When the master of the SA family heard about what happened between Mengli and yuejiu in the martial arts training ground.

Help your forehead.

How could he have a daughter like that.

No blush yet.

What should he say?

However, the second daughter's character is also a little arrogant. Although the second daughter is not as willful and unreasonable as before, she has become more rebellious and defiant.

This is a more serious problem than willful and unreasonable.

Willful and unreasonable can change her character through years and experience, but she can only be taught to be a person by someone more powerful than her.

If no one teaches her to be a human being, someone will teach her to be a ghost.

Even if the talent is good, this kind of character is easy to feud with others.

Too many enemies is not a good thing.

Don't you know that there are people out there and heaven out there?

Such a character, if the family is handed over to her, can only go to two extremes, either prosperous or declining.

After thinking about it, the master of the SA family recruited a servant and said to the servant:

"let the first lady come here."

When the servant got the order, he soon brought Mengli to the master of zajiazhu.

"The daughter said hello to her father." Meng Li spoke.

Zajiazhu looked at Mengli helplessly and said: "don't ask, can I be ok? Do you think you're ashamed? "

Meng Li, who didn't feel ashamed, said, "my daughter just does what she can do."

"It's just a contest between sisters. What are you afraid of?" Zajiazhu asked Mengli.

"Qingning is also measured and won't hurt you." Zajiazhu speaks for yuejiu.

Meng Li shook his head. "My daughter just started to practice fighting spirit. She just wants to be careful and grow up slowly. She really doesn't want to do anything that is not sure. I hope her father can understand."

When Meng Li said this, the master of zajia didn't know what to say.

Do you want to tell the children, whether they are sure or not, to go directly?

Meng Li stood there quietly, silent, and made the zajiazhu a little trance. Her face was a bit like her mother's imagination, but her appearance was even better than her mother's.

Over the years, he has really ignored the child.

But as the owner of his family, he not only represents himself, but also represents his family.

If you love a child who can't practice, it's unfair to those hard-working children in the family?

They were speechless. After a while, the master of the SA family said:

"in two months, there will be a big family competition. You have to participate."

"Yes, father." Meng Li nodded in response.

"The family is bigger than the top ten. You can go into the magic weapon library and choose a magic weapon you like. You can also choose a first-class skill book, as well as pills, magic crystals and gold coins as rewards."

"But the top ten will also represent their families in the war and compete with the other three families. At that time, there will be royal people and several college tutors."

"This is the opportunity for your younger generation to perform. Last year, several family children were taken away by the college."

"The outside world is wider, not the small world of sakia."

"There are people outside the world, and there is heaven outside the world. This continent is not only our empire, but also a more powerful empire and power."

"If you are willing to fight for it, you can."

"Do your best. I don't want to see you give up."

Zajiazhu said so much in one breath. Maybe he was thirsty. He took a cup of water and took a sip. Then he didn't speak any more.

Said that should say, also no longer said anything, regarding Meng Li whether enters the top ten, did not have the hope.

As long as you don't go on the court, just give up before you play.

That's a real shame.

Meng Li listens to the master of the SA family, and thinks that in the plot, Yue Jiu is also in the top ten at that time, and he shines when several families are big, and is vied for by the tutors of several colleges.

But nine arrogant refused, said he stayed in this place still have something to deal with.

Tutors have said that they are always welcome to go on September 9.

Almost nine months as a peerless genius, on the spot so many qualified people, a few instructors Leng is not one.

To show the uniqueness of moon nine.

After that, Yue Jiu turned the family upside down and took a walk around. Then he chose a college and went to the college.

Emmmmm, the halo of moon nine is really big.

"My daughter knows."

"My daughter will try." After a period of silence, Meng Li spoke.

It's obviously a thought rather than an impulsive response.

Sa's master nodded to Meng Li and waved to let Meng Li go.

Meng Li went back to the room, drank a drink, held his chin and began to think seriously.She is bound to participate in the family competition, not only to participate, but also to get the top ten, so as to wash away the reputation of the consignor.

Let the client appear in front of the major colleges and families.

Interpersonal relationship is a very complex thing, born in the world, how can not be disturbed by the world.

We should not be weak and helpless.

But it is necessary to pay a lot for this. The first step is to wash away the name of the waste on the client. Although it is now known that she can practice, not everyone knows.

Some people still have to look at her with the eyes of waste.

Although the client didn't express her desire to wash away the title of waste, it was because she hated Yue Jiu so strongly that she chose to revenge Yue Jiu and the man before the two.

And the client doesn't want to wash out the name.

This is about a hidden wish. Meng Li thinks that since she can practice, she needs to help the client to complete it.

Only when she becomes a person with good quality and potential in other people's eyes, can she be accepted by the college, and the family will incline more resources.

It's unreasonable to choose not to use family resources because of the neglect in the past ten years.

Whether you want family resources or not, you are all members of this family.

Your glory, your everything belongs to this family, and the rise and fall of this family is closely related to you.

Unless you choose to leave the family.

Even if the client really cares about the family's neglect of her before, when she grows up and has the college to accept her, the client really wants to leave the family and has strength.

This is the personal wish of the client, and she will not care about it when she completes the task.

People without strength have no way to negotiate terms, and they have no way to leave the family.

This is not a benevolent world.

This is a world in which the strong are respected. Order and rules are made by the strong.

However, Meng Li felt that he should find a way as soon as possible.

To let moon nine grow up in this way is tantamount to raising a tiger.

But in the end, what is the way to let Meng Li headache.

I don't know how much to retaliate, so the client will be satisfied.

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