Gu Yide arranges things, and then takes time. Looking at Meng Li, he says anxiously:

"where do you think the big girl will go?"

Meng Li didn't answer immediately. After thinking for a long time, he said:

"I really don't know, Dad. I'm so worried. Isn't there anything wrong with my sister?"

Gu Yide rubbed his eyebrows impatiently, looked at Meng Li, and said:

"I don't think you are in a good mood, can I get you a doctor?"

Meng Li shakes his head and refuses. Now he is too embarrassed to comfort Gu Yide. Don't be too sad and anxious.

I always feel out of place.

"You fell asleep after eating your sister's cake?"

Gu Yide finally remembered this stubble, and asked Meng Li with perplexed expression.

Meng Li nodded, and Gu Yide was silent.

Let caier go to Meng Li's room and find a doctor to check the cake.

The doctor said the pastry was filled with overpowering drugs, but Gu Yide didn't understand what Gu Xianzhi was going to do.

Meng Li is just waiting with Gu Yide. Gu Yide asks Gu he'an to deal with things instead of him, while he deals with Gu Xianzhi's own affairs.

But after a day's search, I didn't find Gu Xianzhi.

This makes Gu Yide a little desperate.

Feng Yuanzhen is still here, as usual, nothing different.

There is no speculation about the elopement, but he has made people pay attention to Feng Yuanzhen.

Why do you want to do this? Isn't it good to look after your family?

Gu Yide knew in his heart that it was hard to find Gu Xianzhi again. It seemed that he would leave at night. If he looked again during the day, he would not know where to go.

But give up do not find, can not pass the heart of this barrier.

In fact, people are used to comforting themselves. Gu Yide thinks that he can't avoid vulgarity.

At least I have tried my best to do it, and I am worthy of it.

Meng Li can't do more, don't say more, just keep the original appearance, timely show a pair of anxious or worried expression.

Sometimes doing more and saying more will backfire.

Just as Gu Yide is busy looking for Gu Xianzhi, he has no time to focus on her.

Meng Li is a pure.

Gu he'an's attitude towards Gu Xianzhi's disappearance is also normal.

No matter how to say it is a person who has lived under the eaves for so long, Gu and an still hope that Gu Xianzhi will be found.

There is something that can't be said and solved properly, so we have to sneak away like this.

In their hearts, this time is Gu Xianzhi's premeditated run away from home.

But in those days when Gu Yide was busy looking for Gu Xianzhi, Gu and an had a chance to temper and become more familiar with the business.

Maybe this time Gu and an will take over Gu's family faster than the first time.

Gu's family kept Gu Xianzhi's disappearance secret. How long can they keep it secret.

It's a way for Gu Xianzhi. After all, many things can happen when a woman is missing for a period of time, and her reputation is easily ruined. It's hard to match her husband's family in the future.

Meng Li is waiting for the task to be completed.

If Gu Xianzhi's life is not good, her task should be completed.

But Meng Li didn't know how many books she had chewed in her boudoir. She waited for a long time. When the Song family came to greet her with a sedan chair, the ban on her and system space was not loose.

Meng Li

So she has to get married?

This is the first time to be a bride, isn't it?

Meng Li prepared many kinds of medicine for self-defense and made some small concealed weapons before she got married. She was afraid that someone would attack her, um

In a word, there is no need to make some unnecessary sacrifices for the task.

And presumably the client doesn't want to see another woman sleeping with her husband.

That's very appropriate.

On the way to song's house in a sedan chair, Meng Li is very busy. Cai Er goes with her. She goes as a maid.

After all

The client is just a servant girl.

The son of the Song family came to meet his relatives on a high horse.

All the way is also smooth, no accident, and so on the team to the Song family, it is afternoon, the wedding is held in the evening, but also OK.

Meng Li covered with a red cap, but was led through all kinds of cumbersome procedures, was sent to the bridal chamber.

He covered his head in the room and sat down honestly, releasing his mental energy from time to time to check the son of song.

After paying the guests, Song Kang entered the bridal chamber.

His face turned red. Naturally, he didn't drink too much, but he was steady and should not have been drunk.

Picking up Meng Li's cover, song Kangshi looks at Meng Li and is satisfied with his eyes.

This look is his favorite style.

It's just that there's no meat on this little face, and it's a little pale. I heard it's because of my poor health.

However, it's not easy to find a person who matches him. Song Kangshi has a sense of satisfaction in his heart.Meng Li looks up at Song Kangshi, with a small concealed weapon hidden in his sleeve.

After a general survey of song Kangshi, he is now in high spirits in his happy clothes. He is also handsome. He smiles at Song Kangshi and says:


"Shh..." Song Kangshi looked at Meng Li with a smile and said, "we are married. You should call me Xianggong."

Meng Li's face was a little embarrassed. He pursed his mouth and stopped looking at Song Kangshi.

It's not that she's shy, it's that she's getting married for someone else. She should pretend to be married for the first time.

After all, the first impression is important.

It's not good to be so sophisticated and calm that it will affect the marriage of the client.

The hair ornament on his head has already made Meng Li feel tired. Meng Li moves his neck in some discomfort. Prince song also finds this. He says: "take it off for my husband, so that you can relax."

Meng Li takes another look at Song Gongzi.

It's considerate in terms of this detail.

No wonder the client is willing to marry song Kangshi again. For women of this era, song Kangshi's move is really warm.

Of course, in modern times, it is also common.

Song Kangshi didn't have much affection in his eyes. It seems that he has formed a habit of being nice to people.

I think it's normal for anyone to love for the first time.

Meng Li nodded, showing a shy look. Song Kangshi carefully took off all kinds of hair accessories from Meng Li's head.

Every time song Kangshi took down one of these pearls, they were still well placed.

They are silent and can hear each other's breathing. Meng Li also feels embarrassed.

Song Kangshi doesn't get used to it. He feels that Meng Li should be nervous. He takes the initiative to find a topic for Meng Li to talk about.

Two people have a chat, the whole process belongs to the awkward chat, forced to chat, Meng Li meet don't want to talk on a shy face don't speak.

Fortunately, song Kangshi didn't mind and understood. He didn't know what to think of. Meng Li heard his laughter.

When he took all the things off Meng Li's head, he turned his body to Meng Li.

Meng Li is sitting. In order to look at Meng Li head-on, song Kangshi squats down, just in front of Meng Li's face.

The four eyes are opposite.

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