Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead's Counterattack

Chapter 277 - Daughter of the Republic VS Chinese Opera Singer (11.9)

Ch 277: Daughter of the Republic VS Chinese Opera Singer (11.9)

This chapter had some difficult sentences, so I apologize for any confusion.

“Only when dying does the Son of Heaven realize love, more sorrow and grief for this fortunate life, how to cherish life filled with a sea of regret, who will speak of this unrighted wrong.”

“The past is as a layer of smoke, only grief knots the heart, the shrine must be an old terraced pavilion, Huaqing Pool[1] swallows the sounds of sorrow.”[2]

The woman on the stage dressed in a white palace costume waved her embroidered gown, and her soft, pleasant voice sounded sad beyond words.

At this time, as XunMi was pulling Ziju BaiLin inside, it happened to be at the part where Consort Yang was committing suicide at MaWei Slope, on the orders of Emperor XuanZong of Tang.[3]

It could be assumed this was the opera, Yang Guifei, that made the Female Lead famous.

Following with the eyes, this person was rather beautiful, and with her face lightly made up, this interpretation of a courageous Consort Yang made one feel a tenderness towards her sad beauty.

Chairman Wang was still worried that this great man wouldn’t come. Fortunately he arrived as the show was ending.

Otherwise, they would not be able to perform the next play. Peeking at the person next to the Marshal, Boss Wang thought to himself, No man has long-lasting affections; when there’s a new person, they are bound to forget the old.

When that time came, who knew what kind of ending this peerless talent Miss Nian would have.

“Commander, you’re here. Please go upstairs, please go upstairs.”

Ziju BaiLin looked closely at the man in front of him and spoke harshly, “Put away your little thoughts. This commander’s gun doesn’t have eyes.”

What thing dared to calculate against him, and dared to use that kind of pitying look on his wife?

Chairman Wang immediately felt that he was wrapped up in a murderous intent, and cold sweat dripped down his back.

XunMi just came to see the Female Lead, and now that she’d seen her, she had no intention of dealing with this old fool.

She pulled on Ziju BaiLin and turned around to walk away. “If you don’t want to go, let’s return home.”

So willful, don’t want, don’t want! MuCheng, who was bitterly following from the rear after parking the car was out of breath.

Chairman Wang watched helplessly as the two people who’d arrived turned around and left. He wiped the sweat off his forehead with a trembling hand, his heart still terrified.

It seemed that this Miss Nian had a very high position in the bandit marshal’s heart. He’d have to change plans.

“These people are really annoying. Wife, next time we won’t meet with them.”

Ziju BaiLin was very unhappy. What a joke.

XunMi leaned back in her seat, her eyes half closed. “They also want to divide the soup.[4] After all, in the entire Southern Region, there’s only you. Even the Western Region cannot suppress you, they can only barely restrain you. Those people aren’t in a rush, who’s in a hurry?”

She also wasn’t certain if there were any signs of the Western Region here yet, but they still needed to be on guard.

The crucial point to recall, was that the Female Lead was saved in the drugging incident by the Male Lead with extremely fortunate timing.

If one just looked at the novel, one was unlikely to find a BUG, but when speaking of the operation of the whole world, there were BUGs everywhere, ah!

It was still another week until the people from the Western Region were to arrive. That is to say, that Major General came a week in advance, but didn’t let anyone know.

So that raised the question, why did he do this, and for what purpose?

“Wife, don’t worry, your husband will protect you.” No matter what, I will surely protect you.

XunMi smiled and didn’t speak, but she nodded to show that she understood and believed him.

Hai Tang,[5] who had just left the stage and walked to the back garden, was stopped by the troupe leader and told that Chairman Wang had invited them over tonight.

Hai Tang bowed her head in agreement, but the corner of her mouth hooked up imperceptibly in a joyful curve.

She didn’t expect to be able to start over again. This time, she would not repeat the same mistakes from her previous life.

Nian XunMi, I will definitely not let you and Marshal Ziju be happy together.

What belongs to me, I will have you return it all twofold, including the Nian family, including Marshal Ziju.

