Right prime minister's carriage leads the way in front, Meng Li's carriage follows.

At the right prime minister's house, the carriage was led by the people in the prime minister's house. Meng Li followed the right Prime Minister into his house.

The right prime minister said to Meng Li:

"it's time for dinner. Let's eat first."

Meng Li was a little speechless. He looked at the servants in the prime minister's house and looked at her curiously. He declined and said, "I'd better go to see the situation for the Prime Minister first."

The right Prime Minister waved his hand:

"the national teacher is very kind. He has come to your house. He is not in a hurry. He doesn't have to eat. He is hungry. I really feel sorry."

Welcome the servants around you at will:

"go to the kitchen to prepare food."

My servant has to order me to go, and Meng Li is not good enough to postpone.

Toward the dining place, about Mo Nian and Meng Li is a woman, right prime minister's wife came out to sit down together.

Even if women are different in age, they have something to talk about.

Meng Li was chatting with the right prime minister's wife. After a while, a servant came over in a hurry.

With sweat all over his forehead, he looked at the right prime minister and said nothing.

The right prime minister said:

"if you have anything, just say it."

"My Lord, all the food in the kitchen is gone!"

"Maybe adults need to wait more and let the kitchen do it again."

Right Prime Minister

It's embarrassing.

He looked at Meng Li awkwardly and waved to let people down.

The prime minister's wife also smiles at Meng Li, which makes her feel embarrassed.

Meng Li smiles:

"it's OK, let's go and have a look at it first."

The right Prime Minister sighed again and again, and said with some worry:

"this should be the thing that makes trouble, really It's annoying. "

"I said that there are always strange things in the house. That's all. When it's time to eat, I'm not hungry once or twice." Looking at Meng Li, he explained.

Meng Li can't help laughing, but seeing the right prime minister in such distress, she doesn't laugh.

She could only say:

"let's go and have a look now."

Three people went to the backyard, right prime minister's granddaughter's room, right prime minister's granddaughter Doukou Nianhua, looks lovely, long open is a beauty.

Right prime minister introduced this is the national teacher, she generous and standard to Meng Lixing a gift.

Then she stretched out her hand. There was a big bruise on the back of her hand, which let Meng Li see.

Special grievance:

"this is what the thing did."

Then he pointed to the thing lying on the snow-white blanket on the table. It was so lovely.

Miss Yan used to take good care of the appearance and selfishly brought it back for maintenance, but now she says with some fear:

"national teacher, it's white. It looks lovely, but in fact it's terrible. It hurts people all the time."

Meng Li's eyes looked at him, and his brow wrinkled. This hamster

It looks familiar.

Meng Li moves his steps to get close to the hamster. Miss Yan pulls Meng Li, and the right prime minister also reaches out his hand to block Meng Li:

"the national teacher should not touch this thing easily. It's really evil. It's a crime to hurt the National Teacher by mistake."

Miss Yan also said:

"yes, Guoshi, it hasn't been out since it came here. I asked someone to throw it out, but it hasn't been near yet. The servant was also hurt by it."

Meng Li waved his hand:

"no problem, let me have a look."

That small hamster's eyes opened, dark eyes looked at Meng Li one eye, closed again.

It seems to be disdain.

Meng Li deliberately releases the whole body's spiritual power, and the little hamster's eyes open again. It looks at Meng Li and seems to be interested.

Meng Li laughed and said to the right Prime Minister:

"don't worry, right prime minister. I really have a way to deal with it."

The right Prime Minister hesitated. He stepped back two steps and stood aside. Miss Yan also stepped back.

Meng Li went over and wrapped the blanket, then wrapped the snow-white ball firmly in it.

Right prime minister and others hold their breath, they are worried that Meng Li will be hurt. No one can get close to that thing on weekdays.

It's incredible that Meng Tili was in his hand

The right prime minister said:

"the national teacher is really an expert. Such evil things can be subdued."

Meng Li was a little ashamed. She knew that she was not an expert.

However, he still said:

"don't be too afraid, Prime Minister right. It's not evil. It's just mountain spirits and wild monsters. If you enter the world by mistake, take them out and let them go, he will return to the place he should go."

Right Prime Minister Wen Yan was a little worried: "will you come out and do harm to the world?"

Meng Li shook his head: "heaven and earth have a set of rules to restrain them. The right prime minister doesn't have to worry too much."The prime minister's wife said:

"master, since the national teacher says it's OK, you can put your heart down."

Miss Yan took a look at Meng Li's hand, sipped her mouth and said, "yes, grandfather and grandmother are right."

Right prime minister this just look a little relaxed, and Meng Li said a few words, but also left Meng Li to eat.

Meng said he would not wait for you to cook.

The right prime minister took out a gift to thank Meng Li, but Meng Li didn't ask for it. Then the right prime minister said:

"it's a great kindness for the national master to solve the strange things in our house and return the house to a clean place. I will never say a second word if I can use it in the future and it doesn't violate the principle."

Meng Li laughs: "good."

Meng Li took the hamster to the carriage, opened the blanket and looked at it carefully.

The breath is very familiar. If she guesses correctly, it seems to be the demon king.

I don't know what the demon king is and why he always likes to turn into a common hamster.

But she didn't plan to recognize the demon king. Could she tell the demon king in an idiotic way:

"Hi, I was the rabbit demon at that time?"

There are too many things that are hard to explain.

The demon king looked at Meng Li innocently with his eyes open, as if he just looked at him. Meng Li said with a smile:

"why do you want to eat in this secular world?"

The demon king ignores Meng Li and turns his eyes. This person has aura fluctuation.

Strange, is there someone who practices here?

Aura is a good thing ~

I can't help sighing in my heart. Why is he always injured.

Meng Li went back to his house and ordered people to prepare meals. He didn't eat this morning. He was really hungry. At this time, Gu Yi came.

Meng Li quickly got up to greet her, and she said:

"if the master wants to find Zheng Er, he can send someone to tell him. Zheng Er will put down her business and go. The master doesn't have to come in person. She should be good at living and cultivating in the hospital."

Gu Yi coughed twice and said:

"I'm afraid that something will happen if you haven't come back to court for a long time."

Meng Li: "please worry about master."

"How?" Gu Yi glanced at the demon king that Meng Li put aside.

This is a hurry, eyes fell on Meng Li's face and looked back, he seriously looked at the demon king, not waiting for Meng Li to answer, and asked:

"this is not an ordinary thing, Zheng Er, where do you get it?"

Meng Li took a look at the demon king:

"the right prime minister's house is about a mountain monster. He made a lot of jokes in the prime minister's house, which made the right Prime Minister very distressed. So I followed him to the prime minister's house and brought it back."

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