Yang Haoxing was carried away by Huajian wine.

Leave a group of people looking at Meng Li.

Meng Li looked at them calmly.

Yiyinian said:

"beikui xiangnuan, it's wrong for you. What's the matter with the withered bones? You should hit him."

Meng Li said:

"what should I do? He harasses me and even acts on me. I'm helpless."

One by one, one by one Well

I can't answer.

If you really want to do it first, it must be the most wrong decision he made.

Meng Li's face doesn't matter, the people blocking the door are also gradually less.

Love, kugu smiles awkwardly at Meng Li, raises his thumb, and says:

"you are so strong."

Meng LiXiao:


Love, kugu took a mouthful of saliva, mom.

Fortunately, if she had not been beaten to the bone today, she would not have been beaten to the bone.

The first time thanks to the dead bone let her down.

Meng Li went outside. After a while, he really received the news that it was Huajian wine sent by kugu's account.

He said that kugu had called the police and let Meng leave.

Meng Li is facing the love that has been following her like a small tail. Kugu says:

"I'll go to the nearest police station."

Love, kugu was nervous:

"did he call the police?"

Meng Li nodded: "call the police."

Love, kugu said anxiously:

"what should we do? How bad it would be if we were detained."

At the same time, some pity looked at Meng Li.

Meng Li chuckled:

"which end are you standing on? Didn't I beat your captain?"

Love, kugu said:

"I'm also contradictory, but I really can't sympathize with the dead bone."

Meng Li sighed: "evil doing!"

Love, kugu said, "are you going?"

Meng Li nodded: "go, why not."

Love, kugu said, "I'll go with you."

Meng Li said:

"Why are you going with me?"

Love, kugu gave Meng Li a white look and said:

"of course, he went to see our captain."

Meng Li goes away with his bag. Love, kugu follows him. When he goes, he glances at Qingsi. A man is talking to Qingsi.

Green silk eyebrows between there are inseparable depression, although talking with people, at the moment is also eyes erratic.

Before Yang Haoxing was beaten, she also came. When huajianjiu helped Yang Hao walk, Qingsi asked if she wanted to accompany him.

Yang Haoxing said angrily that he didn't need to, and Qingsi didn't insist any more.

Meng Li took a taxi to the nearest Institute, and Yang Haoxing sat in it.

The little brother in uniform is taking notes for Yang Haoxing.

Yang Haoxing turned to look at Meng Li and said to his brother: "it's her. It's her who beat me."

Police officer


Huajian wine nodded and said, "that's her."

Meng Li said:

"I'm defending myself."

"He harassed me at that time and held my hand. I didn't know what to do with it. Of course, a girl of mine was very scared, so she overreacted."

Yang Haoxing was about to spit out his old blood. He said:

"when did I harass you?"

Meng Li: "you let me be your girlfriend, I don't want to, you hold my hand."

Yang Haoxing said without hesitation:

"I was holding you at that time, but I didn't want you to go."

Meng Li looked at the police innocently and said:

"look, are you pulling me?"

Yang Haoxing said anxiously:

"I don't mean I won't let you go, I just want you to listen to me more."

Meng Li shrugged and looked at the police again:

"look, are you harassing me?"

"Fortunately, I've learned some martial arts, otherwise I don't know how to do it today."

Love, kugu stay aside, can't insert a word, can only be a quiet melon eating masses.

Huajian wine is not strange to all kinds of foreign appearances of kugu today, and he is too lazy to bother about kugu.

If you want to say that you know in the game, the real friendship is not so deep.Can accompany withered bones, is a friendship, let not go to the hospital, must come to the police.

Yang Haoxing insisted that Meng Li hit people for no reason, while Meng Li insisted that he was defending himself.

No one is willing to give in, but Yang Haoxing and Meng Li are talking about it with his hand. He still wants to find Meng Li to fall in love.

If a girl doesn't want to listen, she is just harassing.

Finally, the police came down with all kinds of procedures, and painstakingly gave Meng Li an ideological education class. They asked Meng Li to take Yang Haoxing to see a doctor. His medical expenses were borne by Meng Li, and the matter was over.

There is no picture of Meng Li being detained by the police in Yang Haoxing's imagination.

Let Yang Haoxing particularly disappointed, and helpless.

When he got out of the police station, Meng Li looked at Yang Haoxing and said:

"go to see a doctor. Send me the documents and I'll give you the reimbursement."

It's no loss to spend some money on Yang Haoxing.

Yang Haoxing: "the police asked you to show me."

Meng Li said with a smile:

"why, are you going to cheat me?"

Yang Haoxing: "I have no one to take care of me now. You should take care of me."

Meng Li smiles:

"do you really want me to take care of you?"

Yang Haoxing has an ominous premonition that the corner of his eye is also swollen by Meng Li. He struggles to open his eyes wide to see Meng Li clearly. He is in pain and doesn't know what to say for a moment.

Lack of confidence, afraid of Meng Li also hit him.

Meng Li turns around and walks away. Love, kugu is in the same place for a moment. He doesn't know whether to stay with Yang Haoxing or follow Meng Li.

Want to think or stay in Yang Haoxing side, with Huajian wine together with Yang Haoxing to the hospital.

When he arrived at the hospital, Yang Haoxing did all kinds of examinations, and almost did a physical examination.

Yang Haoxing is thinking of such pain to see if he can check out any major problems.

There are still some people who don't give up.

However, this move was very annoying to the two people nearby. It took so much time to do so many examinations, and there was nothing else except skin injury.

They also delayed the afternoon and were not happy at all.

They all came from all over the world, and then they came here for such a day. It's really

Also feel that Yang Haoxing special love to take advantage of, check so many projects, is not intended to corrupt Meng Li.

Inexplicably, I think this man's pattern is a little small.

Meng Li didn't go to the activity place any more, and there was nothing to play with. She went back to the hotel to have a rest.

In the evening, I really received Yang Haoxing's bill, and there was not much money. Meng Li directly transferred it to him.

Yang Haoxing looked at the amount of money on his mobile phone and was really depressed to death.

Inexplicably, I feel that I've been beaten so much, and it's just worth the money.

No, I don't think so.

Yang Haoxing was surprised by his strange idea. When he thought of Meng Li, he was really powerless.

I don't know what to do with this man.

There is no way.

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