Green silk frowned:

"I don't know."

Not only Qingsi and Yinxiang are whispering, most of the players here are looking at Yang Haoxing from time to time, and then whispering.

In reality, in the face of so many people pointing at him, Yang Haoxing is very embarrassed.

Even if he had all kinds of negative comments on the Internet before, he didn't feel so embarrassed.

Yang Haoxing's brain is confused. At such a moment, he doesn't know how to react to resolve the embarrassment.

Or the official staff of the game, came to check the identity of Yang Haoxing, and then asked if Yang Haoxing would like to do a self introduction.

Yang Haoxing's lips moved. How did he introduce himself on stage?

Want to refuse, but his light Piao to the side of Meng Li.

For a long time, his eyes stayed on Meng Li.

Meng Li is wearing a long skirt with delicate makeup. Her white hands are naturally on her knees. She looks at him with a smile.

This face, but Yang Haoxing can't forget.

Although after many years, the original appearance will not change much.

After all, in middle school, many people's looks have been shaped.

Yang Haoxing knew that he could not flinch at this moment, otherwise he would be looked down upon by the woman sitting there.

He followed the official staff to the stage and introduced himself according to his own lines.

After the introduction, the expressions on the faces of the people were also very strange. There was no applause like thunder, just ordinary applause. It should be sponsored by friends.

Then, in order to activate the atmosphere, the official said that everyone could go up and introduce themselves.

No one moved. The official roll call started. There are some players who are more active in the game, as well as players with better technology.

Now that I have come to the activity site, no one is particularly fussy.

They all went up to make an introduction.

Also changed the topic, let everyone no longer around Yang Haoxing and talk.

Meng Li sits quietly under the stage, knowing that Yang Haoxing looks at her from time to time. He turns his head and looks at her with his four eyes opposite. Meng Li looks at Yang Haoxing steadily.

At the beginning, Yang Haoxing could hold on to seeing Meng Li for a few seconds. Later, he couldn't stand it and turned his head back.

No longer look at Meng Li.

Meng Li suddenly heard the name of his game, did not expect that someone asked her to do self introduction, want to know.

I think it's normal. Now she is no less famous than Yang Haoxing.

Without much thought, she stood up and went to the stage. The host saw her and praised her according to international practice.

Meng Li stood on the stage with a smile on his face and spoke very gently:

"Hello everyone, I'm beikui xiangnuan..."

Yes, yes.

The sound is warm in the north.

And this face, in contrast, is also the face of beikui xiangnuan.

She is so beautiful. She radiates the light of spontaneous nature.

Looking at Meng Li, we can't help looking at Yang Haoxing.

To be honest, it seems that Yang Haoxing now doesn't deserve beikui to warm up.

Yang Haoxing's eyes in all directions made him feel the burning pain on his face.

Meng Li's light set off his unbearable.

In addition to Huajian wine, yiyiyiyinian, and taking a cute girl, the eyes of several ancient men fell on Meng Li, which made Yang Haoxing extremely unhappy.

A gloomy face, plus the rendering of dark circles, let Yang Haoxing's face at the moment a little bit horrible and gloomy.

After all, they haven't seen a few beautiful women in their lives.

But they are very surprised, did not expect to have teammates with their imagination of the gap is so big.

I can't help but have a look.

Love, kugu's eyes are wide, green silk's eyes flash thick jealousy.

After Meng Li introduces himself, he steps off the stage. Love, kugu waves to Meng Li, meaning to let Meng Li pass.

She's sitting with the rubles.

Meng Li thought about it, but it was over.

Love, kugu pointed to his side and said to Meng Li:

"sit down."

Meng Li sat down, love, kugu quickly asked:

"are you beikui xiangnuan?"

Lu Bu team members' eyes are intentionally or unintentionally to Meng Li, Meng Li ignored.

Looking at love, kugu with the eyes of caring idiots, he said gently:

"yes, I just introduced myself on the stage."

Love, kugu stares at Meng Li's face and seems to be trying to find out if Meng Li has inappropriate makeup.

But failed, love, kugu's hand consciousness put on the bridge of the nose, seems to want to push something, but seems to think of something, she put down her hand.With a smile at Meng Li, he was embarrassed:

"so you are beikui xiangnuan."

Meng Li nodded politely. Maybe he pushed his glasses just now.

A more unnatural behavior, and then found that he did not wear glasses today.

Seeing that Meng Li couldn't speak, kugu pointed to Meng Li's long skirt and said with envy and jealousy:

"it's hard for you to grab this skirt."

Meng Li laughs: "it's OK."

Her hand speed is no slower than 6018.

That's right. Love, kugu is a RMB player, and his family is not bad. His consumption level is similar to that of his client.

Meng Li and love, kugu talk, Qingsi is very embarrassed.

Because she didn't know what brand Meng Li's skirt was and why she needed it.

It's hard for her to buy the game warehouse. The income in the game is also used to buy equipment and support her life. Qingsi's condition is a little worse.

But it doesn't stop her from sneering at love, kugu.

She took a look at the stage. Now there are some interactive games on the stage, and the official will reward some prizes.

There is nothing she likes in the prize list. Qingsi takes back her eyes and looks at love. Kugu sneers: "as a member of the Lubu team, it's hard to expect someone to send you."

Love, kugu stares at Qingsi:

"hum, I just want to ask you how you are so poisonous."

Green silk sneered: "I forgot how they beat you at that time."

The embarrassment flashed on kugu's face, and he suddenly remembered the bad memories. He turned back and hummed to Meng Li.

With anger.

Meng Li hadn't seen such a child for a long time. She chuckled:

"what's the matter? You still have to ask me for revenge."

Love, kugu stares at Meng Li for revenge?

She can't fight again. How can she get revenge.

Originally, before he came here, he planned to see Meng Li. He had to humiliate Meng Li so that he could vent his anger on Yang Haoxing.

But Yang Haoxing suddenly disillusioned in her heart, love, kugu has not digested, now also do not want to fight for Yang Haoxing.

In fact, Qingsi's idea coincides with love and kugu. The original plan is to vent her anger for Yang Haoxing, but now.

Green silk took a look at Yang Haoxing, not like the image of an Internet addict.

It's more like Drug addicts.

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