Yang Haoxing looked at his hand.

I don't know how my brain just went blank for a moment.

Slightly guilty to look at his teammates, in the face of teammates trying to cover up to cover up the disappointment, Yang Haoxing also do not know how to do.

Meng Li hooked the corner of his lips and continued to be an official very leisurely.

When you meet such a captain, what can you do? You have to work hard to get more questions and more points.

It's not that I care about the prizes, it's just a matter of face.

How ugly it is to lose on the stage and step down.

Then, after each round of the answer key, as long as it's Yang Haoxing's turn, Yang Haoxing won't get it.

They're a lot less than each other.

At the end of the game, because Yang Haoxing affected the whole situation, they lost.

The host said some nice words, and then gave the prize to the other team.

One of them sent a little doll as a souvenir.

The people of the blue team looked at each other's proud expression, and they were angry and embarrassed.

Yang Haoxing's face is fiery. After all, he is the main cause of the loss.

It's a shame this time.

Subconsciously, he looks at Meng Li. The last thing Yang Haoxing wants is to be despised by Meng Li.

For Meng Li's eyes, Yang Haoxing's brain was dizzy for a moment, and then it was blank. Yang Haoxing's eyes were looking at the stage dully.

The host is very active. He doesn't mean that he will step down when he loses. He also plans to interact and ask some interesting questions.

When asked about the other team, the other team leader was a little nervous. After all, he used to play games at home. Now he faces so many people, and the host is also a beautiful woman.

I'm more nervous, but I'm not out of line.

Is when the host with a microphone to Yang Haoxing put forward a question, put the topic to Yang Haoxing's mouth.

I feel that Yang Haoxing's expression is a little strange, as if he is not online. The host is embarrassed for a moment, waiting for Yang Haoxing to answer her question.

But Yang Haoxing didn't say a word. He stood on the stage, with a bad look and dull eyes.

Members of the Lubu team want to hide their faces and run. This is the captain.

The host thinks that the question she asked is sensitive to Yang Haoxing, but Yang Haoxing is not willing to answer it. Although she thinks that the man is impolite, she still changes a question, hoping that Yang Haoxing can answer it.

But Yang Haoxing is still like that.


The other team's mocking look is almost impossible to cover up. I'm afraid this skeleton is not a fool.

The behavior is so abnormal.

Finally, the host finally gave up Yang Haoxing and went to ask Huajian some questions. Huajian answered some painless questions awkwardly and awkwardly, and the host let them go.

At the end of the interaction, the host read the name of their game and thank them for their cooperation and participation.

To be honest, the rubles are very embarrassed.

Especially Qingsi and love, kugu heard the host read his own game name.

Coincidentally, I think of my own game names, which are all for the sake of withered bones.

Now my face is really hot.

Looking at Yang Haoxing, standing there like an idiot, the host asked him about his rude behavior.

Yang Haoxing's image in their hearts is greatly reduced.

It's almost to the bottom.

Inexplicable feel now with the name of the game to bring them a sense of shame inexplicable.

And then they're going to step down.

The other team has been very interesting off the stage, and one by one in high spirits.

It's in sharp contrast to everyone's forced smile in the Lubu team.

However, Yang Haoxing is still standing in the same place, which is very embarrassing, all understand that it is time to step down.

I don't like it when I'm too clear.

moderator reminds Yang Haohang of his side, who is crazy about

: "brother, make complaints about it."

Huajian wine is also embarrassed to burst, he pulled Yang Haoxing, Yang Haoxing's body shook, and then did not respond.

Huajian wine had to say:

"dead bone, the game is over."

Yang Haoxing didn't respond.

Huajian wine took a look at the cameras around, and it was not good to make a disqualified action.

The official will edit some wonderful moments and publish some photos.

After all, not everyone is qualified to come to this kind of activity. You have to choose after you sign up.

Yiyinian is a tall and thin man, with a pair of glasses, appears gentle.

His appearance is contrary to his real character. In fact, he is a very lively person.He pushed Yang Haoxing:

"boss, boss?"

Yang Haoxing didn't respond at all. He muttered one by one. Is there something wrong?

He put his hand among the people of Yang Haoxing and felt his breath.

No problem. Breathing is smooth.

He put his hand in front of Yang Haoxing's eyes and shook it. Although Yang Haoxing was confused by Meng Li, his brain was blank and he lost the ability to think, but he still had instinct, and his eyes also blinked.

One by one, he could not help muttering, and he took Yang Haoxing's hand and gave him a pulse.

The pulse is also normal.

After thinking about it for a while, Hua jianjiu said to Yang Hao in a low voice:

"enough, have you had enough fun?"

Yiyinian is very aggrieved:

"where am I playing? I'm doing basic examination for my boss."

He opened his mouth. He wanted to boast that he had learned Chinese medicine, but now it's not a good time. He still closed his mouth.

The embarrassment of the rest of the people, the fact that Yang Haoxing didn't step down, was unexpected. It's not good for them to leave the team leader first, but it's really embarrassing to stay on stage.

The people on the stage kept whispering, wondering what happened to Yang Haoxing.

Different eyes, curious, sarcastic

The host is also embarrassed. Huajianjiu grits his teeth and reaches out his hand to hold Yang Haoxing's wrist. He plans to pull Yang Haoxing down simply and rudely.

Let's go. Don't lose face here.

At this moment, Yang Haoxing's consciousness came back. He felt that someone was holding him, subconsciously throwing the hand of huajianjiu.

Looking around, I felt strange and asked:

"what's the matter?"

Huajian wine took back her hand and said awkwardly:

"let's go down first."

Yang Haoxing pursed his mouth and looked at the strange eyes in all directions. He also felt that it was unnatural to stand on the stage.

Everyone is relieved and can step down at last. Just now, every minute is torture.

Love, kugu hurried back, did not dare to look around, afraid to see the fear of eyes, to Meng Li side, a butt sat down, just a long breath.

Her face was red and shy.

Looking at the following Yang Haoxing, he couldn't help muttering:

"what's the matter with this man?"

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