The female ghost, with a ferocious face, gritted her teeth and said:

"why shouldn't you come to my house? Isn't it good to be a guest?"

"I've been alone too long, too long."

Su Xiaodie waved her hand wildly, trying to get rid of her invisible hand, but to no avail, shouting:

"your home? This is my home. You are in my home

"Do you have any unfulfilled wishes? You can tell me that I will help you to complete them. Don't do that, OK? We have no injustice and no enmity. "

When Su Xiaodie found that her resistance had no effect, she began to discuss her life with the female ghost.

The ghost was stunned:



She's silent. Do you want to?

At that time, she hated so much that all the people she loved were dead.

Meng Li didn't plan to let them continue to talk after he first heard them talking.

Although I can't hear what they're talking about, I feel that when I talk about it, it's just a beautiful and peaceful picture. My family members recognize each other through Yin and Yang, and Mu Ruihua let the female ghost go regardless of the past.

The female ghost can't die, which leads to more and more resentment. For her, the best ending is to die.

As for Su Xiaodie, let her feel the taste of being tortured by female ghosts.

Looking at Mu Ruihua, who was anxiously turning around outside, she asked:

"can't you get in?"

Mu Ruihua brushed his head and glared at Meng Li fiercely:

"I told you all about it, so you should talk less."

Meng Li said wrongly:

"I just care about it. Xiaodie must have met a ghost in it. I don't think you can get in. I'm worried."

Murui Hua snorted coldly:

"I didn't see that, you vicious woman."

It's just so vicious. At this time, he still looks like he doesn't care. It's not worthwhile for mu Ruihua to make such friends for Su Xiaodie.

What kind of friend? Is such a person worthy of being friends with Xiaodie?

Xiaodie is too kind and simple to see the real face of these people.

do you mean you have to worry about me

Mu Ruihua clenched his fist and was a little discouraged, staring at Meng Li:

"what do you mean?"

Meng Li said with an expression that I understand you:

"you see, you must be worried and nervous when you see that we are scared by ghosts, right? But don't you also look like a light cloud? "

"I have the same character as you. In fact, I'm really worried, just like you."

Mu Ruihua

You mean to disgust him?

Seeing that Mu Ruihua did not speak, Meng Li said solemnly:

"let me have a try. Maybe this female ghost will let me in instead of you."

Mu Ruihua

Do you still have this kind of operation?

He didn't believe it. Meng Li said, "I'm not like you. I just stand by and watch everything. I'm very enthusiastic. But I told you this morning that you'd better not ask for help."

"Don't you think you need my help now?"

Mu Ruihua's fist is creaking. He really wants to tear Meng Li's mouth.

"Xiao die is also your friend. Don't forget." Mu Ruihua gritted his teeth.

Meng Li pursed a smile, which was very interesting.

Now Xiaodie is their friend.

Can't drag on any longer, Meng Li opens the door directly.

Mu Ruihua had a try. He felt that Meng Li couldn't open the door, but he wanted her to open it. This feeling was very complicated, but he didn't expect that the other party would open the door without any effort.

Mu Ruihua is a bit silly.

Is it true that the invisible wall only blocks him?

How did you do this.

No matter, the moment the door opened, Mu Ruihua rushed in directly.

Meng Li chose to go back to the room in silence and didn't want to join in the fun.

Anyway, it's wrong to say more and do more.

Then be a cold passer-by.

But Meng Li didn't expect that because she was jealous of Su Xiaodie's beauty, and because she was burned by the rune paper on Mu Ruihua's hand, she chose to cut Su Xiaodie's face.

She thought the ghost would take the opportunity to scare Su Xiaodie.

Mu Ruihua came into the room, took the paper and threw it at the ghost. The ghost was still thinking about what she wanted. After a slow reaction, the ghost gave out a very sharp cry.

No matter what, many ghost hunters came to this house to deal with her. Although she had no experience in fighting, she became a ghost and practiced a little.Knowing that it was not good for her to stay, she ran away.

Mu Ruihua also has no time to deal with female ghosts. Now the most important thing is Su Xiaodie.

He looked at Su Xiaodie. There were two long wounds on Su Xiaodie's face. The flesh and blood turned out, shocking.

The blood she shed was black and red. Looking at Mu Ruihua, her mood finally broke down:

"Mr. mu, where have you been, Wuwu..."

It seems that she remembered that her face had been scratched, and she covered her face to prevent Mu Ruihua from looking at it.

But mu Ruihua has seen that Su Xiaodie's blood is black and red. He already knows that it's abnormal. Now he must do it quickly, otherwise the scar will stay on his face forever and it's hard to remove it.

There was no time for mu Ruihua to comfort Su Xiaodie. He ran back to his room to find something.

Su Xiaodie covers her face with blood flowing from her fingers. She looks at Mu Ruihua's hurried turn and runs away. Her sobbing voice stops all of a sudden.

Run away?

It's not what she thought.

The rest of the room trembled and felt the noise outside was very big, but no one dared to go out. Who knows what we saw when we opened the door.

As long as the ghosts don't come to find themselves.

Kong Kangning's room is far away from Su Xiaodie. He only knows it's a woman's cry, but he doesn't recognize it's su Xiaodie's.

For a moment in my mind, I feel like Su Xiaodie's voice, but I deny it. With a wry smile, Xiaodie should be safe under the protection of Mu Ruihua.

What do you worry about.

Su Xiaodie had a kind of extreme sadness in her heart. Was it because her face was scratched that she scared people away?

Is she terrible?

She quickly climbed to the trunk, a pair of hands covered with blood in the inside of the random touch, the inside of all the clothes stained with blood, finally touched a small mirror, she looked at herself.

Now she has loose hair and untidy clothes.

On her face, there are two deep wounds, one on one side. Su Xiaodie can imagine that this wound may accompany her all her life.

Like two ugly centipedes on her face, she can never lift her head.

Su Xiaodie thought of this and threw the mirror on the ground with a distorted face. When Mu Ruihua came, he saw this scene.

His steps stopped. Now Su Xiaodie's facial features are twisted like the ghost, which makes Mu Ruihua feel strange.

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