The Allied Forces blocked the offensive of the Tarkic Empire. However, the tide of battle, which had slightly turned in their favor with the arrival of reinforcements, soon reset to a stalemate.

“D*mn… those guys again.”

Though the Tarkic Empire Army suffered heavy losses in the Allied Forces’ counterattack, the shaman-led core units remained unscathed. These units, including the shamans, had been biding their time. Now, they finally began to act.

“The key with the power of light…”

“Thou shalt appear before me in thy true form…”

“By the contract we share, I order it…”


The shaman’s spell ended, and beings emerged from enchanted tools. 

At first, they appeared as smoke, but soon they manifested distinct forms—beasts, fairies, and other fantastical shapes.

These beings, known as spirits, embodied the power of the natural world. They could materialize and act through a contract with a shaman. However, this power came with drawbacks. Physically, the spirits weren’t exceptionally strong, comparable to ordinary soldiers, or even weaker if the shaman’s proficiency was lacking. If struck with a fatal blow, the spirit would disappear, and it would be impossible to summon them again for some time—usually about two days, depending on the shaman’s skill.

More importantly, although spirits followed their summoners’ orders, they possessed their own egos, which could complicate things. While they obeyed basic commands, they often acted according to their mood or the surrounding atmosphere. Cooperative operations with other troops could quickly turn disastrous, as a spirit might attack an ally simply because it disliked them.

Despite these shortcomings, with over 10,000 shamans in the field, the sheer force of the spirits became overwhelming. With each spirit replenishing every two days, the shamans unleashed an unrelenting assault. 

For ten continuous days, the spirits bombarded the Allied Forces, leaving them slowly but surely worn down.

“D*mn… If only we could do something about those shamans!”

Gerard, seething with frustration, shared his anger with his fellow officers. 

Yet even they had no solution. 

Although summoning spirits left the shamans temporarily defenseless, the Tarkic Empire protected them with elite corps. Moreover, the reorganized lizard-folk units were on standby, prepared to counter any unexpected moves by the Winged Husards.

Penetrating the enemy lines to reach the shamans was impossible. With no options left, the Allied Forces abandoned their forward positions and retreated to the fortress, hoping to regroup. They launched several desperate night raids and ambushes, but these efforts failed to reverse the deteriorating situation.

In ten days of brutal combat, the Allies lost 30,000 troops, while the Tarkic forces lost fewer than 10,000. Their advantage lay in their use of mana-users, which allowed them to hold off the spirits, but that edge was reaching its limit. The enemy had used the spirits to buy time and fully reorganize their army, while the Allied Forces grew weaker with every passing battle.

Though the fortress was well-defended, Gerard knew they couldn’t withstand a full assault in their exhausted state. The situation seemed hopeless.

“Commander Gerard.”

“Ah… General Fabre.”

General Fabre approached Gerard, his steps heavy with fatigue. Among the Allied Forces, the Frank Kingdom Army had suffered the most devastating losses. Their initial force of 50,000 soldiers had dwindled to fewer than 5,000.

The army’s sacrifice weighed heavily on Gerard’s heart, and he felt deep gratitude toward them. 

Fabre, however, maintained a calm demeanor, even in the face of disaster.

“How are things?”

“…Honestly, not good. At least the spirits’ offensive was held off by the efforts of the armies from Roland and the Kalmar Alliance. But the enemy’s main force will likely advance by tomorrow, or in two days at the latest.”

General Fabre nodded solemnly. “And has there been any word from the Holy Church?”

“The last message was three days ago. They said they managed to repel a raid by the Dragona Empire. Since then… nothing.”

Fabre’s face darkened. With no sign of reinforcements, he made a decision.

“General… I have a request for you.”

“What is it? Say the word.”

The Frank Kingdom had already given everything. Even if Fabre had chosen to withdraw at this point, no one could blame him. Gerard was ready to express his gratitude for their sacrifices.

But Fabre’s words weren’t what Gerard expected.

“Are you asking us to abandon this place and retreat?”

“It’s not a retreat—it’s securing a future. You are the commander-in-chief of Hangury. Your presence could shape the course of the entire Hangurian army. When the battle in Budipet begins, your leadership will be essential. The same goes for the other Allied commanders—we need their support to regroup with the remaining forces in the Kingdom of Roland.”

“But… How can we just leave you and the Frank soldiers behind?”

Fabre smiled bitterly at Gerard’s protest. “I told you before, didn’t I? I came here prepared to die. Even if I returned to Frank, I would face punishment. For us, dying in battle is the only way to preserve our honor as warriors of Great Frank.”


Fabre’s determination was unwavering. 

Gerard, realizing he couldn’t change Fabre’s mind, looked at him in silence.

Fabre’s voice brightened with resolve. “There’s no need to despair. As warriors and servants of the Lord, there is no greater honor than to fight and die for Him. This is also a chance for us to redeem our kingdom’s tarnished honor. Shouldn’t we embrace it?”

His words, though romantic, reflected a deep conviction. 

Gerard, as a fellow warrior and servant of the same Lord, honored Fabre’s spirit with all his heart.

“For Frank.”

“For the glory of the Lord!”

The two generals saluted each other with final resolve.

Five days later, every Frank soldier who had fought alongside the Allied Forces fell in battle, meeting a glorious end.

5,000 against 110,000.

They held the line for three days, defying all odds, and in doing so, they wrote a legendary tale. 

Through their sacrifice, they not only stalled the enemy’s advance but also restored the honor of the Frank  Kingdom.

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