Kelly suddenly asked suspiciously:

"how did you get in?"

Meng Li: "secret."

Kelly was a little anxious to know. She couldn't help saying:

"as a partner, you don't want to be honest with me."

Meng Li said:

"everyone has his own secrets. Why do you always want to pry into other people's secrets?"

"Don't you think it's impolite?"

Kelly choked and said,

"I'm sorry."

Meng Li raised her eyebrows and said to Kelly:

"it's OK. Don't be too curious."

"No need to eat? We don't have anything to eat. " Kelly asked.

Meng Li Then stay here one night. "

Kelly hesitated for a moment, then said:


Meng Li and Kelly lie on the mud outside all night, but they get nothing. No one or car goes to the factory.

Meng Li wants to see if he can wait for Langxi and LAN Weiwei.

Because the identities of Langxi and lanweiwei are provided by the Eugene family, and it seems that the Eugene family is serving the vampires, it is unlikely that Langxi and lanweiwei will not know.

If she had not accepted the plot and known the real identities of Langxi and lanweiwei, she would not have asked the organization to investigate so deeply.

I won't notice what the Eugene family is doing, and I won't be able to find out here.

So it's good to keep an eye on it. Although it has nothing to do with the task of revenge, it's necessary.

If she really does not pay attention, the client will be angry, which is against the humanitarianism and the professional ethics of the client.

It's almost early in the morning when Meng Li and Kelly go to the town to have a rest.

But people in the small town were in a panic, saying that someone was dead.

It's weird to die.

Meng Li and Kelly think of the vampire in a moment. They rush to the place where they are dead. They are surrounded by people. Some people say they have called the police.

The police haven't come yet.

Meng Li and Kelly squeeze into the innermost part, with a gray, slightly shriveled trunk lying on the ground. The trunk is a twisted shape.

Another thirsty and violent vampire did something. Maybe he couldn't help it and came out to harm people.

Meng Li pressed the brim of his hat and took Kelly away.

Kelly asked:

"don't we care as blood hunters?"

Meng Li: "how to manage? That vampire is probably in the factory now. We have to find a way to eliminate them as soon as possible."

There are more important things.

Kelly nodded.

They went back to the hotel to have a rest. After the police came, they investigated the immigrants in the next town and brought Meng Li and Kelly to be interrogated.

Ask them to say when they were not present.

The reason is that they were not sure where they were last night, and they were immigrants.

And they're both sneaky.

Meng Li

If I spent a night in the wild last night, I don't know whether these policemen believe her or not.

I must ask what I did outside last night.

It's a psycho who can't stay in the mud.

Meng Li simply called Jayne. Jayne said he could handle it. Meng Li glared at the police and kept silent.

He didn't let Meng Li go until he answered the phone.

This way, another noon was delayed. Meng Li ate something and slept for a few hours. Then he called Kelly up and walked outside the factory together.

Kelly is still outside, and inside is still touched by Meng Li.

It's the same as yesterday. There's nothing else.

They persisted for a few days. Meng Li felt that it was not a good way to spend it. He had to take Kelly back to the organization.

I told Jayne about it.

Jean's expression was very shocked. He stood up and said:

"how can this work? Is there any humanity?"

"Hundreds of vampires?"

Meng Li nodded: "there is no detailed count, there are probably so many."

Jen said:

"OK, I'll report to the top and see how things are handled."

Meng Li nodded and went back to his room to wash. The matter was not small, so the reply came quickly. Jain said: "tomorrow, organize a large number of blood hunters to encircle and suppress these vampires."

"In a word, we're standing up now, and we're going to catch the current one, aren't we?"

Meng Li said:

"day or night?"

"In the evening." Jayne looked at Meng Li and said:

"don't say anything else, just at night." There was an irrefutable air in his voice.

There is no such thing as having the best of both worlds. When there is no perfect solution, we can only give up a part of it.There may be people dying in it, but most of them can be saved.

Meng Li didn't say anything, but opened the box and checked the props.

The next day, Jayne took a large team of blood hunters and drove to the small town. The town was the only way to the factory, so everyone didn't get off the car, but sat in the car and didn't attract other people's attention.

I plan to wait until evening.

But Meng Li asked to go ahead of time. She was going to decorate something.

Don't ask mendo first.

Meng Li enters the factory and begins to arrange the array. When Meng Li is busy, he arranges the array. Meng Li asks 6018 to give her the polar pearl.

It's just a warm feeling for the body to hold the polar bead. At that time, it was also because the polar bead converged its energy.

If the energy of the polar sun bead is all burst out, she can't seal it at all.

She took most of the spiritual power in her body to break the seal of jiyangzhu a little bit. The energy emitted by jiyangzhu doesn't know that the vampire can't stand it.

Vampires are afraid of the power of the extreme Yang.

It doesn't matter as long as you use up the polar bead and seal it in time. If you don't seal it in time, the polar bead will completely break the seal.

She put the extreme sun bead on the eye of the array, wait for the blood hunters to attack the vampire, and then start it.

This is also the decision that I thought about for a long time last night. I don't know if I can control the polar bead, but if I want to win, the polar bead can play a great role.

Meng Li arranges the array and finds a place to hide his body until the sound outside becomes noisy.

The firm gate of the factory was destroyed by the tools brought by the blood hunting organization. The blood hunters surrounded the factory from the outside. When the vampires heard the news, they threw away the human being in their hands. Their eyes were scarlet, and their hands grew sharp nails. They rushed out to fight.

The bats also dive down to attack the Blood Hunter. Meng Li starts the array.

Originally, there were only dim orange street lamps in the factory area. The overall light was very poor. Meng Li started the array and suddenly burst out a very strong glare, which made people seem to see the sun.

Meng Li can't open his eyes any more. He can only use the dream beast talent to see things clearly.

And it was so hot, like a sauna, that the bats in the sky actually ignited, mixed with the smell of meat, and fell to the ground.

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