It's not that if you recognize your parents, you'll have nothing to worry about. There's still a lot to do.

The princess wanted to ask Meng Li about Zhu zhuoran, but she felt that this topic was sensitive. At the beginning of her relationship, was this kind of question a bit abrupt?

He pressed hard and didn't ask.

From the good to find Wang Ye, wronged to Dou big tears one by one down, Wang Ye see this some distressed, but his face light asked:

"so big people, cry what."

"Dad, why is that so?" Asked conghao, wiping his tears.

The LORD said:

"these things don't affect you. You are still our daughter."

He murmured:


She chatted with Wang Ye for a while, but in a word, she made a general picture of the matter.

I also know that Lianfu is Zhu zhuoran's mother.

So Lianfu is her biological mother?

Wang Ye also said that Zhu zhuoran was originally Lianfu's nephew, which he learned from Meng Li at dinner last night.

Thinking of the three of them having dinner together last night, Wang Ye felt that the feeling of embarrassment was still there.

My daughter recognized me, but I didn't know how to get along with her.


Is he Zhu zhuoran's cousin?

If they didn't exchange identities, she would be the woman who worked hard to support the number one scholar?

And I'm going to be number one in the exam, and I'm going to abandon her?

Just thinking about it, I was scared into a cold sweat. What a tragic thing it is.

Her inner taste is extremely complex. On the one hand, she is glad that she has escaped this fate. On the other hand, the man actually came back, making her position in the palace very embarrassing.

"Dad, why do you believe that..."

From good can't help saying.

Wang Ye took a good look and said:

"we have already checked our relationship. Besides, there is no doubt about our appearance."

I felt my face.

Of course, the Lord didn't know. His words on the matter hurt his good self-esteem.

The princess came in with Meng Li. She took Meng Li with her because she wanted Meng Li to know more about the palace and contact the Lord.

After all, the chance to get in touch with Wang Ye is not always available.

But from a good point of view, I feel that the princess is particularly fond of Meng Li, so I take her with me everywhere.

There was a trace of jealousy in her eyes, which soon disappeared.

He stood up and gave a salute to the princess. The princess gave a hum. Meng Li gave a salute to the prince. The prince nodded with satisfaction.

I know the etiquette.

Growing up in that kind of environment, he worried that there were many bad habits to be corrected. If they were so big, it would be a headache to correct them.

But after a short period of contact, I didn't find anything wrong.

Meng Li sat on one side. Looking at the one with a bad expression, the princess thought and said:

"she's in the mansion. Do you want to have a look?"

After a good pause:


The princess sighed:

"it should be your biological mother."

She discussed with Wang Ye last night and agreed that she should let conghao see Lian Fu.

Whether it's her biological mother or not depends on her attitude.

What did they do to Lianfu when they didn't get it.

But now from a good mind he Qimin, from the princess's mouth to say, like an arrow in her heart.

She didn't want to see her biological mother.

But after looking at the expressions of the prince and the princess, I know that if I don't see them, I will leave a bad impression on them.

After all, it's good for her.

Before she was just a little wayward and excited, she was scolded by the princess. She had a strong sense of crisis, and she was consciously courting the prince and princess.

Now that we can't change it, we might as well find a way to face it perfectly.

She nodded.

The princess took a look at the prince, who waved his hand and said:

"you go, I have something else to do."

The princess stood up and said to Meng Lihe conghao:

"let's go."

Three people went to the room where Lianfu was under house arrest. Lianfu was very noisy last night. If she used to guard the servant girl, it was a ghost.

One is calling to see the prince, the other is calling to see the princess.

It's too noisy. The servant girl just blocked Lianfu's mouth.

When I use the breakfast, I open it for Lianfu. Lianfu is so upset and hungry.

I haven't had such a delicious breakfast in the palace. I ate several portions in a row.

They are still eating at this time.

From the good step in, saw a disheveled woman, her hairpin mixed with white hair, exuding a strange smell.Medicine, sweat, mixed together, from the good eyes across a touch of disgust.

But this expression did not escape the eyes of the princess.

When Lianfu heard that someone was coming, she put the last bite into her mouth. Looking back, she was shocked.

Because now Lianfu looks like her grandmother's generation, OK?

Lianfu looked at her luxurious clothes, and her expression became stiff. She rubbed her hands on her body uneasily.

From good to bad

Wipe your hands on your body?

"What is it?" Lianfu looks at the princess.

Meng Li made a comparison between Lianfu and conghao's face. He had a delicate and white skin, which was well nourished.

Lianfu has been in the sun and wind for so many years. Even without the devastation she left, she can't follow her.

Regardless of skin color and overall image, if you look at facial features, they are somewhat similar.

But in the story, they recognize ganniang and gandaughter, and no one thinks they are like them. That's because Lianfu's skin has not been improved.

And it's getting old.

Even if someone thinks it's like that, they don't know what it's like to be born.

The princess didn't speak, just looked at conghao and couldn't accept it.

I bite my lips and don't want to say anything.

Rao is that she is ready, but she did not expect that the so-called biological mother is like this.

Don't they live together?

Why is Zhu zhuoran handsome and delicate? Even the woman beside him looks ok.

It happened that her so-called biological mother was like a beggar woman in front of her.

From the good living environment, it is doomed that she is arrogant in her heart. Such arrogant people can't accept this kind of thing at all.

The princess gave a long sigh and said, "just, just."

"Let's go."

From then on, he was granted amnesty. He stepped back a few steps and accidentally bumped into Meng Li. Meng Li quickly called out:

"be careful, princess."

From good disgust to see Meng leave one eye, turn round to plan to go.

But before she went out, Lianfu exclaimed:

"is he er?"

Looking at Lianfu, she said:

"I'm your mother, he'er."

Lianfu's eyes are shining. Good eyes are life-saving straws.

Now things have been revealed, but I still have a daughter in the palace.

Listen to Ying Mei shout, that is the princess, she is the common people, also know that the princess has a title.

As long as the biological daughter pleads with her, she will be free from disaster.

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