Meng Li took a group of ministers, Zhang ningyun and a group of bodyguards to Nanshan Temple.

The abbot of Nanshan Temple came to receive him. Meng Li took the lead in offering incense, and then promised to donate some sesame oil money to Nanshan Temple.

Then came to the Queen's door.

The empress was really on the shelf and didn't come out in the whole process.

Meng Li stood in front of the door. At this time, it was hot and sunny. She called to the inside:

"mother emperor, I've come to take you back to the palace."

The Empress Dowager moved inside, snorted, pursed her lips and did not speak.

The woman official beside her hesitated and said that she was going to open the door for Meng Li.

The Empress Dowager didn't speak, but she was still arrogant. The female official knew the empress dowager, so she went to open the door.

"Your Majesty." The female official saluted Meng Li.

Meng Li gave a sound and said to Weixing Lin:

"take good care of tainv."

Zhang ningyun looked up at Meng Li, then at Weixing Lin.

Without a moment's hesitation, Weixing Lin agreed and looked down at Zhang ningyun.

Meng Li enters the room, and the female official himself retreats, leaving only Meng Li and the Empress Dowager.

"I think your majesty is going to deal with this lonely man." The queen was very upset.

They didn't look back at Meng Li.

Meng Li said:

"the mother emperor, the daughter has grown up. Some of the responsibilities should be shouldered by the daughter. It is the daughter's long-standing wish to let the mother emperor live a happy and carefree life."

The queen snorted.

That sounds good.

"Then put Gu in the Nanshan Temple. Gu now has nothing else to contribute, so pray for the Zhang family day and night." She said angrily.

Meng Li folded his hands together, his eyes as calm as water, looking at the Queen's back.

"Mother emperor, my daughter really wants to invite you back. Only when mother emperor is around, can my daughter be at ease." Meng Li said seriously.

To be honest, Meng Li is not very good at cajoling people.

But the queen is really angry with her.

She's mad at the people who left. She'll try to coax them. It's OK.

The queen did not speak and did not want to pay attention to Meng Li.

In a word, Meng Li's words could not move the empress, and her anger did not disappear.

Weixing Lin saw Meng Li go in for a long time, and thought of Meng Li's instructions in the carriage.

Meng Li had already arranged for Weixing Lin to go in for a while, and then let the ministers shout outside.

This shows that everyone is looking forward to the return of the queen.

He began to encourage the ministers to ask the queen to return to the palace.

Therefore, the silence between Meng Li and the Empress Dowager was broken by the shouting of a group of ministers.

"Please return to the palace, please return to the palace..."

The Empress Dowager finally turned her head and looked at Meng Li standing behind. Meng Li bowed his hand and saluted the empress dowager, saying:

"please return to the palace."

The Empress Dowager snorted and called out the name of the female official who was waiting on her. The female official opened the door from the outside. When the Empress Dowager came to the door, she saw the people kneeling outside and begged her to return to the palace.

Feng Hou and Zhang ningyun are kneeling in front of them.

Looking up at the empress, Zhang ningyun said, "grandmother, let's go back to the palace."

The Empress Dowager's lips moved, and everyone asked the Empress Dowager to earn enough face. The Empress Dowager first declined, saying that she was very good in Nanshan Temple and how to pray for the world.

Of course, later he sighed a few times and agreed in a way of serving the country and the people.

But it is not suitable to leave today. Meng Li said that he would stay overnight in Nanshan Temple and start tomorrow.

Anyway, Meng Li is the queen. No one wants to object to such trifles as living out for one night.

Let the ministers move freely. There is a large mountain forest in the back of Nanshan Temple. You can also play in it.

Since they are in the temple, most of the ministers have come to ask for fortune telling.

Meng Li is embarrassed to stay with the Empress Dowager. He stays in the room arranged by the abbot.

The moon is waiting by.

Meng Li asked:

"where's tainv?"

"Your Highness, your highness is in the back mountain."

Meng Li Oh, with a finger on the table, a regular percussion.

I don't know if this is a good opportunity.

The empress and ministers are here, and there are so many monks in the temple.

And so the news spread faster, you can't even seal it.

Meng Li asks Mingyue to say to the abbot that he hopes that the abbot will prepare the fast meal and everyone will eat together in the morning.

Dinner party.

Mingyue did as she did. The Empress Dowager didn't have any opinions after she learned about it. Originally, leading her ministers to have a meal together was a kind of respect for God and Buddha.It's a big table for monks to eat together. Naturally, it's suitable for a group of people.

To be honest, many people don't have the chance to sit at the same table with the queen. It's still a little nervous.

Meng Li, let's not be constrained and eat.

Meng Li is very careful about everything. He is checking for poison.

But Meng Li regretted that she had given the opportunity to Zhang ningyun, who did not seize it.

Meng Li finished his fasting meal, but he didn't get any food added.

Looking at Zhang ningyun next to him, he was still fidgeting around Meng Li. He didn't know what he was thinking in his head. His eyes were in a mess. He had a strange and inexplicable temperament.

Meng Li wants to scold the mentally retarded.

If she wants to poison anyone, this kind of opportunity is the best. It's not easy to find the person who poisoned.

But in the palace, the scope is narrowed, so it's better to investigate.

Zhang ningyun doesn't know how to seize the opportunity, which makes Meng Li speechless. Thanks to her bringing so many people out.

On the one hand, it is to earn face for the Empress Dowager. On the other hand, it still wants so many people to witness Zhang ningyun's accusation.

There's nothing to say.

When it happens in the palace, it is always easy to bring a lot of mystery, and it always makes people feel that there is another truth.

Meng Li is speechless. He can only take such a group of people back to the imperial city.

After the empress returned to the palace, Meng Li talked to the empress once. The words were implicit, but the meaning was very clear.

That is to let the Empress Dowager provide for the aged well in the palace and relax her mind. She will give the Empress Dowager a very respectable old age before the time when the country is alive or dead.

However, if the queen has to interfere too much in her major and minor affairs, she will be very strong. I'm afraid that it will damage the mother daughter relationship.

In the face of these words, although the queen was angry, she also had a sense of expectation.

Sigh, see oneself want to open to want not to open.

It's reasonable to say that when you are old, you should make less trouble. You don't know how long you can live. What's the use of fighting so much?

The key is, it is not necessarily able to win. The Queen's wings are hard. She should have thought about it sooner or later.

One mountain can't hold two tigers.

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