King an ascended the throne smoothly, and the world changed its master.

It was Meng Li who presided over the ceremony of king an Qili's accession to the throne.

As a rule, she prayed to heaven.

Meng Li goes through the process step by step, and Qi Li wears a Dragon Robe, full of spirit and ambition.

Meng Li was wearing the national uniform, heavy and cumbersome, looking at Qi Li.

Today, he has long since faded from his childish appearance at that time. When he looks at people, he has his own momentum, which shows the importance of scheming.

This is a road that must be taken and is bound to change.

The former Emperor, Qi Li, did not kill him and imprisoned him in the palace with his concubines.

As for what Qi Li plans to do in the future, Meng Li is not interested.

But I don't think Qi Li will kill him openly. It's time to save face. At this time, it's not suitable to see blood.

When Qi Li became emperor, he remembered that it was Meng Li who said that he had purple Qi all around him, so he could not help but respect the national teacher more.

The national master really has a brilliant plan.

In fact, this is also a cause and effect relationship. Meng Li said that Qi Li was surrounded by purple Qi, and Qi Li chose to take this road. If Meng Li didn't say it, he would be as patient and cautious as in the story.

Qi Li chose to negotiate with Meng Li on many affairs of state.

Meng Li has always been light, did not show the flattered, also did not show the arrogance.

Just do your part.

The advice to Qi Li is to reduce taxes, recuperate and relieve the suffering of the common people. He should also tell the world that the world has changed. Work hard and don't follow the so-called uprising army.

If life can be guaranteed, what else can we fight.

The top people are a few, most of them are cannon fodder.

For organizations that are still active among the people, those that can be recruited will be recruited, while those that cannot be recruited will be directly exterminated.

Those who don't accept recruitment have no ambition in their hearts?

Qi Li is very happy. His idea coincides with Meng Li's. Since he has taken the throne, the world is his. He must clean up the mess.

To Meng Li's regret, the right prime minister resigned.

He didn't love the emperor before, but because he had entrusted him to help him, but he didn't.

No, the emperor changed people.

The right prime minister felt shameless in officialdom.

Meng Li is relieved to think that everyone has his own choice, and the right prime minister's choice is not necessarily wrong.

Old, want to rest, do not want to cheat each other's day, a few days of quiet life is good.

It's just that a good prime minister is missing in the world. The right prime minister in Qi Li's hands will certainly be able to play a role.

When the situation was fixed, Qi Li was busy with carrying out drastic reform. Besides going to the court, Meng Li stayed in the National Teacher's office.

Xiao Zhuo is nearly ten years old, but he likes to shake with a fan.

Sometimes he pretended to be an adult. His skin became white in the imperial palace. His appearance became more outstanding and his temperament was different from that of the past. Instead of his timid appearance, he became generous and free.

The environment changes a person deeply.

The youngest child who used to be suckling can already walk, while the other child can recite with a book.

Meng Li sits in the pavilion and looks at Xiaozhuo practicing martial arts in the yard. He smiles and looks up at the sky. The sky is clear and cloudless, which gives her a feeling of quiet years.

It's just

The demon king.

It's nearly two years since she left. Meng Li rubs her eyebrows. The demon king really worries her.

There are many questions about the power of space in her heart, and she wants to ask the demon king.

"Master, master."

Xiao Zhuo's voice rang out.

Meng Li looked at the past, small Zhuo forehead covered with sweat, running towards Meng Li, a courtesy.

Meng Li said with a smile:

"what's the matter?"

"Master, I've learned a set of moves. Can I dance to master?" Xiao Zhuo takes a look at Meng Li's face and immediately doesn't open it.

Want to see, but dare not see more.

Shifu is gentle and severe. Unlike his mother who passed away, he used words to slander him. Shifu would not do that. He would only punish him, but he would rather accept punishment than be scolded.

When he didn't make mistakes, the master was always gentle, his voice was never high, and he controlled it very well.

Meng Li nodded.

Xiao Zhuo went to the open space first, took the sword and began to dance. He was a child in the end. His heart was restless. When he danced the sword, he always took time to take a look at Meng Li.

That look longed for affirmation and praise.

Meng Li's face was light from beginning to end, looking at Xiao Zhuo.

In fact, Xiaozhuo's talent is good, but Gu Yi thinks that Xiaozhuo was seven or eight years old when he came to guoshifu. It's not as pure as guoshifu raised him.But Meng Li still accepted him as a disciple and was willing to give him a chance.

But with the discovery of these two years, Xiao Zhuo is particularly concerned about her thoughts and expressions, and seems to have a strong feeling of admiration?

Xiao Zhuo saw that Meng Li didn't respond, and he was filled with unspeakable disappointment.

The purpose of hard practice is to get a word from master. He never cares about other people.

He said:

"master, isn't Xiao Zhuo a good dancer?" Xiaozhuo is ten years old. His voice is tender and hard to distinguish between men and women.

Meng Li shakes his head:

"the biggest taboo of martial arts practitioners is to be distracted. When you look at me from time to time, how much effort do you spend on moves?"

Xiaozhuo sipped his mouth and said:

"but master, I have already remembered one move in one form. Besides, I just want to dance to master..."

His voice became weaker and weaker, and his expression became more and more guilty. If it wasn't for Meng Li, he couldn't hear what he said at last.

"You're young, you don't fight the enemy many times, you still need to understand."

"The moves are not immutable. They are changeable. They are rigid exercises and are not very useful." Meng Li said lightly.

Ten year old.

In modern times, I'm still in primary school. I don't know anything and I'm carefree. But in this era, at the age of ten, I have to learn a lot.

As soon as Meng Li's voice fell, he heard a voice of ridicule:

"still teach others, do you understand what I have given you?"

Meng Li

Shut up.

Come back and hurt her.

Meng Li looks at Xiaozhuo. Xiaozhuo's expression is as guilty as just now. He doesn't seem to hear the demon king's voice at all.

Meng Li also ignored the demon king and said to Xiao Zhuo:

"maybe I have too high expectations for you. You have done well with your hard work."

"Really? Master

Small Zhuo eyes stare at the ground, low head asks a way.

Meng Li gave a sound and laughed:

"I hope you can perform better."

Xiao Zhuo also laughed, and he said:

"master, I will work harder. I believe that I can achieve my master's expectation."

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