Meng Li then input aura to the queen and encouraged her to say:

"now give it a try."

"Be obedient."

Meng Li's tone is very gentle.

Meng Li lost his aura to the queen, and then went down to deliver the queen himself.

The midwife was stunned. Although she doubted Meng Li's professionalism, she didn't dare to complain at all.

The queen didn't speak, but she acknowledged her fate.

Meng Li's mind had already been bothered at this time. It was the empress's pelvis that was a little small.

Children can't come out naturally.

In modern times, caesarean section is generally used, but it is not suitable now.

There are no tools. It's very scary for the queen.

Meng Li thinks a little and breaks the child's clavicle, so that the child's area can be reduced, so that the child can come out smoothly.

And neonatal clavicle fracture can be naturally healed within a week, will not cause any impact.

Meng Li let the queen force, the queen can only follow the force, to do not know where the strength, the queen suddenly lit up hope, fight hard, the child reduced the area, come out more smoothly.

After the child came out, the color of his whole body was a little wrong. It was because he had been holding it for too long. Meng Li patted the child and cried.

The empress relaxed. Meng Li asked the midwife to take the baby away and clean it up. When she came to the empress, she said to the empress:

"it's over."

Fortunately, it's something she can deal with, or she will have to give up the child.

The queen said angrily:

"thank you, empress."

Meng Li touched the Queen's wet hair and laughed:

"everything will be fine in the future."

"Mother, male or female?" Asked the queen.

Meng Li was silent for a moment and said:

"he is a prince."

The queen took a long breath, and her expression was hard to say.

Meng Li told the queen again, let people serve the queen well, then he went to change a suit of clothes.

The queen gave birth to the matter, the palace all know, lying on the bed of the emperor also know.

He just moved his eyelids and didn't even ask about his gender.

He turned over and felt sleepy. The eunuch beside him could not help saying, "he is a prince."

Zhan Yuancheng jumped out of bed again:

"what prince, what I don't admit is also worthy of being called prince?"

Meng Li came in from the outside and said:

"with the blood of the emperor, what is not the prince?"

Looking at Meng Li, Zhan Yuancheng asked:

"where is Tang Xin? Is tangxin OK? "

Meng Li nodded:

"it's said that AI Jia won't kill him."

She looks at the servants beside Zhan Yuancheng and says, "all out."

After hesitating for a while, the next generation retreated. Sitting on the bed, Zhan Yuancheng asked:

"what can I do for you?"

"I'm here to discuss the naming of my eldest son, and the issue of the Royal ultimatum."

Meng Li glances at Zhan Yuancheng. His eyes are sunken, his hair is disheveled and his beard is ragged.

"Now you don't cover up everything. You can do whatever you want. Do you need to ask me?" Zhan Yuancheng said sarcastically.

Meng Li said:

"a few days ago, someone told the AI family that tangxin might be a shape changing spirit, which is specially designed to charm men. Only if she is removed, the spirit of the emperor who has been taken away will come back, and a good monarch will be returned to everyone, and the national fortune will prosper with it."

Zhan Yuancheng was shocked and his voice suddenly rose:

"you, you, what do you mean?"

He was too excited to understand.

Meng Li said:

"it means literally."

Zhan Yuancheng is afraid to ask:

"what do you mean, you want to kill tangxin, don't you mean you don't kill tangxin?"

Meng Li said:

"Ai Jia just conforms to the people's will..."

Zhan Yuancheng pursed his mouth and suddenly understood Meng Li's meaning. He asked:

"what do you want to do?"

Meng Li sat beside Zhan Yuancheng's bed, her hands on her legs, looking very dignified. She said in a calm tone:

"emperor, you only have children's love in your heart, so it's not suitable to continue in this position."

Zhan Yuancheng's tight body softened and murmured:

"sure enough."

"I should have expected that."

"You threatened me with tangxin's life to abdicate, but did you forget? I'm also your son. Why are you so cruel to me? "

He has no ability to compete with the Empress Dowager. He wanted to be obedient and honest. He could go on like this all the time, but this day still came."Why are you so cruel!" Zhan Yuancheng asks Meng Li in pain.

Meng Li said faintly:

"everything is the emperor's obsession."

Zhan Yuancheng laughs bitterly and says, "you were the one who wanted me to be emperor. You taught me how to behave in front of my father and how to get the support of courtiers. Now it's you who don't want me to be emperor. I've become your puppet, but you are not satisfied with this puppet. Do you want to change one?"

"Is it the new born child? Well

"You are the most vicious woman. You are really good at calculating."

Meng Li:

"don't you want to be emperor? Don't you think it's fake to talk about yourself like you're being forced? "

Zhan Yuancheng wipes his face and feels that moist liquid is squeezed out of his eyes. He rubs his eyes again and looks at Meng Li:

"but I'm your son. Is it wrong for me to love someone? It's just a woman. You don't want to satisfy me. You give me the supreme position, but you don't want to give me a woman. "

"I really don't understand why."

"Tangxin is just a woman, but you live to say that it is like a monster eating people's hearts. It seems that tangxin will die in this country."

"Where did she do anything harmful to the world? What's wrong with her? "

"What's wrong with me? Is it because of doting on a woman that the world is in chaos and the people are in dire straits? "

"Don't you see your son's conscience hurt like this?"

"Just a woman, just a woman."

Zhan Yuancheng can't help but shed tears and asks in tears.

The voice is full of pain and helplessness.

Meng Li:

"it won't hurt."

Zhan Yuancheng continued to say bitterly:

"because of you, all people in the world can't see others well."

"You can't see the favor tangxin gets, because you haven't got it in your life."

"They can't bear to see me doting on tangxin because they are jealous of my beautiful concubine."

"So together, you should use some excuse to prevent us from being together."

"You poor people, because you can't sit on the Dragon chair, feel that you have to abandon something, abandon freedom, get wet and wet, be fond of action but not of color, and have no one you love."

"You don't think it's good to be an emperor."

"We have to abandon a lot."

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