Later, he said directly that the purpose of gaining fame was to solve the problem of life. Now that life has improved, what else can I read.

Gu Xianzhi

I had to marry, but now I can only swallow the bitter water.

However, they are not without temper. Feng Yuanzhen is not good to her. She will have temper, but Feng Yuanzhen has his own way to coax Gu Xianzhi. They still live like that.

I can't really get Gu Xianzhi back home.

Then his job will be gone.

It's an ancient version of the Phoenix man.

But brothel friends not only serve him, but also serve other men, which makes men very uncomfortable.

If you want money to redeem her, you make false accounts and get money to keep the people in the brothel in a yard.

But he also wanted money to raise people. One time, there were two. He tried to make money. Feng Yuanzhen went out to get money twice and again. Finally, Gu Yide found out.

Gu Yide directly let people go home to stay, irritating.

Stay well and don't get involved in family business any more.

Feng Yuanzhen asks Gu Xianzhi to help him go to Gu's home to intercede with him. Gu Xianzhi asks Feng Yuanzhen where all your money has gone.

All right.

If you don't tell the truth, Feng Yuanzhen said that he raised one outside.

Gu Xianzhi was so angry that he was about to explode in the same place. However, women in this era are not so exclusive of their husbands. They are just angry and have never thought about how to treat Feng Yuanzhen.

Just let them break.

But unexpectedly, the woman was pregnant. Feng Yuanzhen took her proud mother in front of Gu Xianzhi and asked Gu Xianzhi for all kinds of guarantees.

Gu Xian's heart softened and agreed to let the woman in.

Unfortunately, Gu Xianzhi also found that she was pregnant and her family had to make a living.

Gu Xianzhi had to go back to Gu's home to ask for Gu Yide, but at this time, Gu and an, Gu's adopted son, had already started to take over Gu's business.

In order to train Gu he'an, Gu Yide discussed many things with Gu he'an. Gu he'an despised Feng Yuanzhen and his behavior, and did not agree with him to come back again.

Gu he'an told Gu Yide that Feng Yuanzhen's personal ability should be tested. If his family can't afford it, it's useless.

And we have to teach him a lesson. If we don't let him return the money he took before, it will be a mercy.

Now Gu's family forgives him easily. In the future, he says that he can't go out and get some women to block Gu Xianzhi.

Gu Yide thinks Gu and an are right. Gu Xianzhi's brain is not clear, so they can't follow him.

Before that, he was too kind. He made Feng Yuanzhen's life too comfortable. Let him suffer a lot, and let him know that taking care of his family is not easy to deal with.

Gu Xianzhi has no money. He has to suffer with Feng Yuanzhen. Although his mother-in-law has made him difficult after he married, he has never suffered so much. He has less food and drink.

It's too tight.

Gu Yide is kind after all. I think Gu Xianzhi is pregnant. It's not good to eat.

Pregnant women can't suffer that.

But if you want her to eat well, you have to support the others?

No, no, No. just send someone to deliver food to her every day.

Delicious and delicious food will be sent to Gu Xianzhi as soon as it arrives at the meal point. Watch Gu Xianzhi finish eating before leaving.

Feng Yuanzhen and his concubine

It can be said that Gu family has done a great job.

One of Gu Xian's good food makes others greedy, so the other three stand on the united front and run on her in and out of words. Even the scheming brothel woman can ridicule and challenge Gu Xianzhi at will.

Especially uncomfortable.

In addition, Feng Yuanzhen completely lost his love for Gu Xianzhi, so Gu Xianzhi washed his face with tears all day.

Seeing this, the Gu family wanted to take Gu Xianzhi back, but Gu Xianzhi was so stubborn that he didn't want to go back.

Gu Xizhi also went to see Gu Xianzhi and said that he might as well go back to take care of the baby.

Gu Xianzhi doesn't want to. Gu Xizhi doesn't know what Gu Xianzhi thinks. There's something wrong with his head.

It's not good. Why don't you go back?

Sighed tone, put some silver money to Gu Xianzhi, hope Gu Xianzhi can buy something.

But this pricked Gu Xianzhi's sensitive mind, sympathized with her, gave her?

I didn't expect that I had been reduced to the point of being given alms.

No matter who is concerned, Gu Xianzhi adheres to the spirit of going down the road I chose and kneeling, and resolutely refuses to go back to his home.

This marriage brings Gu Xianzhi not only pain, but also pain.

The days of their pregnancy and childbirth were almost the same. They invited their mother-in-law. Gu Xianzhi had some dystocia and didn't give birth for a long time.

But that brothel woman actually ahead of time attack, although compared with Gu Xianzhi attack later, but looks the posture to compare her smooth.

I feel like the baby is going to fall out in the next second.As soon as Feng Yuanzhen saw it, he had better let the midwife take the time to deliver the baby. Gu Xianzhi didn't give birth after shouting for so long, so he didn't lack the time.

Then Gu Xianzhi's midwife was taken to deliver the brothel woman.

Feng Yuanzhen's mother went to the battle to cheer Gu Xianzhi. Gu Xianzhi's servant girl saw that there was no midwife. She went out to invite her.

When the maid invited the midwife back, Gu Xianzhi died of childbirth, and the child did not survive.

Gu Xianzhi's life did not end because of this. She was reborn.

Rebirth before marriage.

Of course, he didn't marry at that time.

After Gu Xianzhi was reborn, he thought that after Gu Xizhi married a man, he was in love with the son of the Song family and had a child. If Gu Xizhi had not been so resourceful at that time and asked to marry him, would these be her?

If she was willing to marry at that time, the Song family would have been more willing to marry someone with better health, right?

Gu Xizhi took her chance.

I think of Gu Xizhi. Every time I go back to Gu's home, I sit in a spacious soft sedan chair and wear gorgeous clothes.

With that kind of I don't understand you, sympathy to the extreme look at her.

This kind of feeling makes her very uncomfortable. She doesn't need sympathy. She even thinks that she is watching her jokes.

Always, Gu Xianzhi was envious and determined to revenge on all the people who had treated her badly in his last life.

Feng Yuanzhen's three people can't run away, and Gu and an are also resented. If they were willing to accept Feng Yuanzhen and go back, she would not be so sad in the Feng family.

It's not that lonely.

Don't you just fear that Feng Yuanzhen will rob him of his property?

Ha ha.

Gu Xianzhi felt that he was a lot sober when he was born again, and now he wants to understand a lot of things that he couldn't figure out in his previous life.

Last time she lost the chance to marry the Song family, she wanted to get it back.

In her last life, she cherished it in front of her. In this life, she also wanted to smash it down.

Let her feel the way she looked at herself in her humble life.

In a word, Gu Xianzhi has many plans, because the absolute prophet has realized one by one.

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