She was finally about to see Marshal Ziju, and at the thought of that passionate and powerful man, her heart couldn’t help but beat wildly in her chest.

As much as possible, she tried to maintain her usual demeanor, and undiscovered by others quickly returned to her room.

Removing the makeup from her face revealed she was at the age of youth and beauty. She had enough capital to make Marshal Ziju fall in love with her.

Nian XunMi, aside from your face, what else do you have?

She changed into her most beautiful white brocade dress, put away her unnecessary expression, and showed only a slight smile.

With her settled temperament, one wondered which family’s honored daughter she was.

I, Hai Tang, oh, no, it should be Nian Xue’er. I, Nian Xue’er, will surely become the happiest and most noble girl of your dreams.

What her last life owed her, just wait and after she got Marshal Ziju to fall in love with her, then one by one she’d get those things back.

Only, Nian Xue’er waited a long time, but Chairman Wang still hadn’t come to pick her up. Her eyebrows puckered in doubt. This shouldn’t be, ah.

In her last life on this day, Chairman Wang drugged her and delivered her to Marshal Ziju’s bed, and afterwards she was thrown out.

At that time, she was resentful, but after seeing the elegant Marshal Ziju, she fell in love at once.

Especially after knowing that once he fell in love with someone, he would be so gentle and willing to do anything for that person.

Unfortunately, that person was not her, but what was even more ridiculous was that that person won the heart of Marshal Ziju by stealing her identity.

How could she not hate? If it weren’t for the Nian family’s request, it was unlikely Marshal Ziju would have agreed to look after Nian XunMi.

And he probably wouldn’t have slowly fallen in love with her and finally ended up together.[6]

Obviously, she was the true daughter of the Nian family, but she was robbed of her happiness by that swindler who took her identity.

How could she not complain? It’s just that before she could do anything, she died, and the cause of her death was unclear.

Afterwards, she went back in time to the present, before anything had yet to occur.

This time, she was going to be the one protected and loved by Marshal Ziju.

After waiting for a while, Nian Xue’er began to panic. Why wasn’t it the same as before? How would she meet Marshal Ziju?

No, there could not be a mistake. She lifted her skirt and opened the door to walk out.

At this time, the troupe leader who was walking in her direction saw Nian Xue’er, and he hurried forward.

“Hai Tang, just now Chairman Wang said he didn’t need your company tonight, and he will come to listen to you sing again tomorrow.”

The troupe leader was already over fifty years old, but he was very kind and he treated the children in the troupe just like relatives.

Especially Hai Tang. After all, he had watched her grow up himself, and now that she didn’t have to accompany those masters to a meal, he felt relieved.

But Nian Xue’er felt that news struck her like thunder and lightning; it shocked her whole body.

The troupe leader looked at her astonishment and thought she was happy. He patted her on the shoulder. “Good girl, it’s already late, go and rest.”

After he saw her into her room, the troupe leader left.

She closed the door stiffly, and then Nian Xue’er’s face suddenly changed. What was going on?

The thing she depended on most after being reborn was her knowledge of the future. Now that an unforeseen event had arisen, she was a little scared.

Fearing that the change would bring her unimaginable consequences, a flash of malevolence swept through her eyes.

She absolutely must not fail. First she would take possession of the Nian family.

Nian XunMi, if you come back to find you no longer have a family, no longer have relatives, I wonder what kind of expression you will show.

Hahaha... When thinking of Nian XunMi’s sorry appearance, Nian Xue’er couldn’t help but laugh.

Translator’s Notes

[1] Huaqing Pool is a hot springs complex, where the Emperor and Consort Yang apparently had a romantic encounter.

[2] These lines are meant to be poetic. I’m certain I’ve butchered them terribly. Forgive me.

[3] He actually had an attendant strangle her to death, but, you know, artistic license.

[4] To get a share of the profits.

[5] This appears to be the FL’s name. Her name is the same as the opera troupe, which threw me for a minute, but perhaps since she was a foundling (I think), they just named her after the troupe? Lol I don’t know.

[6] So, we have some bad news for you...

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