"Mingyue, follow me to fenghougong." Meng Li said to the female official next to him.

The moon nodded and told people to prepare for the sedan.

When Meng Li got into the sedan chair and headed for Fenghou palace, it was already dark. The bright moon followed him quickly. When he arrived at Fenghou palace, the servant at the door saw Meng Li and saluted him.

Meng got out of the sedan chair and said:

"get flat."

She walked towards the inner hall. Zhang ningyun ran out of the inner hall. Her eyes were flustered and strange. She bit her lips tightly and didn't speak.

Meng Li walks towards Zhang ningyun and looks at Zhang ningyun, who is only five years old now. He looks cute in his little coat.

Meng Li said with a smile:

"isn't this my empress dowager?"

Zhang ningyun's body retreated, and she watched Meng Li warily.

After that came the attendant who took care of Zhang ningyun. She bowed down and saluted:

"Your Majesty."

Meng Li gave a sound, and then she quickly said to Zhang ningyun:

"Your Highness, please send your respects to your majesty."

Zhang Ning Yun pouted his little mouth and did not move.

Meng Li said with a smile:

"no harm."

"My ningyun is still young."

A five-year-old body hides an adult soul. What he does now depends on his age.

"What are you doing here?" Zhang could not help asking.

The attendants around her look flustered. Oh, Hello, my little master. Now empress Feng is not in good health, and she should be cautious.

How can you call your majesty that.

She can't help but push Zhang ningyun's hand with her hand.

Zhang ningyun's hand in his sleeve was very tight, so he relaxed.

"I've come to see your father." Meng Li squats down and looks at Zhang ningyun as flat as possible.

"Ha ~ ~" Zhang ningyun squeezed a smile from his throat, which seemed to be sarcastic.

Meng Li gets up, turns around and walks towards the inner hall. There is a doctor busy in it. Seeing Meng Li, he salutes again. Meng Li asks them to do their own work first.

And then came to Shao Jiatan.

Zhang ningyun has been following Meng Li, watching Meng Li close to Shao Jia. She also comes to Shao Jia's bed. She is watching Meng Li warily.

Meng Li looked at Shao Jia, the men of this era are delicate, white skin, red lips, slim.

Well, it's a little fresh meat.

But at the moment, Shao Jia's face was pale and his lips were colorless. He closed his eyes tightly and made a weak painful sound from time to time.

Meng Li doesn't speak. He accompanies empress Feng in silence. Zhang ningyun stares at Meng Li with vigilance all the time.

Meng Li said faintly:

"Ning Yun, why are you so defensive against me?"

"No Zhang ningyun said stubbornly.

Meng Li said jokingly:

"little child, you can cheat me."

What Meng Li said was easy, but Zhang ningyun was shocked.

She adjusted her expression and stopped talking at the beginning.

Shao Jia on the bed heard Meng Li's voice and woke up. His long eyelashes trembled. He opened his eyes, looked at Meng Li and cried in a hoarse voice:

"Your Majesty."

He was about to struggle. Meng Li pressed his shoulders and covered him with a quilt. He said in a soft voice:

"cultivate yourself well. I'll come to see you."

"Thank you, Ron." Shao Jia said with difficulty.

"After the father." Zhang ningyun called in a low voice.

"Your Highness." Shao Jia said.

"Why does the empress father have such a division?" Zhang ningyun murmured.

Shao Jia turns to take a look at Zhang ningyun, and then looks away from him.

He just said: "Your Highness is the empress of the emperor. Even if she is the father, she is also..." He coughed before he finished.

Once again, Zhang ningyun hated the strict rules of the royal family.

Meng Li knows that Shao Jia's words remind her that Zhang ningyun is the Empress Dowager.

Perhaps Shao Jia also knew that his time was running out, and that the post of empress Phoenix could not be vacant.

Zhang ningyun's position as the crown prince is likely to be shaken. He still has a long way to go to become emperor.

"Yes, my empress dowager is very worried about you. When I came here, she was already here." Meng Li said.

Meng Li's words let Shao Jia breathe a sigh of relief.

He said:

"thank you, my Lord."

Whether it's true or not, at least now there's a word to reassure him.

There is only such a little friendship between them.

Zhang ningyun was stunned and didn't know what to think. Shao Jia took another look at Zhang ningyun, squeezed out a smile and said to Meng Li:"Your Majesty, I want to speak to you alone."

Meng Li said, "let's all go down."

Zhang ningyun looked back, but his face was not willing.

Meng Li reaches out her hand and plans to touch Zhang ningyun's pigtail. She rejects Meng Li very much. As soon as she twists her body dexterously, she avoids it.

Meng Li's hand stops in the air, Shao Jia looks very embarrassed.

And sighed in my heart.

Zhang ningyun turns around and trots away. All the doctors in the room step down.

Shao Jia's hand stretched out from the quilt. Meng Li hesitated for a moment and put out his hand to cover Shao Jia's hand.

Shao Jia's hands are cold, like a piece of ice, but very delicate.

"Your Majesty, I may not be able to accompany you in the future." Shao Jiaxiao is very sad.

Meng Li said:

"don't say that. Believe me, you will be fine."

She scanned Shao Jia's body with her mental strength to understand his situation.

Even if she gave him a life extension, it was just to let Shao Jia stay in the world and suffer more.

"Your Majesty, I have something to say, but now I have to say it." Shao Jia hesitated and said.

Meng Li said:

"just say it."

"I can be your Majesty's Phoenix queen, and I have already died without regret. But with the empress dowager, I still have a sentimental attachment. I know I shouldn't, but I..." Shao Jia said intermittently.

Meng Li rubbed Shaojia's hand to keep him warm.

Then Meng said, "I can understand."

"Thank you, sir." Shao Jia took a look at Meng Li's hand and felt warm in her heart.

He continued:

"I hope your majesty will tolerate the Empress Dowager more in the future. This is my only wish."

Meng Li nodded:

"naturally, you can rest assured."

Shao Jia: "thank you."

When they were silent, Meng Li finally said:

"take good care of yourself. You are just sick. You will be fine."

Shao Jia suddenly smiles, adding a lot of vitality to her beautiful face:

"good, your majesty."

"I have something else to do, you should cultivate yourself well, i..."

"Go ahead."

Shao Jia: "excuse me, I can't get up to present my majesty."

Meng Li:

"no harm."

Shao Jia took a look at Meng Li's face. She had thought about it and complained about it. She was about to say goodbye to him.

Is there any chance to see you again?

Meng Li turns to get out of the room and opens the door. Zhang ningyun stands at the door. She sees Meng Li and retreats.

Meng Li said:

"spend more time with your father."

Zhang ningyun looked inside, his lips moved, and did not speak.

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