It's not surprising that the client has no opinion. In fact, she can't beat these people.

If she doesn't listen, the country will perish.

She is like a king of subjugation.

As the queen, most of the clients are involuntarily.

If you don't want to go to that male concubine for the night, it's all arranged by others.

If the person you like a little doesn't get the favor of those people, you will persuade her to stay away all day.

The client is very speechless.

There's almost nothing you can do about big and small things. You can't help yourself with national affairs, private houses and other affairs.

In fact, all these things are OK. In fact, it's not only her who lives like this, but also some queens who lived so mediocre before.

Although she seems mediocre, she is not another kind of penetration.

If we can see clearly, we can not care. Conservatism is not a sound policy of governing the country.

Not everyone can create a great cause and be famous forever.

You can say whatever you want. Although you are really upset sometimes, you can still bear it as long as there is no big trouble in the country and there is no eternal name.

And then one day, the client's Phoenix cooled.

In a word, the client doesn't have much affection for this arranged marriage.

Where there are pure feelings in Royal affairs, the most important thing is the combination of rights and interests.

Empress Feng's family sent her to the palace in order to consolidate her family's position.

After the queen married Feng, she also wanted to win over her husband.

It's a bit far fetched to talk about deep love.

There was no one in the back palace, and then everyone began to think about the position of empress Phoenix.

The client doesn't have any opinions. It's useless to have opinions.

Just watch and choose one for me.

He has been numb by these people.

Of course, the queen has to worry about it.

He quickly chose a phoenix queen for the client. This Phoenix Queen looks better and has a sweeter mouth than the former Phoenix queen.

It seems that she is also very considerate. She always thinks about her clients. Even if she is the queen, she will fall into a sweet trap. Besides, the empress of Phoenix can't help but feel depressed, and this empress of Phoenix will come to relieve her depression.

It's very popular with clients.

Later they had a child.

Later, the child didn't know how to die.

Later, empress Feng didn't know how to die.

Later, the client didn't know how to linger on the sickbed, and it didn't take long to get cold.

Before she died, Zhang ningyun, her empress dowager, told her that she had done everything.

It was the client who betrayed her father, who was merciless, ignored her and killed her.

All in all, it's the client's fault.

Young client???

Looking at Zhang ningyun, he said these inexplicable words.

Meng Li:???

Meng Li received here, the plot stopped, and then came back to his mind with a force.

Two more episodes.

Because it's a story of rebirth.

The reborn is Zhang ningyun, the daughter of the client and the former Fenghou.

But in the past, empress Feng was a great family. Now she is still vigorous and strong. She is deeply rooted in the court and occupies an important position.

Backed by such a father family, Zhang ningyun was not alone in the harem.

It's not anyone who can move.

There is no such thing as empress Feng. When she dies, someone dares to show her face.

Later, the relationship between empress Feng and the client was also good, which led to empress Feng's favor.

In the end, empress Feng had her own child. She had many thoughts in her heart. She wanted her child to be the Empress Dowager.

Zhang ningyun was in the way.

Then the empress Phoenix and Zhang ningyun's father's family began to fight. After years of fighting, Zhang's father's family had some political problems and was caught by the wind queen. The fight between the two families was also in full swing.

The fight in the harem is secret and bloody. It's common that a long-term fight will come to an end.

After all, the empress Phoenix won.

Later, Zhang ningyun was reborn. She wanted to win the throne and defeated empress Feng.

She also resents the client. She thinks that the client is the most important in the world. Empress Feng never cares about her fight. If the client is willing to help her, she will not lose so miserably.

She's the eldest daughter. She's the orthodoxy.

And the client only loves beauty and never cares about her daughter.

In addition to the mediocre way of the emperor, Zhang ningyun thinks that the consignor is a fatuous king.

At first, the client was very angry about his daughter's death, but when he learned the truth, the client was silent.She didn't know what to change.

But she didn't want to kill her children, and she didn't want to deprive her children of everything they should have.

I don't want the empress Phoenix to have an accident.

Meng Li accepts the story and rubs her eyebrows. The client seems to be in harmony and reluctant to give up anything. She throws the problem to her.

In fact, Meng Li thinks that it's normal for the client to do so. Everything in life can't be very decisive.

Not everything can be divided into love and hate.

There are too many problems. If we simply talk about right and wrong, there won't be so much trouble in the world and people won't be so confused.

On the one hand, it's my daughter. On the other hand, it's the queen of Phoenix.

In the lonely imperial life, no matter true or false, it's not easy to find a person whose everything fits her heart, and it's normal to give up.

Don't say the emperor, is ordinary people, if you meet a everything fit the heart, want to give up is not an easy thing.

To use a more exaggerated way of saying, this is to meet a soul mate.

As for her daughter, the trustor is in fact in debt. I have to admit that the trustor is a person, and she spends the same time as all the subjects in the world.

All kinds of affairs, the harem seems to need her, so she has no time to care about Zhang ningyun.

Especially after Zhang ningyun lost his father, he needed more care than others.

Even if her daughter twisted her personality later, the client felt that she was partly at fault.

As for her being killed by her own daughter, the client is very open-minded. In ordinary people's homes, killing her mother and killing her father is a very rebellious thing.

And in the royal family, the fate of such as her, by the children of people, is not without.

Think you owe her.

It's not that the trustor is so generous, but that she is no longer entangled in this matter. If she can let go of herself, there is no need for others to say more.

In fact, it doesn't matter how many people who are sitting in this chair don't end up well.

It's just that she doesn't want to do it again.

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