Yasai was speechless, and Meng Li was speechless. The atmosphere condensed, and the two men were deadlocked.

And Yao Yuena is deeply leaning on Meng Li. Meng Li still has to support her and is tired.

But this kind of thing depends on endurance.

Mengli was waiting, waiting for asal to be tired.

The planet of Leian Dengtu is really far away. After staying on the spaceship for a long time, Yasai drank a tube of nutriment and asked Meng Li if he wanted to drink it.

Meng Li is hungry and takes out her own nutriment to drink. Anyway, it doesn't affect her to hold Yao Yuena.

After a long stalemate, Meng Li's soul power was stronger and persisted for a longer time, better than Yasai. Yasai stood in front of Meng Li, exhausted.

He had been guarding against Meng Li before, but after such a long time, Meng Li didn't do anything to him. In addition to his physical fatigue, he gradually relaxed.

Just when Yasser was in a bad state, Meng Li showed his dream beast talent again. Yasser was caught off guard, and his eyes were dull.

Meng Li breathed a sigh of relief. It took too much mental energy to use it. After all, her mental power was not as strong as that of dream beast.

Then he put Yasai and Yao Yuena together, took out the silver needle and moved his hands and feet on them. Maybe he would not wake up easily.

After doing all this, Meng Li was satisfied, picked Yao Yuena up from the ground and took Yao Yuena to the cab.

The driver's cab is the most important thing. Most people can't go in and out at will, but Yao Yuena has this right.

Meng Li pushes Yao Yuena in front of her. The door of the cab identifies Yao Yuena, and the door opens automatically.

And the driving of the spaceship is set by various procedures, not by people. At the moment, the pilot is observing all aspects of the spaceship. When he hears the door open, he thinks it's Yasser. He turns around and sees a girl with a laser gun at him.

The driver is a mellow man, see Meng Li with a gun at him, and see Yao Yuena is also like a dead dog, Meng Li twisted.

The flesh on his face trembled. He raised his hands and made a surrender:

"Oh, beautiful lady, what are you doing?"

Meng Li said simply and directly:

"open the intelligent brain control center for me."

The driver seems to have heard something incredible, and his exaggerated eyes widened:

"Oh, miss, what are you talking about? Don't, I forgive you for your ignorance. Intelligent brain control center is very important. If we are careless, we will lose our lives."

Meng Li hooked his lips and said:

"is that right? Are you really not going to be obedient? "

Fat man's head shakes like a rattle, he said:

"Miss, this request is unreasonable, I don't think I can promise you, by the way, where's Yasser?"

Meng Li: "what do you think?"

The fat man pursed his mouth. Yasai was not there. Maybe he had been hurt by the other side.

Meng Li took a look at a screen in the middle of the cab. There were lots of buttons and buttons on the side. It was painful to see.

She pointed the muzzle at the screen in the middle, which is the control center of the spaceship. Seeing Meng Li pointing the muzzle at the big screen, the fat man exclaimed:

"Miss, don't do stupid things, don't shoot at any place, we'll be finished at that time."

Meng Li pointed the gun at the fat man again:

"this shot, maybe it's to find a place to shoot. It's not towards you, it's towards anywhere."

"Or, go to your miss Yuena." Meng Li thought about it and added.

Fat man clenched his hand. He was crazy about machines. He couldn't bear to hurt himself. Fat man was not worried about his own safety.

After all, she is a valuable person. She needs to operate the ship herself.

And miss Yuena, she won't tear up the ticket now, that's the only dependence in her hand.

Think about it, she's most likely to break the machine.

Fortunately, laser guns don't do much damage to spaceships.

"Why do you want to do this, lovely girl? Where do you want to go? I'll take you. You can't understand it. It's very complicated." After the fat man thought about it, his face relaxed.

His originally bent legs slowly straightened again.

Meng Li raised her eyebrows and said:

"why can't I understand it?"

Then she seemed to think of something, and she said:

"OK, this shot, I'll shoot you. It doesn't matter if you die. There is a man on the spaceship, I believe he will."

"No, he will, for the sake of his life and the life of the noble miss Yuena."

Meng Li shrugged helplessly and sighed:

"you see, you are now a useless person on this spaceship."

The fat man's heart trembled and looked at Meng Li's muzzle, as if there would be a ray of light shining on him at any time, vanishing him into ashes.Before you can rely on yourself and have value, but now the fat man knows in his heart that the other side already knows that he has no value. Naturally, Yasser will. He knows better than anyone else.

He looked more upright and squatted again.

He said:

"Miss, I can open it for you, but don't operate it carelessly."

Meng Li nodded, and the fat man was still witty.

Meng Li pointed his gun at the intelligent brain control center:


The fat man looks like he wants to cry, but he thinks that Yasser is useless. Why can't a child do it.

Thanks to him, he has no worries. He thinks that he can solve the problem easily when he gets to the place. He just needs to do his own work well.

When he comes to the control center, he arranges his clothes and hat, straightens his expression and looks at the screen.

After several wonderful times, there was a mechanical voice:

"identification is successful, please enter the password."

As soon as the fat man reached out his hand to enter the password, he felt that his head was close to something cold. All of a sudden, his heart jumped to his throat. He moved his head hard and looked at Meng Li next to him.

I almost cried.

It's so scary.

All of a sudden to his front, there is no voice, or people?

"Watch what I'm doing, enter the code." Meng Li said.

The fat man squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying:

"beautiful lady, can you put down the laser gun? I'm afraid. I'm afraid I can't lose. You know, if you input the wrong password, it will send back an alarm."

Meng Li also laughed, and she said:

"you know, you don't have any bargaining room with me now."

Fat face embarrassed, want to say what, feel the gun on the head against more force, and can directly feel the side of the killing, this just busy stretch out the white fat hand, in the screen input password.

"The password is correct, please give us the order." Inside came a mechanical female voice.

The fat man looked at Meng Li: "OK All right

His face was flushed with fear because of high emotional tension.

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