Besides, Wei Minghui is not very sensible at ordinary times.

He has never been filial to his boss.

I haven't even heard a good word.

Mr. Wang's eyes turned again. Hahaha, if this position is vacant, it can't be said that he can make another profit.

Call Wei Minghui to the front.

He said he used his position to conduct unethical transactions in violation of company regulations.

Mr. Wang also told Wei Minghui by the way that someone is screwing you up.

You'll be disgraced when it comes up, won't you?

Although you are not a big man, our company is a big one.

We are very interested in this kind of colored news.

And I also checked, the physical examination report is indeed a problem, you are also a real violation of the company's regulations.

Your relationship with Margaret is also real.

Wei Minghui's head is full of sweat. Who's going to screw him?

It's normal for people to be envious when they are promoted.

Now I can't deny it.

Is he just cheating?

What's going on at home?

In a word, Wei Minghui was at a loss, and Mr. Wang said a lot.

He said that he was optimistic about Wei Minghui, but he had a relationship with the reporter and was disgraced when he was published in the local newspaper. It's a pity not to have a negative impact on the company.

It's said that people's impression of this kind of big company is wrong. As the saying goes, the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked. You say that a small leader can make news of this kind of transaction. How can others think of us above.

Don't involve everyone and the company.

Wei Minghui's head is wooden. In the face of these words, he can't say anything to defend himself.

Mr. Wang said something more. The meaning of the content is very implicit. If you want to be respectable, you should resign yourself. As for me, I will not report to you, waiting for the company to open you.

But can decency be so decency?

The subtext is obvious and not obvious. Maybe it's to get something so that I don't report it.

If you're fired from a company like theirs, it's hard to find a good job.

You need to think about that.

Although Wei Minghui is in a bad state and understands, he is not willing to.

I was especially angry at the other party's behavior of taking advantage of the fire. When I was angry, I even had a bad tone.

He also has no money to give, this kind of person appetite is big, a few money in his pocket, OK?

The most important thing is that he doesn't want to be cheap. He doesn't like this kind of people.

People who are too dark and disgusting.

I don't know how many people have been greedy and how many people's benefits have been received.

Up to now, there is still a trace of nobility in Wei Minghui's heart.

But in this way, he offended Mr. Wang even more, and this kind of elm pimple could not be saved.

Still proud?

What are you proud of?

What backstage is proud of in front of him.

When Feng Zhenzhen and Wei Minghui were dismissed from the company, Wei Minghui was in a state of disheartened defeat, while Feng Zhenzhen said she was very confused.

How come there's no good work?

Before, I was still in the classmate group and told everyone that she got a good job, and everyone envied and congratulated her.

And also called home, according to her mother's character, seven aunts and eight aunts will know that she entered a large unit to work, this work suddenly did not, how shameful.

I can't look up when I go home at the end of the year.

People who are really jealous of Wei Minghui are secretly laughing.

Wei Minghui returns home and sees Meng Li.

Meng Li sat in front of the dining table, expressionless

Wei Minghui had a very ominous premonition in his heart, and cried:


Meng Li looked at Wei Minghui with hatred:

"do you have the face to call my wife?"

Wei Yihui's heart trembles.

Does the other party know?

With a farfetched smile, he said, "what's the matter?"

Meng Li takes out his mobile phone and gives out a voice. Wei Minghui's face changes greatly after listening to it. It's the voice of him and Feng Zhenzhen.

Once upon a time, he thought that the low groan of Margaret made him like it, but now it's very harsh.

It's like pulling down the last fig leaf on him, no place to hide, no face to see people.

Meng Li said bitterly:

"well, you Wei Minghui, you told me that you are not this kind of relationship."

"If someone hadn't mailed this to me, I wouldn't have known you were such a disgusting man."

"It's not my voice, it's not." Wei Minghui's confused explanation.

I didn't even think about it.

Meng Li said:

"you are trying to coax ghosts. Can't I hear your voice?"Wei Minghui looks anxious: "just like, someone wants to fix me, do you believe me?"

Meng Li: "I think you will not give up until you reach the Yellow River."

Meng Li plays another recording of the daily conversation between Wei Minghui and Feng Zhenzhen. He also talks about the people and things in the company, and the voice of Feng Zhenzhen calling Wei Minghui Minghui.

Now, Wei Minghui also knows that he can't deny that he is in some pain. He remembers that his work is gone and this kind of thing has happened again.

He held his head:

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm confused."

Meng Li: "can a word of sorry heal the pain in my heart? Do you know how sad I am? "

Wei Minghui clenched his teeth and looked at Meng Li's face. He knelt down beside Meng Li with a plop. He lowered his head. He didn't have the vitality of the past. Now he looked very decadent.

He begged:

"what do you want me to do to forgive me?"

Meng Li shook his head:

"it's impossible. Let's divorce."

Wei Minghui raised his head with a brush. He said in a panic:

"no, wife, don't divorce, OK?"

"I have nothing now. I can't live without you." He reached out for Ramon's hand.

If he divorces now, he will lose his job and his wife.

He looked around the house, not even in the city.

He didn't want to be like this.

Meng Li shook away and said:

"don't move your hands. I feel sick with your hands."

Wei Minghui: "wife, I'm really confused. I'm wrong."

"Please forgive me." He looked flustered and helpless, and couldn't find the right words for a moment.

What to say? Wei Minghui can't turn his mind around all of a sudden.

He even began to slap himself in the face, slapping ~ ~

for a moment, which showed that he was very hard. Meng Li looked coldly and didn't stop him.

Compared with the feeling that the client was pushed to the ground by Wei Minghui at that time, Wei Minghui was nothing.

Wei Minghui fanned himself many times. His hands hurt and his face hurt. His strength became lighter, but his hand didn't stop.

Dissatisfied, Meng Li said bitterly:

"you still love yourself the most. Do you know how painful my heart is? It's a thousand times more painful than you are

When Wei Minghui heard that Yan's hand strength had increased, he said:

"if you beat me, it will make you calm down. If you can forgive me, I can fight all the time."

Meng can't do without talking.

Wei Minghui continues to fight himself with sincerity.

If the other party doesn't speak, there will be drama. People's heart is not a stone. Is it always soft?

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