Seeing this, Lianfu felt disheartened, and her body strength was less than half.

The princess said:

"if the prince is in the house, please come here."

A servant girl got the order and went out. When Lianfu heard that the LORD was coming, she shivered all over.

Just looking at Lianfu's performance, the princess already understood most of it.

The prince heard that the princess asked him to do something, but he didn't hesitate and came quickly.

As soon as he came in, he glanced at Lianfu and Mengli, and then asked the princess what was the matter.

The princess whispered the details to the prince, who was also shocked. He looked at Meng Li and said, "look up, let me have a look."

Meng Li raises his head and looks at Wang Ye. Wang Ye looks at Meng Li's facial features carefully and his eyebrows jump.

Just now the princess said that he was dubious, but seeing the woman's appearance, he couldn't help believing it.

Looking at Lianfu, he said:

"tell the truth."

The prince was a middle-aged man, and he was very noble. He was more dignified than the princess. This sneer made Lianfu tremble.

She pursed her lips tightly, fearing that she might say something by accident.

"Lord, it's better to be a priori." Said the princess.

Wang Ye, with a hum, asked people to bring two bowls of water to Meng Li.

Meng Li can only put down Lianfu. Lianfu is paralyzed on the ground without Meng Li's support.

When Meng saw that they were about to bump into each other, he began to wake up in horror.

But the gate already had servant girl to guard, immediately stopped Lian Fu.

Lianfu collapsed on the ground again, watching the Lord drop a drop of blood in the bowl.

Then there is Ying Mei, who is also dripping blood into it.

Lianfu looks crazy and rushes forward suddenly. Everyone doesn't notice that the bowl containing two people's blood is knocked over by Lianfu.

"Somebody, get her for me." The LORD was angry.

It's too presumptuous.

This kind of obstruction is absolutely ridiculous.

The servant girl immediately came forward and dragged the crazy looking Lianfu far away.

Lianfu couldn't move, her eyes were ready to crack, and she didn't want to see the scene.

The Lord asked people to bring up a bowl of water again. He also checked that the water was ok, and he dropped blood into it again.

The princess also dropped a drop of blood in the next bowl, and Meng Li dropped a drop of blood in each bowl.

Then there were three people holding their breath, looking straight into the bowl.

Soon, the blood of the two bowls melted.

Meng Li was not surprised to see this. Even if there was an accident, she had to find a way to integrate.

The flesh on Wang Ye's face trembled. He took a look at Meng Li and pursed his mouth. He didn't know what to say.

But the princess, shaking her hands, put them on Meng Li's shoulder and looked at Meng Li. She said:

"my son?"

Meng Li whispered.

The princess's lips moved for a moment, and her tears began to flow. Meng Li said:

"I know it's too sudden for you. There's a process to accept it. I'm not in a hurry."

"Good, good, good boy." Said the princess with tears in her eyes.

Wang Ye had many tastes in his heart. He didn't know what to say, so he looked at Xiang Lianfu. Seeing that things had been revealed, Lian Fu simply said:

"do you recognize her?"

She laughed wildly and said:

"you'll regret it. She's a devil. She's so weird!"

Meng Li walked over, picked up Lian Fu and said in a soft voice:

"mother, maybe this is the last time I call you mother. We have been in love for so many years. Don't you want me so much?"

"Why do you want to be nice, you vicious woman? Don't you know what you've done?" Lianfu stares at Meng Li fiercely.

Meng Li looked at Lianfu for unknown reasons:

"what did you say?"

Lianfu: "you You can do harm to others without fear, even to the mother who raised you. "

Meng Li shook his head and sighed:

"maybe you are really stimulated. Now you are a little confused."

"I didn't!" He screamed.

Meng Li reluctantly let go of Lianfu, and the prince and princess are also concerned.

According to the truth, Lianfu's doing this is unforgivable.

But she could be a good biological mother.

And it was her rescue that brought the baby to birth.

And it seems to be the mother of the new champion?

It's very difficult to do. Let it go. If you're not reconciled, it doesn't seem right.She rubbed her eyebrows with some headache. Her daughter recognized her, but after that, it was very troublesome.

"What's your name?" The princess looked at Meng Li and asked.

Meng Li: "it's not a serious name. It's Yingmei."

The princess gave Lianfu a look of hate. Her daughter didn't even have a proper name.

After hesitating for a moment, she said:

"I'll arrange a room for you in the mansion. Would you like to have a rest first?"

Her tone was a little cautious. She had to discuss with Wang Ye about what to do.

Meng Li expressed his understanding, nodded and said frankly:

"that's good."

Meng Li was led down by the servant girl. Looking at Lian Fu, the princess said coldly:

"you'd better be a guest in the palace now."

Let Lianfu be a guest, in fact, is temporarily under house arrest.

Lianfu is resistant to this, she said:

"I don't want to be a guest, you can let me go."

Looking at Lianfu's crazy appearance, Wang Ye was a little impatient. He waved his hand, and someone ignored Lianfu's will and forced Lianhu to go down.

This time, she was completely clean. The tears of the princess finally flowed down. She felt that she was a bit impolite and quickly wiped them away.

The prince patted the princess on the shoulder, and she leaned in his arms and said, "my Lord, my heart is really complicated."

"I'm happy and sad." The king sighed.

"What does the Lord want to do?" Asked the princess.

The Lord pondered for a moment and said:

"let me think about it. Some things need to be checked."

The princess nodded cleverly, but she was at a loss. After all, it was hard for anyone to be at a loss.

There was such a big accident here. When dealing with it at that time, she didn't avoid her servants. The next day, the princess knew the news.

She quickly got on the carriage and went back to the palace. She was in a hurry to find the princess. The servant hesitated and refused to tell the princess. The princess was eager to ask.

The princess was in her so-called new daughter's room.

She didn't want to let the servant lead the way. When she saw that the so-called new daughter actually lived in the yard where she used to live, her face was very ugly.

In the heart surged the thick jealousy, the huge emotion rolls in her heart surging, causes the body always not good she to cough.

The princess is dressing Meng Li. She looks at Meng Li lovingly and hears the familiar cough. Her hand is stiff and she says, "I'll go out first."

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