Sofia, the capital of the Dragona Empire.

Though it was located on the outskirts of the empire, Sofia was by no means small for a capital city. Its name carried a legacy from the past, and for over eighty years, it had stood as the heart of the empire’s power and economy.

At the center of the city stood the Imperial Palace, the core of the Dragona Empire. While its structure had been expanded incrementally to meet practical needs, it lacked the grandeur of the Hangurian royal palace, let alone the splendor of the Tarkic Empire or the Holy Empire.

Although the palace was neat and orderly, it felt underwhelming as an imperial castle. There were no elaborate artworks, ceiling murals, or decorations in precious metals like gold or silver. This austerity wasn’t limited to the palace alone; it extended to the empress herself.

Mina Roseveta Dragona, the empress of Dragona, lived modestly. Her attire, though neat, was far from luxurious, and her meals were simpler than those enjoyed by monarchs from other nations who dined on rare delicacies. Even national holidays were focused on public service and relief rather than elaborate celebrations.

In the past, some nobles and servants had quietly criticized the empress’ frugality. One brave servant had even mustered the courage to voice the opinion that a certain level of luxury was necessary to uphold the dignity of the empire. However, Roseveta had only smiled and responded:

“Rather than showing dignity that way, putting smiles on people’s faces is a better way to demonstrate the empire’s authority.”

After this incident, the nobles of the Dragona Empire refrained from indulging in ostentation. If the empress herself, occupying the highest position in the land, lived modestly, it would be inappropriate for her subordinates to flaunt extravagance. 

This shift in culture contributed to the disappearance of luxury within the Dragona Empire during Roseveta’s sixty-year reign, allowing high-ranking officials to focus solely on strengthening the nation.

With lords competing through governance rather than superficial grandeur, and an empress who led by example, the Dragona Empire transformed from a mere border principality of the Tarkic Empire into a powerful nation.

The one who made this transformation possible was Mina Roseveta Dragona. As empress, she had ruled for decades and showed no signs of relinquishing the throne. Seated at a small table, she savored a cup of strong black tea—the one indulgence she allowed herself.


The warm, fragrant tea seemed to wash away the burdens of her day. As she sipped slowly, her thoughts drifted to the events she had been contemplating for some time.

“Bahamut Fernandez and the Beden Merchant Company… They could be considered the true winners of this great war.”

The Beden Merchant Company had amassed vast wealth and power through Eastern trade and its merger with the Sakiel Knights. Though the war had depleted a large portion of their resources, the company had used the conflict to secure influence over the monarchs of the continent.

This meant that even the most powerful rulers, whether willingly or not, would now have to consider the interests of the Beden Merchant Company and Bahamut in their decisions.

While many rulers would prefer to pay off their debts as soon as possible, they weren’t foolish. They had initiated the war and were now preparing for further conflict, knowing they had to defend themselves sooner or later.

Roseveta knew, however, that the future was far from certain.

“If peace comes from this conflict, things might stabilize… but given the situation on the continent, that’s unlikely.”

The authority of the Holy Church and its pope was steadily declining, and monarchs across the continent were growing increasingly ambitious, eager to seize more land and power.

Though they had temporarily united against a common external threat, Roseveta was well aware that this unity wouldn’t last.

“The church’s authority will wane… And, like it or not, the influence of the emperor, who must rely on that authority, will weaken over time. As a result, old problems that have been held in check will begin to surface. Instead of repaying debts, rulers might end up sinking deeper into them.”

Thinking about these potential challenges, Roseveta found herself growing increasingly curious about Bahamut.

“I always knew he was an unusual person, but I never imagined he’d rise to this level of influence. In hindsight, perhaps having a debt of 2,700 talets to such a person isn’t a bad thing.”

Though the amount was significant, for an empire like Dragona, it was manageable. A faint smile spread across Roseveta’s lips as she recalled a proposal Bahamut had made to her.

“A deal… If someone like that works with me, there’s nothing to fear. This could be interesting.”

As these thoughts swirled in her mind, she sipped her tea again. Just then, a familiar voice called out to her.

“Your Majesty!”

“Oh my… What a pleasant surprise.”

Roseveta welcomed the arrival of a guest with a smile. The man who entered knelt down and bowed before her.

“Your Majesty, Empress of Dragona. I, Duke of Selibras, stand before you. Do you have any commands?”

The young man’s voice was polite and formal. However, Roseveta’s smile faded as she responded.

“That introduction… It’s always so over the top.”

“But I thought you would be used to it by now, no?”

“I’ve told you before, I’ll never get used to it. So please, stop.”

Her words were casual, lacking the stiffness expected in formal conversation. The man chuckled, his serious demeanor softening.

This was the Duke of Selibras, the chancellor of the Dragona Empire. As one of the founding figures who had helped establish the empire alongside Roseveta, he was also one of her oldest friends. He addressed her without the need for formalities.

“I heard Elios clashed with the Holy Empire and came back in defeat?”

“To put it mildly, yes. But we did gain a few things. While some areas were lost, we managed to acquire Treviso, which had been a border territory. And there’s one more thing…”

The emperor’s tone turned more serious, sparking the duke’s curiosity.

“Oh? Something interesting, I assume?”

“Yes, but I’d rather not discuss it now. It’s related to work, and I’m still a bit tired.”

“Fair enough. Since it’s been a while, shall we talk about something lighter? My wife just found out she’s expecting our third child.”

The duke’s pride was evident, and Roseveta’s expression brightened.

“Oh? Congratulations! That’s wonderful news.”

“Thank you. We’ll soon find out whether it’s a boy or a girl, and I’ll be sure to let you know.”

The two old friends continued their conversation, setting aside their roles as emperor and chancellor. They talked as any close friends would, sharing personal stories and simple joys.

Though their words seemed trivial to others, to them, these moments were more valuable than the affairs of state. After all, their ultimate goal in ruling was to protect this very way of life—the small, precious moments that made life worth living.

Book Release: I recently listed a collection of my poems titled “Thought Blinks: A Collection of Poems” on Patreon and BuyMeaCoffee shop. You can buy it for only $7, if you like poetry. 


Things are Not Looking Good:

Yes, things are not looking good. As you know, translation requires a lot of time and energy. I translate, edit and proofread the chapters on my own. I will be honest here, I started translating as a hobby, then it evolved to a hope of earning a living by doing something I enjoy. 

However, I suffered a chain of misfortunes during and after the pandemic, and earnings from FSM and RTV helped me a lot. It became a significant part of my life. As long as my monthly income bordered around $200, I could make the time to translate in the middle of other works. Then RTV ended, and the earning decreased. Now, it has decreased to around $90-$100. And with PETTV nearing completion, that would decrease even more. A*dsence gets me about $ 0.50 per day, and you can’t get the payment until it reaches $100, so I can’t depend on that either. 

It wouldn’t be an issue in normal circumstances, but it matters a lot to me since I am still dealing with a lot of financial troubles. I am currently looking for a job, and will have to invest my time and energy in it once I get it.

Long story short, if you enjoy reading this novel, support the translation if you can, either by becoming a Patron in Patreon, or sponsoring chapters at BuymeaCoffee. You can also take some time to watch a*ds to increase the revenue on A*dsence. Grains of sand together can form a desert.

FSM supporters has been supporting me from the start no matter what, so I would continue to translate FSM as long as I am alive. But for the other projects, I now desperately need your support so that I can spend the time and energy to serve them to you all. That’s all. Thank you.

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