She can't watch the princess become like this.

And after the princess found that she had been deeply occupied, what should she do?

What can the princess say because of her status and secularity?


I'll have to swallow the pain myself.

If you can really fight for a good marriage for the princess, it's not in vain for her to be a villain.

She also inquired about Zhu zhuoran's wife and family. Although she had never met her, she knew that she was a farmer's wife.

When a man enters the officialdom, his wife is very important. How can a village woman be the wife of the number one scholar.

Whether or not we can manage the backyard for men and make good relations is that the spiritual gap is very big. If we insist on entanglement, we will all suffer.

Zhu zhuoran's future is very good. It should not be ruined by women.

Marriage matters pay attention to two people in the eyes of the world to be consistent, they see, is not a world.

The princess sighed deeply.

"So I can only blame you for not having a destiny with the princess."

Zhu zhuoran denied in his heart, how can there be no fate, no fate and how can we meet?

Can you still attract each other?

"Is there no other way?" Zhu zhuoran looks at the princess like asking for help.

The princess shook her head and said:

"you should ask yourself, not me."

"I see." Silence for a long time, Zhu zhuoran said.

He got up, arched his hand to the princess and said:

"I'll leave first."

The princess nodded. After Zhu zhuoran left, she put her handkerchief on her mouth and coughed twice.

I don't know why, she thinks Zhu zhuoran is as kind as her brother.

Also willing to plan for him, just his Xianggong also like to associate with Zhu zhuoran, if really become with the princess, they are relatives.

For such a promising person, the princess felt that it was worth planning today.

Zhu zhuoran went back to the inn sullen. In the dead of night, when he tossed and turned, he regretted that he married too early.

He could really feel that the princess was also interested in him, but he knew that he had a wife in his family and forced to suppress his inner feelings.

I didn't dare to disturb him.

This makes Zhu zhuoran feel that the princess is sensible and distressing, and there is a kind of pain that people who love each other can't be together.

He sat up and paced the small room.

Although he became the number one scholar, Zhu zhuoran never changed his house. Now it's very easy for him to change his house.

The room is cleaned by the second child all day, and Zhu zhuoran is used to living.

After careful consideration, the book knocks on Meng Li's door.

Looking for Meng Li in the middle of the night, Meng Li didn't want to open the door, but with her mental strength, Zhu zhuoran's expression was heavy. Maybe she had something to say. She opened the door and asked faintly:

"what can I do for you so late?"

Zhu zhuoran looked in:

"can I go in?"


Zhu zhuoran went in, poured himself a glass of water from the teapot and sipped it:

"now I haven't written to my mother about the number one scholar in high school."

Meng Li said.

Zhu ran: "now is the time to write a surprise for Zhuo Niang?"

Meng Li: "whatever you want."


Zhu zhuoran looks at Meng Li and shouts sincerely.

Meng Li: "eh?"

Zhu zhuoran opened his mouth slowly, and he asked:

"in your heart, do you regard me as your cousin or your husband?"

Meng Li glanced at Zhu zhuoran faintly and said: "my husband."

"My husband?" Zhu zhuoran said softly.

Meng Li said in a voice:

"if you have anything to say, just say it directly. Don't beat around the bush."

Zhu zhuoran sipped his mouth and said:

"I just want to talk to you. I'm so busy at this time. I'm sorry, I ignored you."

Meng Li looked at Zhu zhuoran with a smile:


"So when did you start to care about my inner world?"

"To enter my heart? How about face to face

Zhu zhuoran frowned slightly, then spread out, waved his hand and said:

"what are you talking about?"

Meng Li's expression became more serious, not so serious as a face without any temperature.

Looking at Zhu zhuoran:

"say it, I come here in the middle of the night, and the appointment is not a home chat."

Zhu zhuoran sighed:

"in fact, you are smart."

Meng Li didn't say a word. Zhu zhuoran said in distress:"I'm just so smart, but I don't know what I think."

Meng Li said without expression:

"so I don't know what you think. Is this my fault?"

Zhu zhuoran said:

"not only do you not understand me, but I don't seem to understand you either."

"It takes tacit understanding for two people to live their lives."

Zhu zhuoran said slowly, looking at Meng Li's expression from time to time.

He is catching Meng Li's inner emotion.

He is testing Meng Li's bottom line step by step, trying to find out when Meng Li will overreact.

If there is an overreaction, press the button first.

As a matter of fact, if this thing develops as he envisions, it will be the best result, and it will also have an impact on his reputation.

It can only be said that he is willing to pay some price for the princess.

After thinking about it, I decided to test each other's attitude first.

Meng Li: "do you need tacit understanding?"

Zhu zhuoran looks at Meng Li with doubts:

"don't you think it's wonderful that two people have a tacit understanding before?"

Meng Li couldn't help laughing and said:

"I'm sorry, I haven't read a book. I only know how to work all day, and I haven't thought about this kind of philosophical problem."

Zhu zhuoran

There is a feeling of playing the piano to the ox.

But looking at Meng Li's attitude, he decided to express it in a different way. He asked:

"do you feel happy with me? Are you happy? "

Meng Li stretched out his hand and supported his head, staring at Zhu zhuoran:

"happy, happy."

Zhu zhuoran's eyebrows beat and said:

"how can you be so perfunctory? I'm serious. I think we need to have a good talk, at least re-examine our feeling together."

Meng Li said faintly.

Nothing else.

"People's life is actually very short, if you are not happy, not happy, I can let go, let you go to find your happiness." Zhu zhuoran seemed to have made a great determination, and his expression was a little painful.

Meng Li couldn't help laughing.

Zhu zhuoran is a little sick.

Clearly he has a better choice, want to separate, but put the responsibility on the woman.

Let women take the emotional burden.

It's you who are not happy with me. It's me who makes you happy to be apart from you.

I am for you, how I pity you, in order to make you happy, do not hesitate to lose you.

After laughing, Meng Li solemnly said to Zhu zhuoran word by word:

"with you, I feel very happy, very happy, and now you are the number one scholar Lang, I am the number one scholar's wife, I will wake up in my dream."

"I'll live with you forever."

"Don't ask me to find my own happiness again. Only you can give me my happiness."

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