When the ship sailed into Haicheng, everyone went ashore. Standing on the land of Haicheng, Zhang Qi also looked excited.

Although it was a hard journey, I still got here.

Zhang Qi asked Meng Li:

"how much money do you have? We need to rent a house."

Zhang Qi thought of the words Guo Liujun whispered to him on the ship, saying that he was willing to help him take root in Haicheng.

So now we just need to solve the problem of accommodation.

Meng Li looked at Zhang Qi with a smile:

"how much do you think a gold bracelet can be worth? After so many days, after buying a ticket, can you still rent a house?"

Zhang Qi wrung his brow:

"can you stop being weird all day long?"

"Who owes you? I didn't touch your money all the way. "

Selfish woman.

When he was in trouble, he didn't care, he held on to the money.

Meng Li:

"of course you owe me. You didn't hesitate to leave me when you met bandits."

Zhang Qi's forehead was blue, and he said:

"it's said that you were anxious to report the case at that time. You have to hold on to it. It's really hard to get by. Do you have to let me stay with you to have bad luck, so that I can't see others?"

Zhang Qi has the idea of divorce in his heart, and can feel that they can't get along with each other more and more.

Meng Li doesn't want to say more.

Perfunctory way:

"OK, you are the most reasonable."

Bao Hongyi is not used to talking with Jizhang.

Guo Liujun said:

"I can arrange for you to stay with my friends first, but..."

She took a look at Meng Li.

"My friend is a man. It may be inconvenient for a woman."

Zhang Qi is in trouble.

He wants to leave people behind, but he doesn't like to get along with her very much.

But in the name of husband and wife.

I can't do it without my wife.

It seems that he is not authentic.

Meng Li said:

"it doesn't matter. I'll find a place to live by myself."

Zhang Qilian said in a hurry:

"can you do it?"

Meng Li looks at Zhang Qi sarcastically, which makes Zhang Qi feel embarrassed.

Meng Li said:

"I don't want to embarrass you. Before I came here, I said that I can find a job myself. I don't have to follow you."

Zhang Qi was relieved. Fortunately, he didn't have to fight hard. Otherwise, he really didn't know how to get away.

If you are wise, you can avoid being said to be unkind.


"I'll pick you up when I settle down."

Meng Li said, if it's not for the worry that the child is not doing well in Zhangqi, Meng Li wants to throw the child to Zhangqi.

But along the way children eat what Zhang Qi did not ask, simply can't give children to Zhang Qi.

In the end, Zhang Qi's several people still followed Guo Liujun. Before Zhang Qi left, he touched some coppers on his body. He wanted to give them to her, but it didn't help much to give them to her.

She should be a little bit, can't rent a house, can also live in an inn, then can find a place to live in the work should not be difficult, right?

Zhang Qi's mind was a little confused. He tried to convince himself that he was not the kind of person who left his wife and children behind.

His wife won't have a bad life just because he's left behind.

Although Zhang Qi did not know what kind of means she should have to make a living.

Guo Liujun looked back at Meng Li with a victory.

Meng Li wanders alone on the street of Haicheng. Rickshaws come and go by Meng Li. Looking at Meng Li's clothes, few people stop to ask if Meng Li is sitting or not.

Want to come or eat something hot, Meng Li found a stall, called a cage of steamed buns.

Called a bowl of porridge to the child.

Meng Li holds the child in his arms and wipes the saliva on the corner of his mouth. The child only shouts Niang, and the rest doesn't know how to say.

Meng Li murmured in the child's ear, that is to say in the child's ear, to create a language environment for the child.

Some people sell newspapers, and Meng Li buys another one.

Meng Li fed the child and put the newspaper on the table. The child held it in his arms and looked at the newspaper.

The newspaper can also find jobs. Meng Li sees that those who recruit soldiers can be soldiers, and it also says that excellent people are not limited to men and women.

It's not unusual for women to be soldiers now.

Meng Li is a bit excited. At a special time, the people should make contributions within their ability.

But holding the child in his hand, Meng Li hesitated.

If the client is willing to contribute to the country, she will lose her life because she became a soldier, and she will not be judged as a failure. But what about the child.Who cares?

It's a big question whether we can survive.

But because she was a mother, Meng Li felt that the client would not want to, and felt that the client did not have a strong pursuit of dedication for the country.

Meng and everyone have their own choice.

It's just that when the time comes to judge the failure of the mission and find a new Tasker to counter attack, his so-called personal contribution to the country will not become a joke.

The mission failed, and everything she did no longer exists.

Meng Li doesn't feel that if he becomes a soldier and goes to the battlefield, he will surely survive. If a shell just falls on her head, her flesh and blood will not be able to carry it.

But what else.

Meng Li turned the newspaper around and didn't find a suitable job.

But also to settle down, Meng lisuo first solve the immediate problem.

As for Zhang Qi, he has come to Haicheng, and he still has Zhang Qi's money to sell his house, so let him toss first.

After eating, Meng Li was looking for a house on the street. By chance, he could see a car passing by, and the child babbled in surprise.

Today's car is a symbol of status.

Meng Li drags his children to find a house in the streets. The rent in Haicheng is not cheap at this time.

Meng Li was in a hurry to move in. He found a room on the second floor. The window was very small. He felt that it was damp inside and the walls were mildewed.

Put down a bed, there is a chair, the old desk will have nothing else.

Although the conditions are not good, Meng Li is still a little happy. After all, he has rented a house, so he doesn't have to worry about accommodation for the time being.

After eating, she can also use nutrients to top one. I feel that after this task is finished, she has to exchange some nutrients for standby.

It's so convenient.

Meng Li took the child out to buy some quilts and towels.

I bought some children's toys.

I bought some newspapers by the way.

Also bought a mat, mat on the ground, children can climb on top to play, not cool hands and feet very good.

The simple layout of the room, the mat on the ground, the child took toys to play, Meng Li took out the newspaper to search.

I hope to find a suitable job in Haicheng. At this time, there are also industries developing in Haicheng. There are factories. They are willing to recruit female workers, but they have to be local people.

I don't like the instability of outsiders.

Meng Li looked around. It's too late today. He'll go out tomorrow.

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