Several of them came to the cave where the bloodpupil jackal lived.

The task was officially triggered, and the blood pupil jackal rushed out of the cave. It was huge and looked like a wolf. It was not a wolf. It was standing on its legs.

Its eyes are as scarlet as blood, and the earth shakes when it walks.

The rock on the cave is still very lifelike to fall down, the picture is quite spectacular.

Blood pupil jackal roars, seems to be very impatient of their interference, then the huge body towards them, began to attack them.

Yang Haoxing and his party also began to attack in various colors, but the blood pupil jackal was really rough and thick skinned, and those attacks were like tickling on him.

The blood is still full.

But on their side, the old man's dirty and the secret incense float lost some blood and were injured.

Hurt in the game, the body will also be very painful, fragrance floating some pain.

As the best friend of the secret fragrance floating, Qingsi zhanlang immediately asked:

"are you ok?"

The secret fragrance floated and shook his head:

"it's OK."

Qingsi takes a look at Yang Haoxing. Yang Haoxing is busy as the main export force. She looks back at Meng Li, but she is not angry at all:

"what are you doing?"

Meng Li stepped on a white cloud and wore a beautiful Cape. He was not far away, looking down at the battle of the people below.

Meng Li glanced at Qingsi and said:

"in order not to delay you."

"So stand far away."

Green silk chest undulating, want to get angry, and hold.

The secret fragrance floats and says to Qingsi:

"don't be angry."

Qingsi said, "No."

With that, they ignored Meng Li and continued to fight.

Meng Li silently watched their attack, gorgeous and pompous, and even in the colorful, Meng Li could not see who their characters were.

The level 12 cape is the top use. If you stand aside, you will be affected, but you will be resisted by the Cape.

I didn't get hurt at all. Naturally, I didn't feel any pain. It was very noisy. The game was too realistic. The sound of fighting was very real, just like what happened around me.

Player so and so: I wipe, North sunflower to warm this is who ah, actually look at it like this.

Bah, it's bad luck to meet such a teammate.

All kinds of grubby players began to swipe the screen and deeply condemned Meng Li's bad behavior.

Yang Haoxing looked back at Meng Li, thought about it and said:

"warm, just protect yourself."

Player: Wow, the God of withered bones is so warm, love you, come on.

Player D: how can the great God be so gentle, my God.

Looking at Yang Haoxing's blood bar half empty, Meng Li said with a smile:

"I'm fine. You'd better worry about yourself."

Yang Haoxing

Huajian wine said angrily:

"you are a woman. You care about you. How can you do that?"

The rest of the team-mates also looked at Meng Li with reproachful eyes. Meng Li smiles sweetly, sits on the cloud with his knees crossed, holds his chin with his hands, and his face is naive and cute.

Player W: Well, not to mention, the character of North sunflower to warm is pretty good-looking.

Player C: guess who pinched it.

Xuetong jackal's claws are very sharp. He waved his hand and left a shadow in the air. The ancient male's blood strip was empty and caught by Xuetong jackal's claws.

The sharp claw fell into the ancient dirty man's body. The ancient dirty man wailed in pain, and the blood bar was decreasing at a very fast speed.

If it goes on like this, it will die in the game and can no longer participate in this battle.

Yang Haoxing quickly took out a sword, which was wide, but not long, and cut it toward the forelimb of Xuetong jackal.

What I want to think is that if the blood pupil jackal eats pain, it will take back the claws dug in the ancient man's dirty body.

However, it was a slow step. Yang Haoxing's sword had just cut the forelimb of Xuetong jackal, and the ancient dirty man's blood strip was completely empty.

His character turned grey and finally disappeared here.

Not only that, Yang Haoxing's sword also angered the blood pupil jackal and made it into a frenzied state. Although its blood bar was empty, its whole body began to glow red and began to attack indiscriminately.

Meng Li is far away.

Another teammate is missing, which makes them more difficult.

The blood pupil jackal has rough skin and thick flesh, just like the little Qiang who can't fight.

The onlookers were also enthusiastic. They gave them all kinds of encouragement, gifts and equipment.

However, it didn't work. The fragrance floated down.

After that, Yang Haoxing watched his teammates arrive one by one. He was also very depressed.Of course, as teammates fell one by one, more and more people denounced Meng Li.

Looking at all kinds of abusive news, Meng Li said with a good temper:

"you said I went to drag my feet. Now I'm honest. I don't need to be distracted to take care of me. Is it still clever?"

Player L: "good luck, your mother, your face and the God form a team."

Meng Li's voice is soft and waxy:

"is it envy, jealousy, or you ask to join our team and see if kugu agrees or not?"

Player L " People don't want to be shameless, and the world is invincible. "

Meng Li hum: "today, I take this opportunity to draw a lucky player to send a magic hoop. Some of you certainly don't have this magic weapon."

"The condition is that you praise me. I will give it to anyone who praises me."

A group of onlookers

It's really shameless. It's invincible.

But, mom, it's so exciting.

The magic hoop is an attack weapon, which is very rare.

Even if you spend money to buy it, you need some money, which is still a little reluctant.

Players all kinds of entanglement, feel that they are humiliated by Meng Li with money.

At the beginning, there were all kinds of people who scolded Meng Li for being shameless and shameless. They would not praise Meng Li with unconscionable words. They expressed special righteousness and righteousness, saying that they were all practical and realistic.

Then I don't know who is shaken in the heart, and I have a lovely and good character.

The onlookers were silent.

Immediately someone asked the man who praised Meng Li, saying that she was a traitor and bent over for money.

Then she retorted:

in fact, there's nothing wrong with beikui xiangnuan. It's good not to make trouble because of poor strength. Maybe it's because of the attitude and intention to accompany his teammates.


+ 1

originally, those who denounced Meng Li all the time began to be helped to speak, and even began to praise Meng Li implicitly.

It also distracted everyone's attention from the fierce fight over Yang Haoxing.

There are fewer people who brush gifts.

Meng Li is satisfied to see that the topic is taken askew by himself. What magic hoop is given to the client by Yang Haoxing before.

Meng Li doesn't want to keep it. I believe the client doesn't want it either. It's better to let the magic hoop give full play to its surplus heat. Even if it's used for fun, it's also fun.

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