Now it's that night.

Qin Xuan, who lived with her, was scared out of her mind.

Meng Li takes a look at Qin Xuan and sighs. She is so weak that she doesn't know who to toss.

She can't kill ghosts.

It's tragic to tell the story of female ghosts, but it's wrong to hurt people who have nothing to do with it. In the end, she came to a good end and went to reincarnation.

She got up and dragged Qin Xuan to bed. It took her last effort. No one was going to sleep tonight. On the first night, everyone was tossed about all night.

Meng Li felt the aura.

It's just that the aura is thin. Meng Li doesn't know how long it will take to cultivate the aura.

But she still had to work hard. She sat cross knee and began to practice.

The body is so cold, Meng Li added a dress to himself.

After thinking about it, she pressed several acupoints on Qin Xuan again. Qin Xuan woke up with a heartrending cry.

He sat up and looked at Meng Li with round eyes:

"there are ghosts, there are ghosts!"

Meng Li said: "there are ghosts."

Qin Xuan nodded wildly, looked around in disbelief, and then said:

"where's the ghost, is it gone?"

Meng Li also looked at the room. The room was not so cold and said, "I think I'm leaving."

Qin Xuan was suspicious, but she was relieved at last:

"just go, just go."

Qin Xuan was very short of breath. She rubbed her chest and seemed to have some difficulty breathing. At last, she began to cry:

"I want to go home, Li rou. Let's go home. I don't want to stay in this gloomy place."


when the time comes, Qin Xuan's body will be very tired. We'll find a way to comfort her

Qin Xuan curled up and lowered her head. Then she saw herself on the bed and jumped out of it.

She said in horror:

"I don't want to sleep in bed. I don't want to sleep in bed. Maybe this is the bed that the ghost used to sleep in."

Meng Li nodded:

"then don't sleep."

Qin Xuan couldn't stop her tears. With tears in her eyes, she said to Meng Li:

"why aren't you afraid? I think you are calm?"

Meng Li gave a bitter smile and said:

"I'm so scared that I don't have the strength to cry now."

Meng Li's tone has a sense of recognition.

Qin Xuan burst into tears:

"what should I do? What shall we do? "

"Isn't this Su Xiaodie's hometown? How can there be a ghost? "

"Su Xiaodie's hometown is haunted, doesn't she know? Why are you bringing us here? "

She cried and yelled.

Meng Li didn't reply. He worked in his body.

I don't know what to say.

In fact, Qin Xuan and Su Xiaodie have a good relationship. They usually go out together.

But now, it's normal for Su Xiaodie to be resented.

Meng Li still felt cold, and got up to add a dress, because of the season, we bring only short sleeves.

I only took one coat with me. I wore it when I was afraid of rain.

Meng Li took off her coat and put on a short sleeve inside. There were three or four short sleeves inside. She put on her coat outside.

It's strange to wear like this, but Meng can't help it.

Qin Xuan also wore a coat. Her body trembled partly because she was cold and partly because she was afraid. She also learned Meng Li's way of putting a few short sleeves on her body.

Feeling better, she stared at Meng Li, who was sitting with her knees crossed.


"what are you doing in this position?"

Meng Li said faintly:

"I just want to do this. I think it can give me a sense of security."

Qin Xuan's eyes were red and swollen. Her eyes were covered with blood. She watched Meng Li for a while, then lowered her head and began to cry again.

Although Qin Xuan is crying at this time, she is more courageous than the client. Before, when the female ghost played tricks on her, she dared to resist.

And the client is directly scared paralyzed, just like a pool of water, can not catch up.

They practiced for a while, and heard a scream coming from the next room. It was a woman's voice.

It's too harsh.

This immediately touched Qin Xuan's nerves. She was tense and uncertain:

"ghost, ghost is coming again."

Meng Li asked faintly:

"do you want to go out and have a look?"

Qin Xuan shrunk herself into a ball, with tears on her face:

"no, no, I'm afraid."

Meng Li didn't speak.In fact, I can't get out now.

Everyone can't get out of their own room. The female ghost is very funny. She keeps people in the room and teases them slowly.

Maybe I've been a ghost for too long, and my heart is distorted.

Besides, she couldn't find a ghost if she could go out.

She can't even find a ghost. How can she kill it.

If you find the key, you won't kill the ghost.

Fortunately, no one will have an accident tonight.

Meng Li took a look at the backpack. Fortunately, he was preparing to camp the next day. He bought a lot of food and could maintain it.

Then the whole house was full of screams. Every time Qin Xuan heard them, she couldn't help shaking.

when she opened the door anxiously, she asked how to go out for a long time

She pulled the door again, but still couldn't open it. She was very worried when she heard the screams of her classmates.

I didn't expect that this house was really weird.

Su Xiaodie in the heart secretly said a bad, with guilt.

Mu Ruihua's eyes flashed and said:

"I don't know, but we can't get out."

"But, Mr. mu, how did you get in?"

Su Xiaodie throws out the question in her heart. Her two dark eyes are covered with water light. She seems to be crying and looks at Mu Ruihua.

Mu Ruihua tugged at the corner of his mouth, reached out and scraped Su Xiaodie's nose. He said angrily:

"after I came in, I found that it couldn't be closed."

Su Xiaodie believed it and walked anxiously for a few steps. She punched the palm of the other hand with one hand and said in her heart:

it's all my fault, it's all my fault.

A look of regret.

Uncomfortable, but Su Xiaodie did not because of these strange how afraid, do not know why, she felt that there is mu Ruihua in her side, especially at ease.

Meng Li practiced for a while, but his body was really weak, so he decided to lie down on the bed and go to sleep.

Recover your energy and plan for the day tomorrow.

Female ghosts don't seem to play tricks on people during the day.

Looking at Meng Li lying in bed, Qin Xuan couldn't help asking:

"do you really want to sleep in bed? If it's a ghost. "

Meng Li shook his head:

"it's OK."

Then she lay in bed, closed her eyes and went to sleep.

You have to make fun of her whether you sleep or not. It's better to sleep.

Qin Xuan feels stiff on the ground. Looking at Meng Lidu, she closes her eyes. She also wants to go to sleep. It's really cold sitting on the ground.


After thinking about it, she still shook her head. No, she was scared to death when she thought that the female ghost might have slept in the bed.

I can't say that female ghosts blame them for sleeping in her bed.

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