Meng Li just said, "I'm not well. Please forgive me."

The emperor still did not believe: "really?"

It doesn't look sick at all.

Deceiving the king was a crime of beheading. The emperor felt that the national teacher didn't pay attention to him.

Meng Li nodded, but before he spoke, Tiwu's hearty laughter rang out.

He said to the Emperor:

"Your Majesty is really considerate of the ministers, but your majesty, it's too kind, and the prestige established among the ministers has become a little less."

"Your Majesty, it's all a talk, and no one dares to postpone it."

When the emperor heard the words, he had anger in his heart, which was even more intense.

Saying that he has no prestige and can't manage his ministers?

He is angry, not angry with each other to say this to him, but angry with Meng Li is not willing to dance things.

Meng Li spoke before he robbed the emperor.

She said to Tiwu:

"according to what you say, what you do in Daqi is the instruction of your majesty?"

Tiwu nodded haughtily:

"yes, it's natural. I came with your Majesty's instructions to make friends with my great relatives."

Meng Li snorted:

"since you want to make friends, why do you want to assassinate our national teacher? Our national teacher is the national teacher and also the subject of Daqi. Is that how you make friends?"

The emperor frowned and looked at Meng Li:

"someone assassinated you?"

Meng Li

All of you

The matter that the National Teacher's office has seized an assassin in three days has become very noisy. Does the emperor know?

Tiwu denied it directly and simply:

"I can't understand what you are saying."

"As a national teacher of a country, your measurement is too small, but it's just asking you to dance, but you impose this kind of accusation on me."

It seems that he is angry too.

Then I understood and said:

"it's because you hate me for letting you dance. Out of revenge, you want to tear up the treaty between the two countries and stop the friendship between the two countries?"

It's not a big hat.

Meng Li ha ha a smile, see the emperor immediately with suspicious eyes looking at her, the other side this move estrangement make good.

It is expected that she will not be able to dance. The national teacher of a country dances in front of so many people.

If she is an ordinary woman, this dance is not so humiliating.

But her identity doesn't allow it.

Then we'll lead it from the head to here and calculate step by step.

Cobalt Lin country so arrogant, probably came to Daqi, figured out the present situation of Daqi, knew that they did not have much strength to attack them, not to mention the strength to swallow them.

At this time, there was no sound of toasting at the banquet, and there was silence.

Even people who see Meng Li's jokes dare not put their eyes on it.

I'm afraid it will hurt me.

King an was a little depressed and wanted to say a few words for Meng Li. But he thought that he had been scolded by the emperor a few days ago. At the moment, he estimated that the Emperor didn't like him.

He added a few more words, feeling that he could make things worse.

Meng Li said to the Emperor:

"emperor, I'm sure they sent people."

The right Prime Minister really couldn't see it any more. He remembered that he once owed Meng Li a favor. He said:

"emperor, I know something about it. It's true."

When the emperor looked at the right prime minister, he rolled his eyes, and felt that his interest was dissipated by this atmosphere. He said:

"those things will be discussed in the court tomorrow."

It's such a disappointment to say that at the party time.

Right prime minister is very speechless, is this kind of thing very small?

It's related to the attitude of the other party. The other party's behavior is to despise the great relatives.

Isn't this a serious problem?

I've been an official for several decades. I don't know if I can save myself and come to a good end when I'm old.

Meng Li sighed for a long time. She was very disappointed and desperate.

Bowing his hand to the emperor, he said:

"if a minister orders him to die, he will have to die, and today the Emperor just..."

Meng Li didn't finish what she said. Her arched hand was in her long sleeve. She hit the emperor with two magic powers, which hit the emperor's eyes.

Then he heard the emperor on the Dragon chair howl and cry out in pain.

His voice was particularly sharp, shouting:

"come on, there are assassins."

"I, my eyes hurt..."

He now covered his eyes and kept shouting that his eyes hurt.

In an instant, many bodyguards came in the hall. Jia Zhengchu stood in front of the emperor for the first time, and many eunuchs surrounded the emperor.And everyone looked around, looking for the assassin.

Meng Li looked at the emperor on the Dragon chair, who was surrounded by people and couldn't see her body. She looked indifferent.

I really can't bear it. Since I want to see it so much and want to be beautiful, I'll have a few days' pain for my eyes.

Tiwu was also surprised. He was standing and looking at the emperor, but he could see the real thing.

There was no assassin. The emperor covered his eyes and cried.

It's really evil.

After searching for a long time, the guards were on guard, but there was no assassin.

The emperor felt as if his eyes had been beaten.


But when people closed their eyes in front of so many people, they couldn't feel safe at all, so the emperor's pain was slightly weakened, so he took away his hands covering his eyes and wanted to see the situation outside.

As soon as I saw that there were a group of eunuchs around me, I couldn't see anything below. I couldn't help but get angry:

"get out of here."

The eunuchs moved their bodies in fear and left their vision to the emperor.

The emperor can see below, so can the people below.

Seeing that the emperor's eyes were blue and swollen, he could not help but panic. What was the matter?

Even Jia Zhengchu was worried. He was at the emperor's side, and there was no one to beat the emperor. This is beyond the power of human beings. Is there really a ghost?

Jia Zhengchu thought so, so did his ministers.

The emperor narrowed his eyes. He wanted to stare at everyone, but he couldn't.

He was very manic:

"where's the assassin? Where are the assassins? "

They said there was no assassin. He didn't believe it. He had to let people find the assassin.

He looks really funny at the moment. Meng Li wants to laugh in his heart, but his face is also on guard.

Naturally, the party could not go on. No matter how arrogant and insightful Tiwu was, he did not dare to ask for any dancing.

Stand with another emissary, on alert.

The emperor insisted that people look for assassins, but everyone told the emperor that there was really no one at that time.

Who can do so quietly hit the emperor's eyes?

Not even a shadow.

Some people even speculated in a low voice whether there was a ghost or not. The more the emperor thought about it, the more he felt like it. His whole body bristled up, and he even shrunk his body into a ball.

If there were not so many ministers, the emperor would hold them in both hands and beg the so-called ghost to spare him.

But in fact, the emperor really prayed countless times in his heart not to harm him.

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