Mu Ruihua is very speechless and sometimes feels like he wants to get angry.

Especially seeing the thick powder on Su Xiaodie's face all day, Mu Ruihua couldn't bear it.

Are still students, in order to match the makeup on the face, Su xiaodieleng is to change his dressing style.

It's not like the past pure and pleasant, but a mature style.

But mu Ruihua felt a little vulgar.

However, these subtle feelings are ignored by Mu Ruihua. He really likes Su Xiaodie, not her appearance. If he dislikes Su Xiaodie because of her appearance, it's really vulgar. He doesn't admit that he is such a vulgar person.

After persuading himself and taking a long time, Mu Ruihua got used to seeing Su Xiaodie.

After all, habits are terrible.

Naturally, Mu Ruihua did not forget to investigate who stole Su Xiaodie's talisman paper. If the talisman paper had not been stolen at that time, Su Xiaodie would not have become like that.

Ask Su Xiaodie, she says it's Zhao Jia.

At that time, only Zhao Jia was closest to her, and others were farthest away from her.

It could have been stolen from the toilet.

After all, Zhao Jia was walking with her wrist.

Think of here, Su Xiaodie also hate, if not Zhao Jia, she would not be so unlucky.

She won't be disfigured. Now others stay on her face for two more seconds. Su Xiaodie feels that she is looking at the scar on her face.

The eyes seemed to be sneering.

There was no picture of her face smiling sweetly at others. She didn't dare to face people's eyes.

Afraid to see different eyes.

Did Mu Ruihua pause for a moment, Zhao Jia?

It seems that there is no influence, and how many powerful people owe them.

It's not too easy for him to clean up a person. It's a matter of one sentence.

Then Zhao Jia's family was unlucky, and Zhao Jia knew why she was so unlucky.

This pain can only be swallowed by oneself.

He was forced by Mu Ruihua to drop out of school. If he dropped out of school, he would not have a diploma. Without a diploma, he would not be able to find a good job. Zhao Jia felt that his life was a lot darker.

If you can't get up, you have to hide. The whole family has moved to other places.

I don't know what Mu Ruihua did to Zhao Jia. Even if Zhao Jia's family moved, Zhao Jia was often haunted by ghosts. Every day she was depressed and couldn't live a normal life.

The spirit is also tense for a long time.


It feels crazy.

It didn't work to invite Taoists to see it. Taoists all said that Zhao Jia had offended some serious people.

If you want to be free, you should go to the person she has offended. If you get forgiveness, it will be OK.

This means of revenge is quite powerful.

Of course, Zhao Jia doesn't want to be haunted by ghosts all her life. She has to go back to Mu Ruihua and hope to get his forgiveness.

Mu Ruihua asked Zhao Jia to admit her mistake to Su Xiaodie. Zhao Jia knelt down on both legs and had a very good attitude.

But Su Xiaodie doesn't forgive Zhao Jia.

Most people's kindness is based on not harming their own interests, and Su Xiaodie is no exception.

Su Xiaodie really doesn't want to forgive Zhao Jia.

Zhao Jia was in pain, but she couldn't help it. At that time, she just had a bad idea and felt that she could save her life.

I never thought about the consequences.

I didn't expect to have such serious consequences. I didn't expect that the society was so dark. These powerful people could do whatever they wanted.

Mu Ruihua also had trouble with Li rou.

He said that if he didn't say that Su Xiaodie had talisman paper, Su Xiaodie would not have been stolen.

There is a causal relationship. Li Rou is more interesting. Did she say that?

Did she say it was Rune paper?

Everyone is wearing so many clothes, shivering with cold. If they wear single clothes, Sabi can see the difference, OK?

If she doesn't say it, people will find it tricky.

Can you blame her?

Mu Ruihua is speechless.

In fact, Mu Ruihua does not want to be reasonable, but he is afraid of Li rou.

Every time I think back to the scene of his fighting with the female ghost, the female ghost seems to be interfered by an invisible force, otherwise it should be avoided easily several times. The female ghost is not stupid. Will she let him fight?

Mu Ruihua thinks Li Rou did it at that time.

At that time, Li Rou was the most calm person among them except Mu Ruihua.

From the discovery of ghosts to the elimination of ghosts, Li Rou's performance was too abnormal. At that time, she still had time to bicker for him.

It's not normal to be so calm.

Mu Ruihua is sensitive and unwilling to do anything he is not sure of.

Although it seems that the family background is simple, but at that time that calm, absolutely not ordinary girls show.

So Li Rou has nothing to do with the cold eyes of Mu Ruihua.Although Zhao Jia has been solved and Su Xiaodie's evil spirit has been slightly relieved, there are still some pimples.

In the end, both of them collapsed.

Su Xiaodie and Mu Ruihua should have matched each other. They should respect each other when they fall in love. The daily sweet painting style turns into sadistic love.

Su Xiaodie and Mu Ruihua broke the door.

Then they went through all kinds of misunderstandings and made up. Anyway

Two people toss each other.

In the end, Mu Ruihua can't accept it and agrees to Su Xiaodie's proposal to break up. Su Xiaodie is greatly injured. The more she thinks about it, the more she can't figure it out. She cuts her wrist and commits suicide after two days of not eating or drinking.

Fortunately, the family found out in time and sent them to the hospital.

At this time, Kong Kangning, the ten thousand year spare tire, came on the stage and took care of Su Xiaodie. Although Kong Kangning was usually low-key, he was just a little worse than Su Xiaodie's family, but he was also good.

It's very popular with Su Xiaodie's family.

Just then Mu Ruihua went out to catch ghosts again. He couldn't get in touch with Su Xiaodie on his mobile phone. He didn't know Su Xiaodie had committed suicide. When he went back, he heard that Su Xiaodie had committed suicide. He regretted that he had agreed to break up and made up with Su Xiaodie.

In any case, the two people went back and forth, separated and combined, and finally separated.

When the goddess broke up, Kong Kangning realized his value and stayed with Su Xiaodie all the time. Although Su Xiaodie was asleep, she also called Mu Ruihua's name.

Finally, Su Xiaodie was moved by Kong Kangning and they were together.

But mu Ruihua quit again. He thinks Su Xiaodie is too desperate. How can he find someone so casually? He can't watch Su Xiaodie. He wants to save her.

Just tell Su Xiaodie that you can't give up on yourself like this.

Su Xiaodie automatically thought that Mu Ruihua loved her, and then she was with Mu Ruihua again.

Kong Kangning is really depressed when he is put on the cap of forgiveness, but he is even more depressed when he is abandoned by Su Xiaodie.

Then Mu Ruihua felt that Su Xiaodie and Kong Kangning were together again. He had a knot in his heart and didn't know what to think. He forced Su Xiaodie to do something.

In a word, they upgraded from the initial sadistic love in mind to physical abuse

If it's not a word, it's nothing

Meng Li said he was dazzled.

Very speechless, do not want to see, the back of the picture is very hot eyes ah.

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