When Liu's mother left, Meng Li said to Luo's father and mother:

"Mom and Dad, let's go in."

The couple felt that the momentum disappeared, and they relaxed and went in together.

The food is cold, but it's not hot, so I'll make do with it.

After eating, Meng Li said to Luo Fu:

"Dad, please accompany me to the town."

Luo Fu looked at Meng Li and asked:

"what are you going to do in town?"

Meng Li said:

"as for the things I sun, I can sell them in the town."

Luo Fu asked suspiciously:

"what can be sold?"

Meng Li nodded:

"when I dream, I dream that those things can be sold."

Luo Fu said with disapproval:

"how can you believe everything in your dream?"

Meng Li said helplessly:

"Dad, let's have a try."

Luo Fu: "isn't this nonsense?"

Meng Li looks at Luo Fu with an aggrieved face.

Luo's mother said:

"if Yingmei wants to go to town, let her go. Yingmei is probably upset."

Meng Li

Luo Fu sighed and said:

"OK, you should walk faster."

Meng Li laughed: "thank you, Dad."

Luo Fu also followed to smile for a while, but the brow Yu still has to melt not to open of sorrow.

Meng Li follows Luo Fu to the town. Luo Fu doesn't want to carry her herbs, but with Meng Li's insistence, Luo Fu chooses to carry them.

I want to let my daughter die.

I don't know what's in my daughter's mind. I feel that my daughter is a little abnormal.

Isn't it silly to be scared by the immortal, Luo Fu thought in his private heart.

It's a long way to go to the town. Luo Fu walks very fast, and Meng Li can keep up with him. By the time it's noon in the town.

The town is not very prosperous, but it is also the farthest and busiest place where the client has been.

Meng Li and Luo Fu go to a drugstore. The owner of the drugstore can see Meng Li's herbs, but the price is very low.

Although Meng Li didn't know how much these herbs were worth in the world, he thought about it by looking at the boss's expression.

Not willing to sell.

Finally changed two, just met a more honest boss, received Meng Li's medicine.

Out of the drugstore, Luo Fu looked at Meng Li strangely:

"can these things really be sold?"

Meng Li nodded

Unfortunately, we didn't find any better medicine.

It's just some ordinary ones. Fortunately, there are a lot of them.

Luo Fu moved his mind and said:

"Yingmei, I know where to find these things, and I can sell them later?"

Meng Li smiles and gives all the copper money to Luo Fu, saying: "Dad, I'll teach you how to do it later. You can't do it by yourself. Some things are very similar, but they're not the same thing."

Luo Fu took the copper plate from Meng Li, looked at it, and said with some embarrassment:

"this is from Ying Mei."

Meng Li said:

"it's all right, my father should have mine."

Luo Fu hesitated for a moment, took out a few coppers from his hand, handed them to Meng Li and said:

"take them and see if there is anything you need to buy in the town."

Meng Li picked it up and heard Luo Fu say:

"I really can't find it myself."

Meng Li nodded: "I'll take you to find it later."

"And Dad, this is the medicine that the immortal asked me to find in his dream. The immortal gave us the way to make money. We can't go out and annoy the immortal."

Meng Li has his own plan in mind, and not to say it is also to avoid unnecessary trouble in the future.

When Luo Fu heard the speech, he said:

"well, I promise not to say it."

Meng Li said:

"it's dad."

"Buy some meat and go back to my younger brother and sister." Meng Li added.

Luo Fu nodded and touched the copper plate he put on his body, slightly embarrassed.

Meng Li tells Luo Fu that he wants to go shopping. Luo Fu is not at ease. Meng Li, a girl, is walking in the town and goes with her.

Meng Li wanted to buy a curtain and hat, and he followed Luo Fu to buy some meat and hid it at the bottom of the basket.

They set off for home.

It's a long way to go. When Meng Li and Luo Fu got home, Luo Mu was already cooking and eating.

Luo Fu gave the meat to Luo mu, and told Luo mu the details of today's events. He told Luo Mu what to say and what not to say.

Luo mother smell speech and give Meng from weaving out of the immortal worship, just happily cooked meat.In the next few days, Meng Li had no time to sun the herbs, so he followed Luo Fu to sell them in the town.

Leave some money at home for the family before you leave.

Luo Fu also doesn't let Meng Li cut firewood to do farm work, just let Meng Li concentrate on doing these.

After all, the income from selling medicinal materials is considerable in Luo Fu's mind.

Some people in the village watched Meng Li and Luo Fu go to town frequently, and inquired about the news in front of Luo Fu and Luo Mu to find out what they were doing.

But Luo Fu and Luo Mu casually find an excuse to prevaricate in the past.

Liu's mother is really timid. She was frightened by Meng Li that day. She thought there was a ghost. She went back to her home and got sick. She didn't dare to provoke Meng Li.

Meng Li calculated the days. Tomorrow he will meet Dongfang Haoye. He calculated the money he got from some medicinal materials in recent days. Although he can't make the client's family have enough food and clothing, he can also relieve the economic pressure temporarily.

When the two younger sisters and younger brothers fall asleep, Meng Li says to Luo Fu and Luo Mu:

"father and mother, daughter is unfilial. She may have to leave home for some time."

The couple are stunned. They have just seen the hope of life these days. Is their daughter going to leave?

Or did Luo Fu ask:

"where are you going?"

Meng Li said:

"my daughter has something to go out for a period of time, at least half a year."

Luo Mu: "Ying Mei, where can you go as a woman?"

Meng Li said:

"but last night, the immortal asked his daughter to go to a place to worship her teacher..."

Meng Li made it up.

Luo Fu and Luo Mu have been brainwashed by the immortal in Meng Li's mouth during this period, because the immortal taught Meng Li how to make money. Now they let Meng Li go out to worship his teacher. They don't doubt that he is there. They only think that their daughter is favored by the immortal.

They began to hesitate.

Immortal's words certainly must listen, but the woman goes out, will encounter each kind of danger.

Seeing their hesitation, Meng Li said to the couple:

"parents don't have to worry. Their daughter is blessed by immortals. They also hope that their parents will wait for their daughter's safe return at home. What's more, they don't tell outsiders about today's event. They only say that their daughter is sick and lies at home to recuperate."

Meng Li said that, regardless of Luo Fu and Luo Mu's hesitation, he took his own curtain and hat and left without going back.

Seeing that Meng Li had left, the couple yelled a few times and chased him for a few steps. Seeing that Meng Li was determined to leave, they could not catch up with him. Soon after Meng Li disappeared into the night, they stopped.

They looked at each other and sighed.

Since she had the immortal, her daughter had many ideas. She didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse.

But Rujin also left.

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