Meng Li said meaningfully:

"there are tens of thousands of pieces in the way of heaven. They are the people who are very lucky. In the final analysis, they are only one piece."

"And you, master? Why are you waiting for us here today? "

Practitioners say that they go against the heaven, but in fact, treasures and spiritual power are given by heaven and earth. Therefore, when the monk dies, his spiritual power will also be given to heaven and earth.

Return to the world.

If you want to jump out of the control of heaven, how difficult it is.

Rao is Meng Li. Now he seems to have jumped out of the way of heaven and become a Tasker, but Meng Li also feels that things are not so simple.

Most of the time, their mission is also to serve the way of heaven.

The giant beast slowly moved his big eyes to Meng Li and to Chi Ming.

From his huge body, he heard that Meng Li was just a piece of heaven.

There is anger, but more helplessness.

Also surprised, he said:

"are you really a young dream beast?"

How do you understand the secret when you are young?

Meng Li just said:

"I am a chess piece, and I am not a chess piece."

Chi Ming looks at Meng Li's conversation with the giant beast.

From the surface to listen to the meaning, he can understand, but do not know why, and feel that he did not understand.

Just a few short words, but he felt abstruse for no reason.

"Si Tian, what are you talking about?" Chi Ming can't help asking.

However, the giant beast was not friendly to Chi Ming at all. He waved his hand again. As soon as Chi Ming's voice fell, he was waved away again.

Dusk pool

It's going to be special.

You can bully people if you are strong, right.

"I don't want to waste my time. How do you want to die?" Giant asked Meng Li.

Meng Li: "it's OK not to die."

Beast: "no way."

Meng Li moved in his heart and said to the beast:

"if I can take you out of here?"

The giant's finger moved slightly, but his finger was too big, so it was obvious that Meng Li felt that he was moved.

Then he said:

"it's not suitable for a third person to hear, master, you..."

She can't deal with Chi Ming, but the beast can.

The beast took a look at the pool dusk that rolled back, and felt that this son was also a God.

That's it?



As a result, Chi Ming just rolled back and was stunned by an attack from the beast.

Chi Ming gorgeous fell down from the mid air, Meng Li's expressionless look, watching Chi Ming fall to the ground.

At the same time that the pool night fell to the ground, a flash of lightning came from the sky for no reason, and it struck the giant beast.

The giant God was struck and snorted. He was very angry.

Meng Li couldn't help saying:

"the curse of heaven?"

The operation of the way of heaven is very simple.

Beast: shut up

Meng Li closed his mouth and looked at the beast.

"I think you're trapped in this." Meng Li said.

The giant beast said sarcastically:

"after being with human beings for a long time, they have learned the insidious and cunning of human beings."

"If your ancestors knew that you were one of their descendants, they would have to clean up their own doors."

Meng Li looked at the beast strangely and said:

"is it bad to have a brain?"

The voice of the giant beast suddenly rose:

"unfilial offspring, you said your ancestors had no brains."

Meng Li pursed his mouth.

Even if she didn't say it, she didn't say it.

"Are you going or not, master?"

The giant beast reaches out his hand and wants to catch Meng Li. Meng Li dodges. The giant beast is a little angry:

"you dare to hide."

Meng Li sighed:

"elder, I really don't want to die. You can catch me easily. I don't trust that I am in your hands."

If it wasn't for the bead, Meng Li didn't want to talk to the beast any more.

Now building a space passage should be able to run away, right?

Giant beast:

"those who are greedy for life and afraid of death."

Meng Li nodded: "yes."

"How are you going to take me?" The beast was silent for a moment, then said.

Looking at the giant beast's huge body, Meng Li said:

"if you can get smaller, it should be OK."

She can't move at this age.

The beast sneered and asked:

"are you so kind?"Meng Li said with a smile:

"you don't mean you have friendship with my ancestors. Why can't I help you?"

The beast said:

"but your talent can't take me away."

Meng Li said with a smile:

"as long as you can get smaller, I can try. I can't beat you again. What I should worry about is whether I'm good or not, in case you cross the river and tear down the bridge..."

"Well, I'm not that despicable person." The beast was disdainful and angry.

He snorted, which made Meng shake.

Meng Li held his body and held out his hand:

"come to my hand."

The beast took a look at Meng Li's palm, which was not as big as one of his little thumbs.

It's just amazing.

He changed his figure several times, and finally he was dragged by Meng Li's hand.

The bead is also set in the body of the beast, it seems to be an ordinary bead.

Seeing that Meng Li's eyes fell on the bead, the beast sneered in his heart and knew that he had a different plan.

But how can ordinary people get this?

That's right. Everyone is a pawn of the way of heaven. Everyone is a pawn.

He is also a chess piece, which has been prepared for thousands of years.

"It's impossible to take me like this. There's an array here. There's a lot of killing in it. If you break into it, you'll be broken to pieces." Giant still can't help reminding Meng Li.

As long as he stays here, he will not die.

But this little dream beast is not necessarily. If he really wants to die, it's better to let him kill him.

Just returned the love of the old dream beast.

Meng Li is not interested in knowing the array under his feet or breaking it. He can directly build a space channel and go.

Meng Li reaches out her hand and builds a space passage. Although the space passage she builds is a bean curd dregs project, it can also let her pass.

I took a look at the pool before I left.

There is an array in it, but it can still trap Chi Ming.

You can always come back.

Fortunately, the repression of this world is not as big as the modern level. It is far away from building a channel when it reappears.

The beast felt for a moment, and he was out of the range covered by the array.

What Meng Li and the Beast Don't know is that as soon as they left, there were bursts of thunder and lightning in the array.

I don't know what to do.

Rao Shi has existed for tens of thousands of years and spent countless years. When he saw that it was so easy to come out, he was stunned, and then he burst out laughing:

"come out, ha ha!"

"I'm out at last, my God!"

Meng Li smoked the corner of his mouth and said:

"don't be happy too early. This place is a dangerous place, that is to say, it hasn't really gone out yet."

"The setting sun?" The giant beast is in the palm of Meng Li's hand. Looking at Meng Li, he asks.

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