"All right." Su Mu doesn't have much to say.

Qiao Yi is still on guard against ah Cheng. After all, he just came here and asked Meng Li in a low voice:

"you say, what will happen if we get rid of the people who control us?"

Meng Li: "what do you think of it?"

Qiao Yi said:

"probably no one will drive us to do something."

Meng Li: "and then?"

Never thought about the real world?

Qiao Yi shook his head.

Meng Li understood. Although they understood that they were manipulated, they didn't expect to find a way to get out of this and return to the real world?

I don't have a strong sense that I want to return to the real world.

Meng Li felt that it was necessary for him to make them aware of this problem and know his goal before he could work hard for it.

Meng Li found a pen and paper in his study. He felt that it was not safe, but he wrote it down directly.

Qiao Yi, Su Mu and Qiao Qiao come to have a look. After watching, Qiao Qiao Qiao opens his mouth in surprise.

Su Mu and Qiao Yi are shocked. They look at Meng Li:


Meng Li nodded, turned and walked to the bookshelf. As he walked, he ran his fingertips across the book and said:

"these things are real."

She hooked her lips:

"and we..."

It's a fake.

Although Meng Li has spent so much time talking to these people, she has never let go of her vigilance. That is to say, she regards them as people who have the same experience as the client, and she has done well that they are NPC players.

If it's NPC, it seems that it has been played with if it still takes so much effort.

"It's really hard to accept." Qiao Qiao awkwardly smile, the facial expression is a little dismal ground backed two steps.

Now it's all about who she is and where she is.

"Dong Dong..."

Knock on the door, Qiao Qiao arranged the next look, turned to open the door.

Meng Li calmly sat down, sitting on the comfortable chair in the study, slowly tearing the paper into small pieces.

When the door opened, ah Cheng looked inside, glanced at Meng Li, then flattered him with a smile and said:

"my room is ready. I just want to thank you."

He glanced at the bookshelf and said:

"you're reading."

Qiao Yi nodded quietly, and a Cheng said:

"can I have a look at two of them?"

Meng Li: "are you bored?"

A Cheng Leng said:

"of course, it's boring, otherwise I would not think of reading."

Su Mu's expression became ugly, but he didn't speak at the first time.

They didn't read before, they didn't feel bored.

And I never had the sense to read.

If you can feel bored, at least now it's not a state of empty thinking and staying there. Maybe it's similar to their thinking, that is, they are aware of something.

What do you realize? What do you think?

"I don't want to give it to you. You're here to make atonement, so you should think about it."

Ah Cheng: "ah..."

"So it is." He said with a smile:

"I'll think about it in the living room. If you don't let me rest, I won't rest."

With that, ah Cheng turned and walked away. When he left, he gently closed the door.

Then I can't hear his footsteps clearly, but I can feel someone walking.

When the door closed, Meng Li said:

"I have a bold idea?"

Qiao Yi: "what?"

Meng Li: "put these books in our invisible backpack."

Qiao Yi: "is it necessary?"

Meng Li: "anyway, it's boring to be idle. If you pretend to be a little bit, you won't waste much time."

Although she didn't know why she wanted to put these books away, she didn't think it was a big problem to do it according to her mind.

This kind of behavior is not driven by "consciousness", but Meng Li's own will.

Maybe it's just pure rebellious psychology. Isn't Acheng going to see it?

She just didn't want to show him.

Su Mu did not say anything, began to install the book, Qiao Qiao see this also cleverly with the book, Qiao Yi helpless.

I started to put it on.

I don't know how much capacity the invisible backpack has. They empty the whole room of books, and no one says their backpack is full.

Meng Li even put pen, paper and some paintings in it.

It's boring anyway.

When they finished, a few people went out to the living room.

A Cheng actually stood outside and thought about it. His head was close to the wall, motionless.Meng Li sneered on purpose:

"his attitude is quite good."

A Cheng said with a smile:

"if you make a mistake, you really need to have a good attitude. Isn't this atonement?"

Meng Li said with a smile:

"in fact, I feel that it doesn't matter to destroy anything."

"It's not right that I destroy the conveyor belt and affect other people's travel." Ah Cheng said in a loud voice.

Meng Li:

"since you know that, what do you do?"

A Cheng said weakly:

"I don't know why, I just did it."

Meng Li let out a meaningful voice, and ah Cheng said:

"so I am very sorry now."

His attitude is so good that he seems to be aggressive.

With a simple test, Meng Li has determined that Acheng wants to show that the situation he encounters is the same as theirs. If they are careless, they will regard Acheng as an ally.

But Meng Li is wary of everyone.

"Then stand still." Meng Li said faintly.

The rest of them didn't speak. Ah Cheng looked back at them pitifully, just like a child who made a mistake and stood up.

Standing at night, they all have the consciousness of sleeping. Qiao Yi wants to fight against this consciousness. He doesn't want to sleep now, so he wants to know what will happen if he doesn't sleep.

Meng Li advised:

"you'd better sleep."

"It will be upgraded tomorrow."

Qiao Yi Oh a, nodded, can be regarded as agreed Meng Li.

Everyone went back to their own room to sleep, and ah Cheng in the living room was still thinking about the wall, and no one paid any attention to him.

Seeing that everyone was asleep, ah Cheng changed his clever appearance before. He looked calm. Shi Shi ran walked into the study, but he was really surprised. What happened?

Except for the cupboard, the desk was empty.

Although Meng Li asks Qiao Yi not to go against her consciousness and go to bed, she goes against her consciousness and carries it.

She released her mental power to check the situation of the study, to be exact, the situation of Acheng. Now releasing her mental power is a kind of torture for Meng Li.

It's very painful. It's like breaking one's own wound.

But now she had to see what purpose ah Cheng came for.

But Acheng didn't do anything. Seeing that the study was empty, he just left the study with a look of chagrin and closed the door. Then he went to the living room again, leaned against the corner and closed his eyes.

It looks like I'm going to sleep.

Meng Li's face was distorted by the pain, and she recovered her mental strength. Then the pain slowly subsided, and she took a breath.

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