Yao Qian is the illegitimate son of the Yao family.

Of course, it was because Yao Qian was a boy that he was able to live in Yao's home.

Although he was an illegitimate child, since he was picked up by the Yao family, it was also admitted by the Yao family. The outside world still politely called him Yao Er Shao.

Yao Qian's talent is not bad, and there is only one son in charge of the Yao family. It is very likely that Yao Qian will be the successor in the future.

Therefore, Yao Qian will face more dangers than others.

Yao Qian's mother has been raised outside by the Yao family all the year round. In fact, Yao Qian has not only given birth to such a child, but also a sister with the same father and mother. However, because she is a girl, she has not been recognized by the Yao family.

Although they have no reputation, they have a lot of money.

After Yao Qian went to Yao's house, he took more care of his mother and sister.

Yao Qian's sister, Yao Yuena, has her whole heart on her younger brother, waiting for her younger brother to succeed the Yao family.

It's all about Yao Qian.

Yao Qian is also Yao Yuena's and her mother's all dependence. If Yao qian can't succeed in taking power, they won't come to a good end when Yao's family leader dies.

For this reason, Yao Qian's safety is what Yao Yuena is most worried about.

She told her brother that she wanted to cultivate a good guardian for him.

Yao Qian didn't have any opinions. The young master had no guardian, so he arranged it for Yao Yuena.

Yao Yuena went to various shelters to select children with good qualifications. She brought more than a dozen children to this barren planet for several years and began secret training.

And Meng Li's client was one of a dozen children.

The client is called LAN LAN.

The name was given by the shelter. It was obtained at random. I don't know why.

In this training camp, all kinds of training emerge in endlessly, which is also very cruel. There were more than ten before, but now there are only ten left.

There were deaths during the period.

At first, when the client saw that someone had died, he was afraid that he would be like this one day.

But when the second and the third die, the client is numb.

There is no human feelings in it. We are not allowed to communicate, and we are all competitors.

Cruelty, pain, life like a machine, the client finally survived.

She and another boy were selected to be Yao Qian's guardian.

Yao Yuena was taken away from the planet, the initial training was completed, and later Yao Jiapei developed a mecha division.

A variety of other training has also been carried out, including means of assassination.

It seems like it's pretty good. It's coming out.

In fact, the client wants to escape such a life, but he can't.

There is no humanity here. The idea she accepted is that she can't say a word more, and she can't have her own ideas. What the host says is what she wants.

It's like an advanced robot.

When the client was brought to Yao Qian, Yao Qian was very satisfied.

But Yao Qian's character is uncertain, and he is not very good to the guardians around him, but he has long been trained to be a client of advanced robots without thinking, and he will only be submissive.

What can I do? I can't shout that I want to leave.

Such a great power can not be resisted by the personal strength of the client.

Later, the client died. For the sake of Yao Qian, he blocked the assassination and sacrificed himself.

She ended her life.

The life of the client is the most painful, and the source of the pain is Yao Yuena.

If she doesn't take herself away, she won't have to live in training camp for so many years.

For so many years, the client did not know what happiness was, only what pain was.

Her wish is simple. She wants to be free.

No longer be manipulated, live a normal life on the line.

For Yao Yuena, the client doesn't have much resistance in her heart. She thinks it's hard to get revenge. If she can get revenge, she can get revenge. If she can't get revenge, it's OK.

Meng Li accepted the plot and absorbed his breath.

Did not expect to come to the interstellar age, and the client has such a painful life.

The pain is twofold. They have no childhood and no normal life.

But from the perspective of Meng Li, this is also the normal in the world.

The client did not come here voluntarily, but was brought here in a muddle headed way. She had no right to choose.

He has been raised here for several years and has been trained for some time. Meng Li talks sarcastically, then droops his head and closes his eyes.

The body is very uncomfortable. What kind of ghost training is this? Is it a test of their endurance?

Meng Li knows that it's not the most painful now. There are many painful things.Meng lisuo thought about how to complete this task.

I'm sure I'm going to leave this planet, but if I want to leave this planet, I need a smart brain spaceship.

Then Yao Yuena is also able to revenge as much as possible, after all, the task to do a little bit better, higher points, more rewards.

Meng Li was a bit upset. Last time, the client became the demon pet of human beings. This time, he became the bodyguard of human beings.

Ah, no, it's the bodyguard.

Next time, be sure to change the identity of a free point.

Meng Li is tired of doing two such tasks in a row.

Finally, after being hanged for a long time, Yao Yuena took several people to the stage.

Meng Li raised her head and looked at Yao Yuena. She was wearing sunglasses, big wavy curly hair, red lips and a long red skirt. She was very feminine.

He's tall, too.

This gene is certainly not bad. Although she's an illegitimate daughter, she can't be seen on the outside, but her mother also has to have a good appearance, so that the Yao family's owner can speak.

So the baby will not look good.

Meng Li feels that Yao Yuena's heart is a bit distorted, because she sometimes deliberately torments this group of teenagers.

There's also a sense of supremacy.

Here, full of superiority.

Meng Li expresses his understanding. From the plot, he knows that when Yao Yuena returns to tatali, she is often called illegitimate daughter.

It is the eternal pain in her heart, the sense of superiority, which can not be obtained outside, can only be obtained here.

"How are you? My babies. " Yao Yuena, standing on the high ground, asked in a concerned voice.

Ten people, including Meng Li, all nodded.

You can't do it without nodding.

Yao Yuena was very happy to see this. She said to an adult man beside her with a smile:

"you see, they have made progress again. They have been suspended for a day, and they are in good condition."

Meng Li dropped his eyelids and said nothing.

"Babies have made progress. Do you want to eat?" Yao Yuena said.

Everyone nodded again. Yao Yuena was not satisfied. She just nodded and said:

"do you want to eat? If you want to eat, say it. "

"I want to eat it." Everyone said feebly, very numb.

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