Dr. Qian sat up again, sipped a little water, and weakly whispered a thank-you to the man beside him.

And in Xiang Junfeng's arms.

Meng Li has been silent, but Xiang Junfeng takes the initiative to talk to Meng Li and asks him about his personal problems.

Meng Liquan asked Zhang Xue to help answer.

Xiang Junfeng is probably explaining why some of them don't have a car.

He said that he came out with everyone, but when someone defected from the base, he robbed them of their cars and supplies.

For Xiang Junfeng's words, Meng Li believed half at most.

At most.

In fact, Meng Li didn't have much curiosity about the specific situation.

It's only two or three hours' drive to C City. If you're lucky enough, you won't meet zombies.

Obviously they're not lucky.

Meng Li gets out of the car first and tells Zhang Xue in a low voice not to use a gun. Zhang Xue can only hold a sword while Meng Li holds a machete. Four people form four corners to protect the car in the middle.

Dr. Qian is too weak to get out of the car and fight.

Xiang Junfeng and another man use guns. As long as they fight accurately, ordinary zombies use guns.

But Meng Li and Zhang Xue are not weak with weapons. Seeing their skills, Xiang Jun is satisfied with the stroke.

In fact, as long as you think about it, it's a kind of skill that two women can walk safely in the last days.

After solving the zombie, Xiang Junfeng drives on. He asks some questions, just like an interviewer.

Zhang Xue answers carefully, some words come out, also want to see Meng Li, Xiang Junfeng almost understand what combination this is.

Finally, they arrived at the base. With Xiang Junfeng's pass, they entered the base smoothly.

"I'll let you stay for a while and recommend that you postpone your work for two days?"

"There's something else on my side."

Xiang Junfeng supported the haggard doctor Qian and returned to the base. He was a bit anxious between his eyebrows and said.

Meng Li: "all right."

Xiang Junfeng let the man take Meng Li and Zhang Xue to live in the apartment in the base. Of course, the man also lives here, and the conditions are not bad.

Even before the end of the world, this condition was much better than that of ordinary residents.

And the man is listen to Xiang Junfeng, obviously Xiang Junfeng in the base status is not low.

Meng Li and Zhang Xue enter the room. Zhang Xue asks excitedly:

"elder sister, can we really join the base?"

Meng Li said faintly:

"I don't know."

Now Meng Li is not in a good mood.

Zhang Xue looked at the room. There was still electricity in the room and a place to take a bath. She said:

"no matter whether I can enter or not, I have to take a bath first."

After death, bathing is a luxury.

Meng Li nodded and asked Zhang Xue to take a bath first.

When a man sat quietly practicing, 6018 probably felt that the previous words were too heavy. He apologized and said, "maybe I didn't express it in the right way."

"It's my fault, Meng Li. Don't mind."

Meng Li: "it's OK, I don't care."

"It's because of the convenience of the zombie system that I became arrogant."

"It's too little even for the client."

It's true that we should listen to 6018. We always wanted to keep our capital. Because of the existence of the zombie system, we have more ideas.

In the past, when arranging the client's life, they tried not to differ too much. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Most of them were ordinary people. Even if she was promoted to an unusual position, it might be difficult for her to adapt.

For example, some people who get rich overnight lose their way.

Originally, she should have a peaceful and happy life after the counter attack, because she was in a mess when she was pushed to a certain height.

To put it bluntly and harshly, it is not necessary for an ordinary person to change his identity into an emperor.

On the contrary, there are countless eyes staring at her throne, making him uneasy.

What is a perfect life? It's not a supreme right. Many clients don't have such ambition.

For them, a perfect life is a state that they can imagine and expect.

For example, actors want to be famous, the prince wants to be emperor, and poor people want to have three meals a day.

She said with some self mockery:

"if this is a test of the heart, I have lost."


"in fact, you didn't lose. I believe if I don't say it, you will make your choice after careful consideration."

"Blame me for being too anxious to give you time to think."

Meng Li said nothing with a smile.

6018 sighed again"In fact, it's also our luck and ability to catch the zombie system, but the organization will think that it's meaningless to complete the assessment task like this."

Meng Li smiles. She takes the credit and rubs her eyebrows.

How many times to remind yourself, the most important thing for the Tasker is the mentality, guard against arrogance and rashness.

But in the long task, in all kinds of world, it is easy to be complacent.

If she can accept that she has become such a person, it's OK. Even if she ends up in trouble, she will suffer.

But she just can't accept that she has become such a person, but she has an unstable mentality and has to torture herself, which is more painful.


After taking a bath, Zhang Xue looks at Meng Li. She feels that her sister, who is very energetic on weekdays, suddenly becomes listless.

All over the body revealed a kind of weakness.

My sister looked at her, her eyes were cold and peaceful, like the eyes of a stranger in the street.

"Aren't you happy?" Zhang Xue asked.

Meng Li: "well, fortunately, it's my own affectation."

Zhang Xue wiped her hair, sat down beside Meng Li and said:

"in fact, what's the matter, you can tell me."

Meng Li was silent. After a while, with a faint smile on his lips, he said:

"I'll take a bath too. Even if I can't join the base, I can get some hot water."

Zhang Xue laughs. Meng Li turns to the bathroom and takes a bath. It's very comfortable.

There's too much fighting with zombies these days.

Meng Li is physically and mentally tired. Since he is so tired in his heart, it's better to have a sleep and relax.

She took a bottle of water, according to the Convention, put the nutrients in it, let Zhang Xue drink.

I had one myself.

When they were full, they both fell asleep.

This sleep, sleep for two days and one night, midway Zhang Xue wake up twice, see Meng Li is still sleeping, she also followed to continue to sleep.

In fact, Meng Li also woke up for a while, just thinking about things with his eyes closed.

Thinking and falling asleep.

Xiang Junfeng came to see Meng Li twice in the middle of the journey, but there was no movement inside. He smoked at the corner of his mouth. This

It's too sleepy.

You don't have to eat?

Meng Li wakes up and opens the door. There are two file bags at the door, in which there are two forms that she and Zhang Xue should fill in truthfully.

It's not the person with the wrong identity. Although their background is not big, they are innocent. They truthfully fill in their own information and give it to the man when he comes back.

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