Meng Li took a long breath, and then said:

"OK, I'm ready."

6018 said:

"when you absorb, I'll tell you the steps."

Meng Li said yes.

6018 added:

"give orders to the red thing, don't let it fight for your power. Of course, you are willing to give it. I won't say anything, but it's not recommended. You have to strengthen yourself first."

Meng Li pondered for a while and said yes.

In my mind, I gave a lot of orders to ask the vine not to compete with her.

We should strengthen ourselves. If we have surplus in the future, we can give some to the vine, but not now.

People are selfish. They usually look after themselves first, and she is no exception.

Then Meng Licai felt that the whole system space was full of an energy, which was not gentle, with an invisible sense of oppression, making her soul very uncomfortable.

6018's voice rang out, teaching her how to absorb the world power word by word.

According to the method given in 6018, Meng Li absorbed a little boundary force in her soul. In an instant, she felt that her soul seemed to have entered countless blades, scraping her soul from the inside to the outside.

She sat cross legged, groaning in pain.

And the voice of 6018 has been ringing, Meng Li in this moment suddenly feel that the system can actually plot the task.

If the Tasker is misled by the system at this moment, what are the consequences?

People are unpredictable. I don't know how the organization controls the system and doesn't harm the Tasker.

Meng Li didn't dare to think about it any more. According to the method of 6018, he fought against this violent world force step by step and integrated this energy with his soul.

6018 said that as long as one's own soul power can accommodate the world power, one can succeed.

Meng Li feels pain all over her body, which makes her consciousness a little fuzzy, and drives her soul power to accommodate the world power.

I don't know how long after the pain, Meng Li feels that the boundary force inhaled in his body has finally settled down. At this time, the soul has been able to accept the boundary force. With the beginning, everything will be much smoother after that.

Although I can still feel the pain, it is much better than before.

This makes Meng Li very happy. After Meng Li has absorbed the boundary power completely, he is very tired.

She looked down at her body and looked happy.

In the past, her soul looked thin and unreal, but now she looks more like a real person.

Standing in front of people, people may not think that she is a soul, but a person of existence.

Absorbed the boundary force, also have no strange feeling, she one hand a stretch, the case table contain the box of the extreme sun bead arrived on her hand, Meng Li smile.

I'm in a good mood.

Click on your own property panel:

Name: Meng Li

race: Terran

rank: Samsung

number: 6018

points: 81900

boundary power: 0

soul power: 0

talent: running, dream, insight into the will of Heaven (gift from the world).

Before doing so long the boundary force of the task has been gone, all absorbed by her.

Although it takes a long time to absorb the boundary force, it is only the reason for the fusion of the boundary force at the beginning, but after the fusion of the boundary force, the absorption time is not long.

It seems that more than a thousand boundary forces are not too much.

I don't know if the vines are secretly absorbed. Meng Li is helpless, but there's no way. The vines are here, and there's no place to throw them.

However, even if the absorption, should also be sneaky absorption away a small amount, can't say or instinct, can't help, wenqingteng is still a baby, Meng Li also don't want to be so harsh.

After all, if wenqingteng absorbed it seriously, she probably didn't have her share. She didn't forget the piles of Lingshi. Wenqingteng absorbed it in so much time.

The fatigue of the body gradually receded, and Meng Li said to 6018:

"I'm so happy."

6018 said:

"Congratulations, it's progress."

Meng Li said, "that's right."

6018 asked, "now that you have absorbed the boundary force, you will not be rejected by the domain. Do you want to go for a walk on the domain?"

Meng Li: "on the field?"

I feel like I've seen the words in the Tasker forum, but I don't care much about them.

"Well, it's like a city, but it's much bigger than a city."

"The great plane domain is an organization. The domain is the place where the members of the organization are active. It can also be said that it is a society."

"You can think of yourself as a part of it. Your job is to go to the plane and work."

"Don't you know there is one?"

Meng Li shook his head.6018 said, "I thought you were in such a hurry to absorb the world power just to go for a walk on the field."

Meng Li laughs: "it's not."

6018 said:

"do you want to go or not?"

Meng Li said that he would go and have a look now.

6018 sent Meng Li to the domain.

Meng Li looked around.

How to say, this is a bit like the world inside the ancient plane, in which the buildings are all gray tiles and white walls, with a simple and heavy atmosphere.

Without any reason, it gives people a sense of solemnity, and the overall pattern is awed.

And people in all kinds of clothes walk on the street.

It should be from a different world.

They look different, some single, some in twos and threes.

But on the whole, it is still relatively cold.

6018 said: "most of these are taskers. They usually meet friends here and deal with things here."

Meng Li knows clearly, looks up and looks up at the sky. This day is more strange. The sky Meng Li sees is as deep as the starry sky at night.

But she stood on the ground and looked at things like day.

It's strange.

If according to the plane, the sky is like this, now there is no night?

But we can't use common sense here.

Meng Li doesn't know anyone else, so he can only hang out in the field. Many people sell things, all kinds of things. Meng Li doesn't think he needs anything and doesn't make an inquiry.

People wearing clothes representing different times walk together, which makes Meng Li have a sense of time and space.

There are restaurants inside, and there are clerks outside to solicit customers.

Meng Li, a restaurant, doesn't feel strange. After all, shopping from the system mall, eating in the system space is like eating takeout. It's almost like eating out in a different atmosphere. If you know someone, you can also taste delicious food with three or two friends.

But all kinds of things are sold on the roadside, which are available in Mengli sensory system mall.

It doesn't seem necessary.

However, if you think about it carefully, you can see that some people walk and look at things and think of their own needs. It's also possible to easily buy them.

Although 6018 said that his soul had absorbed the boundary force and was not repelled by the domain, Meng Li still felt that his soul was uncomfortable after wandering around the domain for a while.

It's just like people can't breathe. Meng Li doesn't demand it either. Maybe she lacks her own strength and absorbs little force. She asks 6018 to send her back to the system space.

Back to the system space, I feel much more comfortable all of a sudden.

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