Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead's Counterattack

Chapter 275 - Daughter of the Republic VS Chinese Opera Singer (11.7)

Ch 275: Daughter of the Republic VS Chinese Opera Singer (11.7)

At that time of morning there were a lot of people on the street, especially when there were so many cars appearing, so more people circled around to take a look.

Most people recognized the man in military uniform riding on the white horse as the bandit marshal who had entered the province yesterday.

As for the pretty young lady in his arms, they could also make the mental connection to the scene from yesterday.

Some people looked on from the sidelines as though watching a play, some felt sorry for her, and others felt jealous.

As far as many women were concerned, hooking a big warlord in this chaotic situation was a piece of luck.

So after seeing someone get such an opportunity, of course their minds would be more lively.

XunMi calmly received the gazes from all directions. She was already accustomed to it, to tell the truth.

“Wife, your elder brother told me your name. I’m happy you told me through the mouth of your relatives.”

Thinking about it, she felt she had been defeated by this husband. He actually wanted to learn the name of his wife from someone else’s mouth.

There was absolutely nothing more tragic than him, but who made her his wife?

XunMi rolled her eyes. “Oh... you really have the nerve to say that. When you grabbed me on the street yesterday, why didn’t you first ask my name? Ziju BaiLin, you should be glad.” Glad that you’re my husband. “If I were someone else, the area three inches below your navel would no longer exist.”[1]

She was not some weak and feeble woman. In this plane, she could unlock the spiritual energy of the xuanhuan plane, probably because the era of this plane.[2] In the past, it was rumored that there were many ghosts in the Qing Dynasty, and the suppression on them had likely been loosened.

Ziju BaiLin promptly laughed. This was his wife’s subtle way of acknowledging his identity. So happy!

XunMi gently gave the person behind her a push, “Hurry up, don’t dawdle.”

This guy really didn’t look at the situation. So stupid, she had to worry about whether he would be fooled.

After being ordered, Ziju BaiLin brandished his whip, and the horse lifted its hooves and started to run.

The cars behind also sped up, and they soon appeared at the entrance of the Nian residence.

The three female relatives were waiting at the door with a group of people. Someone had informed them earlier that the Marshal was here.

“Mom, Aunt, Jie.” XunMi dismounted and rushed into the arms of a middle-aged woman in a red brocade dress.

She rubbed against her mother, then hugged her aunt who was wearing an ochre colored brocade dress,[3] and then pulled on her cousin towards her.

“You still know to come back. We were worried to death about you. Go, quickly go inside.” Nian ShuRong spoke incessantly, but her eyes were full of smiles.

Du Shu took XunMi’s other hand and walked inside. As for the Marshal who followed behind, they ignored him.

Snatching their family’s baby and still wanting them to look approvingly?

Being glared at by several pairs of eyes, Ziju BaiLin just rubbed his nose and kept smiling. Forget it, it was too silly.

XunMi couldn’t stand by idly and watch any longer. She released the two peoples’ hands and beckoned to Ziju BaiLin. “Let me introduce you to someone. This is Ziju BaiLin, that bandit marshal.”

After introducing her mother and others to Ziju BaiLin, Ziju BaiLin obediently greeted each one in turn.

At last, everyone felt a little less hostile towards him. It seemed this Ziju BaiLin was not quite like the rumors outside said.

After lunch with the Nian family, Ziju BaiLin left all his gifts behind and was ready to take XunMi back with him.

But he was opposed by all the Nian family members. His bandit behavior immediately came out, and he picked up XunMi and ran.

As he nimbly ran away, he did not forget to call out, “I’ve left behind the betrothal gifts, la! I’m taking my wife, see you later!”

Nian WenHao, who had just gone to the rear garden to take care of a “life event,” took one step back in and heard these words. He immediately chased out after them in a fury.

It’s a pity that Ziju BaiLin escaped too quickly, and he was only able to see the flash of a horse’s tail.

The Nian family sat in the front hall looking miserable, and once again added the bandit marshal Ziju BaiLin to the blacklist.

XunMi who was snatched up again: .... She had already anticipated this result.

{T/N: Scene change to the Marshal’s residence}

Let’s think about the next thing. As long as she called to mind weapon manufacturing, some detailed steps would appear in her brain. As long as she practiced, then with the help of the memory storage card, she could pull up these materials at any time.

Putting the thought into practice, she took out a pen and paper and first drew a blueprint of a tank, and then an armored car. She then took the design plans and knocked on the door of the study.

Ziju BaiLin and his deputy general, MuCheng, the secretary Jun YuQing, and a few other commanding officers were at that time discussing security issues in Li Hua Province. They were deliberating on how to lay out a defense in the Southern Region and how to set up the most comprehensive arrangement with the least number of troops.

While speaking of these key points, a knock on the door sounded.

The few people in the room stopped, a little suspicious. Who would come to the study, this important place, at this time?

MuCheng stepped forward and opened the door. After seeing it was XunMi, he immediately adopted a respectful manner. “Miss Nian, is something wrong?”

“I want to see Ziju BaiLin.” XunMi was also a little surprised. She didn’t expect them to be in the middle of a meeting. But it was just as well. She could get results faster if everyone was here.

XunMi had already scoured through the original story, and naturally had reviewed all the people around her husband. She found that all of her husband’s men were loyal. Even when they were attacked jointly by the Western Region and the Northeastern Region, these people did not flee by themselves. They protected her husband to the death.

MuCheng was a little bit embarrassed. “Miss Nian, wait a moment.” He turned to speak to his commanding officer.

Sure enough, as soon as he heard the name of the young miss, his Marshal scuttled out. Sigh.

“Wife, you came to look for me! I’m so happy.” Ziju BaiLin embraced her and cheerfully rubbed against her, exactly like a large dog.

XunMi patted Ziju BaiLin’s back, indicating for him to release her. “Let’s go in to chat. I have something.”

Ziju BaiLin, who still wanted to play, saw his wife’s serious face and immediately his mood vanished. He brought his wife into the study.

“Jun YuQing is my secretary. He Yuan, Lü Gang, Jiang Man, Zheng Fei, these are the heads of my four regiments. They are my people. Later if you ever have anything you need, you can find them.”

Ziju BaiLin introduced these several people to XunMi, telling XunMi he really put her in his heart.

Everyone present could understand Ziju BaiLin’s meaning, and nodded at XunMi.

It is said that serious men are the most handsome. Her husband was calm, serious, with a cold face and the air of a sharpened knife ready to strike. His gold-rimmed glasses couldn’t hide his dangerous eyes. If one were to describe it, he was a moving weapon in human form.

“Nian XunMi. You can just call me by my name,” XunMi smiled slightly as she spoke, then gave the things in her hand to Ziju BaiLin and sat down on the other side of the sofa.

“I need a laboratory, a place that is absolutely secret, and two people who know a little about these things. I also need an assistant. Oh, right, if you have someone who knows western medicine, transfer them over to me.”

Translator’s Notes

[1] The dantian, the center where one collects qi (especially in wuxia/xuanhuan settings) is supposedly located three inches below the navel. Actually, a Chinese inch (cun) is a little longer than an inch, so ~ 4 in. or 10 cm.

[2] The xuanhuan world was in Arc 6.

[3] Ochre is a dusty pink color.

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