But let Meng Li disappointed is, 1000 points just can buy some props, but, Meng Li feel that he can't use at present, also gave up buying.

Meng Li turned around and asked, "last task, in the original plot, was Xiao Xiaoqin who was kidnapped by Mingyi?"

"Yes, that's the way you do it."

"It's not easy for Mingyi, so you have finished the task." 6018.

Meng Li said that he understood and had nothing to do in the system space. Now 6018 said:

"are you going to do the task now?"

Meng Li nodded and finally couldn't help but say, "so the task is just for the soul power of the client?"

"Not quite. There are many other reasons."

"But for now, just do the job well." 6018 said directly, and did not tell Meng Li why.

Meng Li said nothing.

"Anyway, as long as you know, the presence of the Tasker is beneficial to the plane. I can't tell you anything else for a while and a half. I'll tell you later." 6018 added.

Meng Li smiles and nods.

"The task has been arranged for you. Go ahead." 6018.

Meng Li nodded, moved, and left the system space. After that, her whole body was still conscious, but her facial features seemed to be closed, unable to hear or see.

It's like a grain of dust in the dark, floating and sinking in an unknown track, but this feeling didn't last long. Meng Li felt his soul integrated into a body.

Meng Lishun should instinctively merge with this body. When she opens her eyes and sees the carved window and the two women wearing the same clothes leaning on the bed pedal, Meng Li's heart will have a bottom.

This should be ancient.

Meng Li didn't get up, his eyes swept in the room, and his heart became clearer.

Sitting on the bed pedal, it should be a maid.

At least the servant girl, or the client is closer to the person can sit on the bed pedal to guard the master.

One of the servant girls moved. Meng Li quickly closed her eyes. The servant girl opened her eyes vaguely and looked at Meng Li on the bed. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Meng Li enters a stream of information in his mind, and he silently digests it.

This is a plane with plot.

This plane is an ordinary ancient plane. There are no high-tech monks and there are no flying monks.

But there is also a cultivation system here. If you can cultivate your internal skills, you can cultivate them if you can get through the two channels of Ren and Du.

There are also all kinds of martial arts secret scripts. Although you can't escape from the sky, you can also have lightness skills and Qi strength.

The client, Xue Miaosi, is the daughter of a county magistrate, whose mother died early.

Although the official position of county magistrate is not enough in the capital, it is also a local official.

As the daughter of the county magistrate, Xue Miaosi is comfortable and comfortable. The county magistrate is also a favorite girl, and he dotes on Xue Miaosi in all ways.

Xue Miaosi was in this small world, and never knew what sorrow was.

But the natural disaster is merciless, the day does not rain, the day high temperature, caused a nationwide drought, and the county where Xue Miaosi is also a disaster area.

Drought led to crop failure, and the people were in dire need of livelihood, which inevitably led to famine.

The price of grain sold by grain merchants in the city has increased dozens of times, and ordinary families can't afford it.

At that time, there were starving people everywhere and local riots.

The county magistrate had to open the granary to release grain, but the granary was empty in just a few days.

The disaster area is chaotic and turbulent, but at any time, there are still people who are corrupt and pervert the law regardless of the lives of the people.

The relief grain allocated to this county by the imperial court was replaced by grain of extremely poor quality, even the quantity was not enough.

The disaster has not been alleviated, and the county magistrate has nothing to do.

When the relief food arrived, the county magistrate quickly organized relief to the victims, hoping to alleviate the disaster, but it was only a drop in the bucket, and there were still starving people every day.

At that time, Xue Miaosi was distressed to see his former villagers starved to death in the street. He often saved steamed bread and secretly took it out to help the victims.

One day, when Xue Miaosi was walking in the street, he saw the victims everywhere. He was so sad that he didn't know who to give his steamed bread to. Before he knew it, Xue Miaosi walked into an alley.

She saw a man curled up in the corner, emaciated. Xue Miaosi came up to the man, and the man looked up. Xue Miaosi saw the real man.

This is a young man with ragged clothes and dirty face, which makes Xue Miaosi unable to see him clearly.

Xue Miaosi looked back and saw that there was no one around. He felt compassion in his heart. He quickly handed some steamed bread to the man and left quickly.

And the man took the steamed bread and ate it, obviously hungry.

After that, Xue Miaosi put the matter behind him. The imperial court also sent ministers here to control the disaster. The emperor prayed to heaven again. I don't know if praying played a role. As expected, it rained after the disaster.In the year of disaster, everyone cried with joy, and Xue Miaosi was also very happy.

When the disaster was under control, the people returned to work, life returned to normal, and Xue Miaosi's life returned to the past.

If you have nothing to do, go to the temple to offer incense and go out to play during the festival.

On the day of the Peach Blossom Festival, Xue Miaosi also went to watch the peach blossom and walked in the peach blossom forest. Xue Miaosi wrote a poem in response to the scene and could not help reading it.

Then there was a man's praise. As soon as Xue Miaosi looked back, he saw a handsome man with simple clothes but outstanding temperament.

Xue Miaosi's heart moved uncontrollably.

The more he talked with her, the more shocked she felt.

Because the verses made by this man are very artistic.

At the bottom of his heart, there was a feeling of admiration. The man seemed to have an interest in Xue Miaosi and left his name with him.

The man's name is ran Pingliang, a local.

Xue Miaosi was puzzled that a talented man like ran Pingliang should not be so little known.

Ran Pingliang seemed to understand Xue Miaosi's doubts. He only explained that he felt very congenial with her.

He also explained that he was once rich in his family, but later he was lucky to be able to read because of the decline of his family for various reasons.

It means that I can't show you my talent until I can look up to you. Most people don't care.

Xue Miao Si is a smart person. He can understand it as soon as he hears this, and his heart is naturally happy.

He also learned that ran Pingliang's parents died in the year of drought, which made him feel pity.

After that, they often dated each other. Xue Miaosi's behavior naturally attracted the attention of the county magistrate, and finally discovered Xue Miaosi's secret.

At that time, Xue Miaosi had made a private life with ran Pingliang, so he said that it was not ran Pingliang who would not marry him.

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