
The guard's eyes swept Meng Li's face, and then returned to Meng Li's face to see more.

These eyebrows

Meng Li winked at Lian Fu. On the way, he told her what to say.

Lianfu's eyes were full of promise, and her palms were full of sweat. She stepped forward to guard and stammered and said:

"Min Fu, min Fu is Lianfu. She met the princess at that time, and my mother-in-law gave birth to the princess. The princess said that she could come to Beijing to find her if she had something to do."

Since it was the princess who said that, the guards couldn't directly drive people away.

I have to check with the princess.

He said:

"you'll stay here for a while, and let's go and report it."

"Good." Lianfu's eyebrows were full of anxiety and anxiety.

She wanted to say hurry up, but she didn't dare to say it.

When the princess heard that wenpo's daughter-in-law came to see her, she couldn't help frowning. After so many years, she almost forgot this person.

She nodded as she remembered the love she had.

I just don't know how to know her identity. In that case, she didn't say who she was.

But when I think about it, I often go out. There are many people who know her in the capital. If the other party wants to find her, it must be easy.

The informer arrived at the door and released Meng Li and Lian Fu.

They entered the palace and were led by others.

When Lianfu arrived at such a place, she was so nervous that she felt pain all over her body, and her legs trembled under her coarse cloth skirt.

In the front hall, the princess received them.

As soon as she got in, she didn't know whether Lianfu had a soft leg or had already thought about the kneeling ceremony. She knelt down and crawled down, shouting:

"people's wife has seen the princess."

"Ah, you are..." The princess stretched out her slender jade finger and knelt down as soon as she met her.

She put her hand down again and said:

"help her up quickly."

A servant girl helped Lianfu up, but Lianfu didn't dare to look up at the princess.

It is not only the common people who are timid when they see the powerful people, but also the most important thing is their guilty heart.

Ever since she decided to come to the palace, the past events of that year poured into her mind, making her extremely uneasy.

Several times on the road, her legs were trembling. She wanted to turn around and run, but she thought of Zhu zhuoran. She had to harden her head.

The princess squinted at Lian Fu and thought back to what happened in those years. Fortunately, she was rescued, otherwise she would


I just sigh that the woman of her age was destroyed by the years.

And the clothes. I don't think I've had a good time these years.

"Sit down." Said the princess gently.

She also looked at one side of Meng Li, this one surprised her, this child, eyebrows and eyes actually very similar to her.

After this idea came out of her mind, her heart, which was not easy to be flustered, jumped a few times.

She rubbed her chest without any trace, and when Meng Li's eyes met, Meng Li gave her a faint smile.

This smile made the princess think of her in the mirror when she was young.

But she didn't say anything immediately, and put her eyes back on Lianfu.

Looking at Lianfu's stiff body moving to the chair, she lowered her head and did not dare to look at her. She still said gently:

"have you had a good time these years?"

"Good, very good." Lianfu glanced at the princess.

Did not see the princess now concrete appearance, only knew that sits above is a luxurious woman.

The princess nodded and saw Lianfu's words for several times, then forced her to swallow them back. She knew that she should ask for something.

She no longer talked about the past. After all, she had nothing to mention. She also left some silver in those years, which could be regarded as a reward.

I'd better ask something first, so as not to look like this.

"Look at you like this. Maybe something's wrong."

As soon as the princess's voice fell, Lianfu slipped from her chair and knelt down.

She pleaded sadly:

"please help my son."

"Your son?" The princess looked at Lianfu suspiciously.

"Yes, my son, Zhu zhuoran, I heard that he was arrested by the government. I don't know what crime he committed. I'd like to trouble the princess."

"As long as the princess is willing to help, I would like to be a cow and a horse for the princess in this life and the next life to repay her kindness."

Lianfu began to kowtow, which made the floor thump.

The Princess Ai a, quickly call nearby servant girl to stop Lian Fu to continue kowtow.

Don't eat your head full of blood. What can you say? The mood is so intense.

"You say your son's name is Zhu zhuoran?" Lian Fu's words echoed in the princess's mind.Zhu zhuoran?

How familiar is this name?

Lianfu was stopped by the servant girl and worked hard. Lianfu was also in pain. Seeing that there was a step down, she followed.

I didn't eat my head any more. I just wiped my tears. My eyes were red and full of blood.

Nodding, I answered the princess's question.

The princess waved to a servant girl and said in a low voice:

"how can I hear Zhu zhuoran well?"

But I couldn't remember who it was for a while.

"Ma'am, it's the new champion." The servant girl whispered back.

The princess suddenly realized that it was so.

I've heard the name twice. The first time was when he became the new champion.

The second time was two days ago. It was said that there was such an intriguing story with the princess.

Looking at Lianfu, she said, "are you Zhu zhuoran's mother?"

"Yes, yes."

Lianfu didn't bother to say that she was actually her nephew. Anyway, she raised all of them for her.

I've talked too much, and some things have come to light.

In fact, it's very risky to come here.

"Since he is your son, how can you say that he was arrested by the government?" The princess looked puzzled.

Lian Fu said: "it's said that it's a capital crime."

"Who did you listen to?" Asked the princess.

Lian Fu looks at Meng Li:

"she said it."

"Who is she?" The princess stares at Meng Li, and her heart beats two times quickly.

Lianfu hesitated for a moment, avoided her daughter's answer, and said:

"my daughter-in-law."


So this is the wife of the new champion?

It's said that she's going to be abandoned?

"Wait a minute. I have to ask you about it again. I haven't heard about it." The princess said and winked at the servant girl beside her.

The servant girl stepped back.

Lianfu was very upset, but her mood was not so intense.

The princess asked people to help Lianfu sit on the chair, and Lianfu was not comforted.

Lianfu's brain is confused, but the princess sips tea and looks at Meng Li intentionally or unconsciously.

Meng Li noticed the princess's eyes and gave her a kind smile.

Brush up the favor first.

Lianfu finally saw the interaction between Meng Li and the princess. She took a look at Meng Li and summoned up the courage to take a serious look at the princess's facial features. She opened her eyes and screamed.

The princess put down her cup and asked:

"what's the matter with you?"

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