Meng Li walks in front of him, and Zhan Yuansi catches up with him. Her face is surprisingly calm. She says to Meng Li:

"mother, Pang an, he...!"

Meng Li said:

"what's the matter?"

"He said he would rather die than marry his son." Zhan Yuansi finished, and then he looked disheartened.

Meng Li said faintly:

"if you disobey the imperial edict, go to die."

Zhan Yuansi shakes her head. She doesn't know whether she's drunk or too sad. She falters and says, "forget it. I don't want to kill her."

Meng Li reaches out his hand and touches Zhan Yuansi's head. As soon as he plans to comfort Zhan Yuansi, a palace man runs out to Meng Li with a lamp.

When the man got to the front of him, he fell to the ground with a plop and cried anxiously:

"empress dowager, hurry up, Empress Dowager has an accident. The emperor will abolish the Empress Dowager." The palace people's voice was sharp and shrill. Meng Li recognized that it was the palace people beside the queen.

Zhan Yuansi fell into his own sorrow. When he heard that his sister-in-law had an accident, he could not help but look at Meng Li anxiously:

"mother, let's go and have a look."

Meng Li asked:

"what about people?"

The palace man lying on the ground said:

"in tangfei palace."

Meng Li walks towards tangxin palace. Zhan yuan can't keep up with Meng Li's fast pace. The palace people behind don't have to say that they think the old lady's body is really good.

When he wanted to enter the hall, he was stopped by the dark guard beside tangxin. Meng Li yelled: "go away!"

The dark Wei hesitated for a moment, but still stood firmly in the same place. Meng Li sneered and said:

"emperor, do you really want to stop the AI family outside?"

In the Mid Autumn Festival, at this time, it's cold at night, and Zhan Yuancheng is just wearing a thin bottom coat. In a hurry, he rushes to put a suit on his body, but he doesn't put it neatly.

He looked at Tang Xin with a cold face beside him. With a little prayer in his eyes, Tang Xin said:

"then let the Empress Dowager give us an explanation."

Tangxin sends a word. Zhan Yuancheng glances at the queen kneeling on the bed and wrapping herself in a quilt. She gets up and goes out to welcome Meng Li in.

Meng Li saw the queen at the first sight, and then Tang Xin, sitting on one side. Zhan Yuancheng said:

"empress, empress, she..."

He took a look at Zhan Yuansi, who was following Meng Li, and said:

"Huangmei, you go down first."

Zhan Yuansi looks at Meng Li, and Meng Li nods. Zhan Yuansi is unwilling to retreat.

"Emperor, why did empress Fei say such angry words?"

Zhan Yuancheng sneered and said:

"what a shameless woman! She disguised herself as tangxin while tangxin was drunk..."

The next thing

Drink big, eager to come back, only when it is tangxin, Yunyu some, result tangxin wake up to bump into, also make tangxin angry.

And now it's disgusting. He has a faint nausea. How did he touch her.

If time does not allow now, he really wants to let the palace people wash him several times.

Tang core now look at his eyes are a little disgusted, she said that he did not like the smell of other women.

Meng Li looks at the empress. Her young face is completely red, and her eyes are extremely uneasy. She is ashamed to be known about it, and tramples on her dignity because of the emperor's attitude.

Now I have a dead heart.

Meng Li looks at tangxin and asks him:

"what do you think of tangxin?"

Tang Xin took a look at the queen and said:

"I don't like the emperor to do this with her in my palace. It's really hard to swallow. I don't know if the Empress Dowager is willing to give me justice."

Meng Li said:

"maybe the queen is also drunk."

She looked at the queen, who understood Meng Li's meaning, nodded, knelt down on the bed, bent her body into a shrimp, and said with extreme forbearance:

"the emperor forgives me. I'm wrong. I shouldn't drink too much. I was drunk for a moment, and I accidentally fell asleep in Tang imperial palace."

Tang Fei looked at Meng Li displeased:

"empress dowager, your heart is too biased."

Meng Li looked at Tang Xin faintly and said gently:

"what do you think you should do?"

Zhan Yuancheng frowned and looked at Meng Li:


Don't you like tangxin very much?

Why don't you help tangxin now.

Looking at Zhan Yuancheng, Meng Li said: "today, I'd like to give my family a face and ask the queen to apologize to Tang Fei. If Tang Fei really thinks that this place is suitable for her, she can arrange a new place for Tang Fei."Zhan Yuancheng looks at Tang Xin and seems to be asking for instructions, but Tang Xin doesn't even give him a look, which makes him not sure what Tang Xin means.

But the empress is really dissolute and doesn't keep the women's way

"I want to abolish the queen!" Zhan Yuancheng straightens his chest and adds a little momentum to himself.

Empress smell speech, heart is dripping blood, but still can only bite teeth to Zhan Yuancheng beg for mercy, said he drank too much yunyun.

Meng Li is a little speechless. It's not suitable to fight with the emperor now, but the queen can't ignore it.

A queen, a princess, a niece, a daughter.

It's not that easy.

There is also a son of kengniang, Meng Li suddenly wants to give the client a tear of sympathy.

Meng Li sighed and said to Tang Xin:

"concubine Tang, the queen and the emperor are married. Even if something happens, it's reasonable. Besides, I really drink too much. I hope you can understand more."

Tang Xin snorted and didn't answer at all.

Meng Li said sadly to Zhan Yuancheng:

"Ai's family is too old to earn your face, ah." Meng Li wiped his eyes with a handkerchief.

"The queen is not only your first wife, but also the niece of AI family. If the emperor abandons her for this matter, the queen will not be able to think about it. In case of short-sightedness, how can you make the AI family bear it? I'm afraid it will be hard to sleep and sleep from now on."

"Ai Jia assured the emperor that the queen would never be like this in the future."

Looking at Meng Li's appearance, Zhan Yuancheng sighed: "mother, ah!"

The queen has been pitifully begging for mercy, but also with Meng Li's words to the emperor repeatedly do guarantee.

Zhan Yuancheng looks at tangxin and Meng Li. He is in a dilemma. He sees that tangxin doesn't speak any more. He is crazy about tangxin's idea.

He asked tentatively:


Tangxin only said lightly:

"whatever you want."

Zhan Yuancheng then said:

"the queen is forbidden to step out of the palace without my permission."

The queen breathed a sigh of relief. It's better to ban feet than to abandon them.

Meng Li said gratefully to Zhan Yuancheng:

"thank you for your mercy."

Zhan Yuancheng said:

"I hope my mother will take her with her."

He looked at the eyebrow of Tang core to wring for a while, in the heart also followed to ache for a while, didn't say to follow him?

But also know that he provoked tangxin unhappy, feel some regret.

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