Meng Li took a look at the busy Taiyi. They were all anxious. They were chatting with each other. They were discussing what else to do.

Especially the queen is here. If she doesn't have anything to do, she urges them to feel numb.

She looked at the emperor again, looked at the emperor's hand for a while, she knew that she had not trapped the emperor secretly, and the emperor would wake up soon.

After a while, the emperor woke up as scheduled, opened his eyes, and saw that the palace was full of people, while the queen was watching beside him, with deep worry in his eyes.

The emperor sat up all of a sudden, not sure the tunnel:


He felt that he had been sleeping for a long time, running in his dream, looking for a way out, and that he had been imprisoned for many years.

Always on the verge of collapse, I'm afraid I'll never wake up again.

The feeling left him with a lingering fear.

Seeing this scene in front of me, I even doubt whether it is true or not.

The queen also stayed for more than two days, but she didn't sleep. She only took a nap occasionally. When she saw the emperor wake up, she was in a good mood.

He cried with joy:

"Your Majesty, you are awake at last."

Her voice was very high and excited. People inside and outside the hall heard her.

Then he nervously looked at the emperor and called the imperial doctor. The imperial doctor rushed up to examine the emperor.

The emperor was still a little confused. He didn't exclude the imperial doctor's examination. He pressed the fear in his heart. He began to ask the queen how long she had slept.

The queen immediately said two or three days, nearly three days.

The emperor took a long breath. Three days later, the Emperor didn't frighten him. He really said that three days would be three days. He had to punish him for three days.

When he thought of something, the emperor was surprised and asked:

"where is Shizi?"

"Has he left yet?"

The Queen's face was speechless. She thought that kind of ethereal thing. She was crazy. It was like this. She only knew to ask these questions without first asking about the situation outside, whether there was any change, and not caring about the country.

I'm afraid I'm not possessed.

The queen glanced around and found Meng Li's figure. She said:

"Your Majesty, Shizi is still here. I guess that because of your Majesty's business, Shizi can't set out at ease."

The queen is not stingy to say a good word for the eunuch beside the emperor.

"Come here."

The emperor rose slightly, looked at Meng Li, and said in a hoarse voice.

Meng Li, the eunuch who had just rubbed his red eyes around him, said: --

It's him who has been waiting on the emperor for a long time, OK?

Meng Li gets up and goes forward. Her mental strength splits and the pain has faded. She also tries to release her mental strength again and finds that as long as she doesn't use it, it's OK.

But as soon as you release your mental energy, it will hurt. It probably stimulates the mental ball.

Although it doesn't hurt so much without mental strength now, Meng Li can't laugh, but she still forced her way to the emperor's side.

The expression looks particularly strange, let the queen can't help but don't open an eye, don't see Meng Li's face.

"Don't go out for the time being, wait for my arrangement."

Said the emperor.

He didn't dare to send someone else. If he sent someone again, he might not wake up at that time.

It's more important to live now than to live forever. At that time, the curse of heaven will come down, and maybe the ancestral foundation will be destroyed because of him.

What a crime is it? Can he bear it?

For the emperor of heaven, it's easy to change his surname to be the emperor of the world.

Now the emperor has completely believed in the existence of the "Heavenly Emperor" and dare not challenge the majesty of the "Heavenly Emperor".

Where did he know that the so-called emperor of heaven could not appear again.

Meng Li was greatly relieved. As soon as the emperor woke up, she ignored the order. She knew that it was impossible to go out and look for the ethereal evergreen grass.

"Go down." The emperor waved his hand wearily.

Meng Li stepped back and stayed aside. The emperor began to see the ministers in the court, just to tell them that I woke up.

You don't have any small plans in mind.

I'm still here.

After the emperor had dealt with these things well, he got some food. The doctor said that there was no problem, but he had to cultivate himself well. Maybe he was too worried.

The emperor took advantage of this opportunity, put down a few days of government, went to the temple.

A few days later, a memorial ceremony was held in advance, especially ceremoniously.

The so-called is the emperor's words, his subordinates run broken legs, Meng Li toss people are haggard.

During the evening break, Yinglan asked carefully:

"I didn't mean to leave. Why hasn't I heard from you yet?"

Meng Li asked faintly:

"are you looking forward to going out?"Yinglan takes a look at Meng Li's expression and is not sure what Meng Li thinks. She says: "I'm just curious to ask. I also think that the master should say something in advance. I'm ready."

Meng Li rubbed his eyebrows and said:

"the emperor is busy with so many things in the palace recently. I dare not ask about it. I can only wait slowly and let us go out. The emperor will say it in advance."

Yinglan nodded, stretched out her hand, and went towards Meng Li's eyebrow, but was stopped by Meng Li.

Looking at Meng Li's eyes, Yinglan said awkwardly:

"look, the master often frowns these days, and wants to smooth it for you."

Meng Li said nothing.

Of course, she was worried. Now she didn't dare to use her mental power. It hurt when she used it. In her cognition, mental power is extremely difficult to repair.

On the night of the mental injury, she endured the pain to build a protective shield for the mental ball, but this is only a protective effect, which can make the mental ball more blocked when attacked, and has no repairing effect.

If she can't find the right thing, she can't use her mental power in the future.

It's not much different from being blind in your other eyes.

And according to the truth, the emperor should not ask to look for evergreen grass again. Why hasn't the task been completed yet.

Is it necessary to find the evergreen grass as required by the task?

Yinglan see Meng Li don't want to talk, lost stay aside.

After a while, Meng Li got the exact answer. The emperor pretended to mention it casually and told Meng Li that he didn't have to go out again.

Just wait on him in the palace.

Meng Li quickly thanks Lord long en, as if to eat a reassuring pill.

The emperor sighed a little, sure enough, after he did not toss, the emperor did not come again.

In fact, because of the so-called emperor of heaven, the emperor believed that the world really had the existence of evergreen grass as recorded in ancient legends.

It's just that you don't enjoy yourself.

He still wants to dream about the emperor of heaven. It's better to be familiar with the emperor of heaven. If you give him something, let alone longevity.

If you don't live long, give me some prediction, and then you can let future generations avoid disaster.

All kinds of strange and human thoughts in the emperor's heart.

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