Qiao Yi is very skilled in this business, and his face is natural when he moves the goods. He doesn't seem to be tired.

But the goods are so big that they press on Qiao Yi's shoulder.

People who watch feel tired.

Meng Li and Qiao Qiao have been waiting on the edge. When the red glow rises in the sky, Qiao Yi finishes his work.

After so much work, Qiao Yi didn't have any sweat on his face, his clothes were not dirty, and even his hair was not messy.

He came over and said to Meng Li and Qiao Qiao:

"let's go."

Meng Li: "did you get anything?"

Qiao Yi said:


"It's all my job. I don't need anything."

Meng Li

I don't know what the meaning of Qiao Yi's moving goods is.

"Where's next?" Meng Li asked.

Qiao Yi said naturally:

"we don't have a place to live at present. Let's go back to the valley. I have a tent in my backpack to live in."

Meng Li looks at Qiao Yi and Qiao Qiao. He thinks of his clothes. If this is the real world, there is no place to live.

She is obedient and plans to follow Qiao Yi back to the valley. Suddenly, she has another consciousness in her mind, which is to save the rabbit.

Meng Li is wringing eyebrow, this kind of consciousness after all is who convey to her?

Up to now, she still thinks that this is a normal world and a fool, and she suspects that this is not a world at all.


Whether it's fantasy or anything else, you need to get rid of it. Even your consciousness is manipulated by people. It's terrible.

She didn't pay attention to the consciousness of saving the rabbit, and continued to follow Qiao Yi, but this consciousness became more and more strong.

Let Meng Lidu begin to hesitate whether to go or not.

If I don't feel like I'm going against my instinct, I feel uncomfortable all over.

The consciousness which is hard to disobey dominates Meng Li.

On the contrary, Meng Li wanted to have a try. What would happen if he disobeyed this kind of consciousness.

She just doesn't save the rabbit.

Before that, Qiao Yi went to the wharf to unload the cargo. He followed this consciousness, but he didn't want to disobey it.

Generally speaking, no one tries to go against his own consciousness.

Being transmitted to the city before, Meng Li's consciousness has been strong, and he wants to immediately follow the guidance in his mind to save the rabbit.

Qiao Qiao saw Meng Li's deep complexion and asked in a voice:

"what's the matter with you, Si fan?"

Meng Li raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows:

"it's OK."

Qiao Qiao let out a sound. The so-called boyfriend Qiao Yi seemed to express his concern for Meng Li. He reached out and took Meng Li's hand from his brow. He said gently:

"what's the matter?"

Meng Li reaches out and grabs Qiao Yi's hand. The temperature of his hand is not hot or cold. Qiao Yi is caught by Meng Li and is stunned for a moment, so there is no other action.

Meng Li turns over Qiao Yi's palm, and the palmprint is also very lifelike. She feels Qiao Yi's pulse and is beating, just like normal people.

She put Qiao Yi's hand down feebly and said:

"it's OK."

Now my head is full of Rabbits

After a while, they returned to the valley. Qiao Yi set up three tents, one for each. There was a red cloud hanging in the sky. Qiao Yi said, "go to sleep."

Meng Li, full of rabbits in his head, murmured:

"so early."

"I feel like I should go to sleep."

With that, Qiao Yi went into the tent and there was no movement.

"Don't you want to sleep? I feel like it's time to go to sleep, too. " Qiao Qiao looks at Meng Li to say.

Meng Li said: "don't you have to eat? Don't you have to wash? "

This is what operation, looking out handsome good-looking people, do not engage in personal hygiene?

"Eat? Are you hungry? " Qiao Qiao asked strangely.

She has the concept of eating in her mind, but it's like something that has nothing to do with her.

It's not necessary to live.

Meng Li sighed:

"go and have a rest. I'm not hungry."

The whole brain is full of rabbits, and then I think of the roast rabbit on the last plane. It's very fragrant, but it's a little dry when roasted. If there are conditions, the boiled rabbit meat will be more tender and fresh.

Qiao Qiao nodded and went into the tent. Meng Li found the stream where he met at the beginning and planned to wash his face.

She also deliberately stepped on her feet in the mud, but soon the mud fell off and her feet were as white as jade.

No wonder Qiao Yi Qiao has no concept of washing and gargling, so it won't be dirty at all.

Meng Li thinks that these are common to Qiao Yi, Qiao Qiao and all of them. They may not realize that this is abnormal.This kind of thinking has been fixed, so now it's her who runs to tell them how much it goes against common sense, and they won't believe it. Maybe for them, this is common sense.

How to get out of this strange environment?

Mencius from the heart pressure things, but is full of mind to save the rabbit consciousness to put aside.

But this consciousness didn't plan to let her go. When she didn't plan to wash, she went back to the tent. Not far from the tent, there were several little rabbits lying there.

Meng Li glanced faintly, but she didn't help.

In her heart, the rabbits are all fake.

The most important thing is to test, to use the smallest thing to test the consequences of violating the "self" consciousness.

But she had a strong instinct to rescue. Meng lisuo closed her eyes and went into the tent.

Lying in the tent, Meng Li is thinking about 6018. Why can't he get in touch with 6018? If he is there, the two of them also have some discussions.


She got up and tried to practice. Then she found that there was not a trace of aura. Generally speaking, no matter how bad the world was, there was a thin aura.

Fanmeng's knapsack was not big, but she didn't know what it was.

Finally, among the many things, she turned to her ID card.

Name: Su sifan

rank: 3

just these two items.

It's very simple.

Meng Li turned the ID card around and looked at it again, but he couldn't find any other information.

It's a sense of sleep, which Meng Li didn't resist. Just go to sleep.

Just before going to bed, I was still thinking about the little rabbit outside.

When she woke up the next day, Meng Li felt that the invisible backpack was a little hot. She took out her ID card from it and saw that the level above had become level 2.

That is to say, it's down one level.

Meng Li instinctively felt that the decline of this level was because he violated his own consciousness and didn't save the rabbit.

I don't know what the impact of demotion is on me. Meng Li thinks he needs to make it clear.

She got up and tidied up her dress.

Although sleep, mouth, face and body are very fresh, no just wake up discomfort, went out, yesterday's rabbit also disappeared.

The sun is rising.

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