Yue Xiaowei fell in love with those days.

I fell in love with my brother, brother and brother.

It's much better than the oppressive and breathless days at home.

It was too late for the client to find that his son was getting along with the unruly people in the society.

At that time, Yue Xiaowei, facing his mother, could say a lot of angry words every minute.

The reason why the client can find that Yue Xiaowei has become like this is because Yue Xiaowei was injured and hospitalized.

Yue Xiaowei joined the so-called gang. There must be disputes among the so-called gangs. In fact, Yue Xiaowei is an honest man in his heart. He rushed to the front, but he was hurt because of his poor strength.

In fact, Yue Xiaowei had a lot of fights before, but he was slightly injured and could cover it up. The client didn't notice it at all.

After all, he is a boy, and the client can't lift his son's clothes to see if he is not.

Isn't that a pervert.

This time, Yue Xiaowei was beaten seriously. Therefore, the matter could not be concealed.

The trustor is angry. In the face of her son's rebellious appearance, she can't eat a meal, but she can't help it, so she will give full play to her strengths.


As long as Yue Xiaowei is at home, the client will cross examine him. If he finds any clue, he will scold him.

But Yue Xiaowei didn't like to be scolded by his client. He had been outside for a long time and had a lot of courage.

So, often in the middle of the night, neighbors can hear the quarrel between Yue Xiaowei and his client.

Of course, Yue Xiaowei's study naturally can't keep up, and he can't get into high school after graduating from junior high school.

The client still wants Yue Xiaowei to become a talented person, even though their relationship between mother and son is as cold as ice.

Yue Xiaowei often doesn't go home. She is taller than the client. She has no way to take care of her son.

After sending Yue Xiaowei to technical secondary school, you can continue to study in technical secondary school.

So Yue Xiaowei can still hear his mother's nagging, study hard, and don't associate with unruly people.

The client's painstaking words made Yue Xiaowei very upset, especially when Yue Xiaowei heard his mother calling his brother "no three no four".

It made him extremely uncomfortable.

More reluctant to deal with clients.

After reading the technical secondary school, more arrogant, night does not return home is a common thing, but also in front of the client's mother unbridled smoking and drinking.

It's like a provocation.

No matter how angry the client is, it's going to explode.

The trustor looks at his son, even the neighbor's son, and is regarded as a negative teaching material by the people in the community.

"Don't learn from him when you grow up, you know?"

"Don't play with him, I know. It'll bring you down."

All of these make the client very sad. Looking at his son's unruly appearance, the client feels that his hard work is in vain.

How to discipline children?

If a child wants to eat, she can't help but pay, can she?

Where can she find the child if she doesn't go home?

How can she keep the children away from those unruly people? Does she have to watch her son 24 hours a day?

She has to live, earn money to support her children, and her parents occasionally have to give some money for filial piety. She has a heavy burden.

Clients often feel extremely sad in the dead of night.

Can be strong she does not allow her to show a little weak, the next day, she was her former.

Cold face, impolite words, hello in the son.

Although she wanted to smile to her son and adopt a soft policy, she quickly put her smile away and armed herself when her son was ungrateful.

In reality, prodigal son can not easily turn back.

After graduating from technical secondary school, Yue Xiaowei became a social idle person.

Making girlfriends is also a girl with messy colors on her head and a strong personality.

They share the same bad taste.

His girlfriend is really mischievous, even in the case of Yue Xiaowei did not know he was infected with drugs.

Its name is surprise!

When the client knows that his son is addicted to drugs, his son is at the end of his tether.

No money for drugs.

What girlfriends are getting on with the so-called brothers.

He broke out a conflict with others, hit both sides, once the so-called brotherhood for a woman disappeared.

Can be addicted to drugs

Looking at his son suffering from drug addiction at home, the client was really ruthless and sent to the treatment center.

After inquiring, it's really bitter inside.

I heard it was dark, too.

Send her son in. What can she do if something happens.

Over the years, her son has been her only spiritual support, although now the son is not excellent, not perfect.It's terrible.

The client who has been strong all his life is defeated in the aspect of his son's drug addiction, so he can't be strong any more.

But drug addiction is really a bottomless hole, it can quickly drain a family's savings.

Of course, Yue Xiaowei refused to stop his road of mixing society, and his heart was confiscated.

He didn't have any special skills. He was dazzled by many things.

Never willing to stop for a moment, to think about his life is right.

But has been deeply addicted to them, unable to extricate themselves.

With the support of the client, he no longer has to endure the pain of drug addiction attacks and rejoin the society.

Being coaxed into doing something illegal.

Because he is not willing to deal with the client. In fact, he is very similar to the client, that is, he is very strong.

Useful people should support themselves, with their mother's money to see their mother always straight waist.

As long as things are done, there must be traces. Although Yue Xiaowei is following others to mix with society, he has not learned how to be cunning and shrewd as well as calculating, except for his bad temper.

It was sold every minute.

He not only took the responsibility for his own crimes, but also helped others carry a big pot.

That led to more sentences.

When his son goes to prison, the client feels that his life is extremely gloomy.

It was also a failure.

Because she gave her son money to take drugs, she reselled the shop.

I'm really depressed. I've lost my savings. I'm a few decades old and I have to go back to work.

Life is not so good, in the heart is very hard, wages are low, it is not too sad to say, not a few years on a serious illness died.

Until she died, she did not wait for her son to come out.

The client is lying on the hospital bed. Before she dies, her ex husband comes to see her and sighs. As she dies, she asks her ex husband why.

In the end, a husband and wife, naturally understand.

Just tell her that maybe there is a big reason for her son's becoming like this. In fact, it has something to do with you.

He did not expect that his ex-wife after the divorce would be more powerful than before, and would not even let him see his children.

The client suddenly realized that he especially hated himself.

Her wish is to change all this.

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