{T/N: term literally means ‘white moonlight’, a term used to refer to that girl a male lead can’t forget about and still holds a spot for in his heart. aka she exists as a white light in his heart}

“Calculate the last two worlds.” Sitting on the circular bed, XunMi lazily spoke up.Xuanhuan World:Mission 1 (Counterattack): Completed, rewarded 50000 points.

Mission 2 (Protect Female Lead and Help Her Become Winner at Life): Completed, rewarded 40000 points

Hidden Mission (Protect TianZe Mainland) : Completed, rewarded 20000 points.

System Reward: Charm +4, Physical Strength +20, High Level Nutrient Fluid +5 bottles, DaHuan pills +10

Mission Grade: s

Gemstone Betting World:

Mission 1 (Counterattack An ZiYi): Completed, no reward.

Mission 2 (Make Le ChenXi Regret): Completed, no reward.

System Reward: 1000 points

Expenses Used in XuanHuan World: -29020


Host: XunMi

Level: 23 (100)

Age: 20

Character: ? (multiple)

Charm: 100 (100) maximum reached.

Physical Strength: 70 (100)

Points: 185752

Inventory: XiSui pill x5, High Quality Nutrient Fluid x5 bottles, DaHuan pill x10, Thousand Feather Mask, Golden Feather Clothing

Evaluation: s (level upgrade available after acquiring four more mission grades of s)

“Why is there no reward for the gemstone world?” XunMi was a bit disheartened. When was she ever going to make ten million points at this rate? But with her husband to keep her company, she wasn’t feeling that anxious.

However, she did need to find out more about her husband’s identity. But the only way to learn more seemed to be through becoming a higher level host. The more unlikely alternative would be having BaoBao upgrade into a master system.

She needed to work harder and complete more missions.

[Because Madam Host failed the first time, you can only receive up to 10 percent of the original reward. Therefore, it only amounts to 1000 points.]

“Ah, alright. At least I got some.” XunMi looked at her points. “I can still return back to one more world right? Let’s go to that First Love and substitute lover world. The first love hidden in one’s heart is like a red cinnabar scar.” XunMi reclined back on the bed.

“But I’m going to nap first. When I wake up, we’ll go.” ‘(~o~)~zz

BaoBao froze stupefied, maintaining his pose while clutching the book that he was just about to rush to his Madam Host. He fell to the floor with a clash and glared at his Madam Host sleeping peacefully on the bed. In the end, BaoBao still decided to not disturb her.

He knew that her spirit was tired after so many different worlds. Getting rest was a good idea for her. After all, the humans said today’s rest is energy for tomorrow’s fights.

· · ·

“Mi, I’ve handled the things you wanted. We can return back home tomorrow.” A round faced woman in a green apple colored woman’s suit placed a pile of papers onto the table in front of the person reclining on the couch. Her steady and mature voice was a direct contrast to her cute face.

“Guo Er, then let’s book the flight tickets. Right, spread the news that I am preparing to develop my career domestically. I’ve already taken over enough of the market here so there’s not much potential for further growth here.” The woman on the couch had an elegant and quiet voice like the spring rain falling peacefully into a small brook and creating ripples. She turned her head. She had a small, egg shaped face. Her eyes shined like crystals immersed in water.

Her fair skin accentuated her pink lips. Her delicately curved jawline tilted up as her chin raised. Her lips were arched like a blooming flower bud. Along with her tiny rabbit like expression, she looked adorable enough to melt anyone’s heart.

She was the current A-list Queen of the Screen, the first actress in their country to succeed as an international star. She had a name beloved by fans for its metaphorical meaning –Ni XunMi.

I search amidst the crowd, only to find you. Only to wait for you. {T/N: xunmi means to search for or to seek}

Tang Guo Er’s eyes glittered. In her mind she was cheering: Goddess, you’resocuteyoumakemewanttotakeyouhome wow~.

XunMi helplessly threw a chestnut at Guo Er. “Snap out of it. I really don’t know what a young girl like you is always fantasizing about in your head.”

She arrived in this world yesterday to the exact moment at the airport that she urgently left last time. The storyline had only progressed to the point of the female lead and the male lead being rumored to be linked together. She didn’t need to hurriedly return home without preparations.

Moreover, the mission this time is half counterattack and half offense strategy, to receive Ou Jinyan’s heart and to become the unforgettable monarch of this industry. She wanted to gain the admiration and adoration, but not the envy, of others.

The mission wasn’t that hard, nor was it that easy. Although she had a lifetime to get it done, she didn’t want to spend her entire time completing a mission.

“Aiya, it’s Mi’s fault for being so cute.” Tang Guo Er pouted. Her righteous attitude made XunMi not sure whether to laugh or cry.

The original body’s character was indeed the cute type. Although she hadn’t really encountered the darker sides of society, she had a fitting way of conducting herself in society. For example, she was innocent without being naive. Furthermore, she was incredibly perceptive towards others’ moods, to the point that it could be considered her magic hack.

But it could be because she was too innocent that she had overly simplified thoughts about everything.

“Alright, alright. Let’s get back to business. Mi, I’ve already ordered public relations to spread the news of your return. Coincidentally, the genius director Lu Qianyu will be filming a massive epic series authorized by the government. There’s strict requirements for the character roles. Director Lu’s assistant sent me the audition invitation. I think this is a very good excuse for coming back. We can say you’re returning to participate in Director Lu’s movie auditions.” Tang Guo Er seemed a bit clumsy in front of XunMi but when it came to business, she made no mistakes.

XunMi nodded, her long lean fingers began flipping through the documents on the table. They were all concerning the movie’s historical period. The information was very thorough. It was obvious that the arranger worked hard.

“Guo Er, thank you. Let’s go with that plan. Oh right, remember to tell my second brother so he won’t worry.” XunMi knew from the original body’s memories that Ni family was famous in B city.

Her father was in politics. Currently, he was the secretary of the municipal party committee. Her mother was the chairperson of the Women’s Alliance. She had two older brothers. The eldest was in the army as a Major. The second was a businessman; Dreamcatcher Entertainment was one of B city’s two largest entertainment enterprises.

Based on her family, this girl was completely a daughter of fortune.

Unfortunately, this daughter of fortune was completely ruined and died in discontent.

Meanwhile, the female lead didn’t have any family backing. Nor did she have a prettier face than XunMi. However, she was able to prosper more than the original body. In the end, she even became an international superstar. Her love and work lives both thrived as she became a winner of life.

Tsk tsk tsk, this was the difference between the female lead and the second female lead. XunMi sighed.

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