LAN Weiwei reaches out her hand and puts it on Meng Li's chest. Inside is the heart.

She has been observing Meng Li's expression, looking pale, she said:

"is this your heart?"

Meng Li said:

"yes, don't you?"

LAN Weiwei: "of course."

It just doesn't beat.

"Your heart is beating. It's lovely. It should be bright red, isn't it?"

If at this time, she grows nails, and then with nails into his body, take out his heart, he will be what kind of expression?

Will it be so indifferent?

Meng Li was a little disappointed:

"classmate, of course, my heart is red, not black."

LAN Weiwei suddenly burst out laughing:

"Mr. Ruihao, you are more humorous today than you were yesterday."

Meng Li said, "that's nature."

Her body retreated, LAN Weiwei's hand fell empty, Meng Li said:

"OK, I'll go back to the office first."

LAN Weiwei bent her hand and said briskly:


Meng Li smiles, turns around and walks with long legs to the office. The office is very spacious, with two teachers in one office.

It's also to avoid boredom. One more person can also talk.

The man who works in the same office with Meng is called joss. He is also a male teacher. He usually has a good relationship with the client.

And always joking with clients.

Meng Li sat down, and joss shook his head, pretending to be mature:

"now men really need to protect themselves, or they will be cheated by beautiful girls."

Meng Li's eyebrows:

"joss, are you talking about me?"

Joss had a teachable look on his face:

"yes, I finally realized today."

Meng Li said:

"I feel that you are envious and jealous."

Joss said with disapproval:

"envy, envy, hate?"

"It's not that I'm willing to remind you just because of my colleagues' face, otherwise I'll be cheated by the girl students and you won't cry."

"I don't know what your background is, but the children's homes here are not easy to get into."

Meng Li nodded: "your good intentions, words are also in mind."

I don't know the background of the teacher, but I don't know the background of the teacher.

Not knowing the background of the client, joss classified the client as an ordinary person.

It's easy for ordinary people to get into trouble when they fall in love with the children of the imperial family. Other people's families don't allow their children to contact such people.

And there's the trouble with admirers.

There are also girls who are new for a while. After that, they don't know how to deal with you.

Most importantly, this is a teacher. If you fall in love, you will lose your reputation and your job.

In any case, there is no benefit.

Don't force yourself into an unsuitable circle. Sometimes you can't bear the consequences.

Also because of this, although the client really likes his words, LAN Weiwei doesn't agree to be together.

I don't think I'm humble, or I think I'm a teacher

The blood hunting organization makes the client lurk here, and the client's state is very good.

Joss looked at Meng Li as if he was listening. He picked his eyebrows and laughed, but he didn't speak any more.

Meng Li repeats the life of the client in the school step by step, and the teasing of LAN Weiwei begins to become insipid.

Meng Li's attitude lasted only a few days, and LAN Weiwei found it boring.

I don't know what happened to this man. How did he change?

LAN Weiwei sneaks into the classroom and dormitory. She knocks on Meng Li's door. Meng Li opens the door, looks at LAN Weiwei leaning on the door and asks:

"what's the matter?"

LAN Weiwei asked:

"teacher, do you miss me?"

She looked into the room and asked:

"would you like to invite me in?"

Meng Li said: "classmate, please You respect yourself. "

LAN Weiwei pursed her lips:

"what's the matter? It's school time now."

"Now in our private time, we can do what we want to do."

She squints at Meng Li, unspeakably moving.

She was wearing a fiery red skirt, delicate red lips, red amazing, but her face is pale, fortunately the corridor light is not too dark, otherwise such LAN Weiwei is not charming, but scary.

Meng Li looked at LAN Weiwei's lips and said:

"the color of your lips is like human blood."The word "human blood" is a little sensitive to her now, which makes LAN Weiwei's heart jump inexplicably. A trace of panic appears on her face, and then it fades down. She says:

"what do you say? Am I not good-looking now?"

Meng Li: "Lan Weiwei, what can I do for you?"

LAN Weiwei looks at Meng Li, and Meng Li says:

"if it's OK, you can consider going first. I want to have a rest."

LAN Weiwei is a little disappointed:

"don't you invite me in?"

Meng Li: "it's inconvenient to be alone."

LAN Weiwei smiles: "I'm an adult."

Meng Li: "how inconvenient I am."

LAN Weiwei felt that Meng Li was not very interesting. She said:

"that's good."

It seemed that she was a little angry. She turned around and left. She took a big step at the beginning and a small step at the back.

Meng Li feels that Lan Weiwei is waiting for him to stay or apologize.

But Meng Li has no intention in this respect.

Wei Wei didn't go far until Meng LAN.

Let LAN Weiwei can't help stamping her feet. If she doesn't know what to do, let's hang him for a few days.

Then LAN Weiwei didn't provoke Meng Li for several days, and talked and laughed with the boys in the class, with some intentional feelings.

It's just to make her jealous and compromise.

Meng Li thinks LAN Weiwei's mind is really like a girl.

If the client is jealous, although he does not dare to be with LAN Weiwei, he cares about her in his heart. Seeing her close to other boys, he will be touched.

LAN Weiwei has become a soft rib in the client's heart and cares about her every move.

If it's a client, it will compromise.

However, after the client died, he was selected by the system. After knowing the truth, he should hate LAN Weiwei very much.

Because in his heart, the vampire is cruel, is not worthy of human forgiveness, human beings in order to fight with the vampire, lost a lot of lives, paid a huge price, in exchange for today's stability.

Otherwise, now humans are afraid to become slaves of vampires.

And many of the blood hunters he knew died at the hands of vampires.

And the client's death is partly caused by LAN Weiwei.

Meng Li ignores LAN Weiwei and makes her frustrated and angry. She is beautiful, and men seldom ignore her.

She doesn't believe she can't even take a human.

When Meng Li doesn't show that Lan Weiwei has fun, LAN Weiwei's mood is affected by Meng Li.

So it's very subtle between people. You advance and I retreat, you retreat and I attack.

LAN Weiwei wants to play with others. If others don't take over, she will be played.

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