughts.

Now that she has signed the contract, Meng Li doesn't intend to give birth to any other thoughts, such as what money to take and what to do. She still has this professional ethics.

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