A huge imperial palace stood at the center of Vienna, symbolizing the power and dignity of the Holy Empire. Its imposing presence overwhelmed visitors from the moment they entered. The wide castle gate and numerous armed knights lining up behind it created an atmosphere that demanded respect, and Bahamut began to feel a twinge of nervousness.

‘I knew the emperor was a man of spirit. But thinking about it now, it’s quite intimidating…’

Of course, Bahamut was not here as a criminal, but as an honored guest. With this in mind, he walked forward confidently. 

Bertina and Ophelia, who followed behind him, mirrored his composure, showing no sign of agitation despite the grandeur of the situation.

After passing through the road lined with endless knights, they finally arrived at the main hall. However, the knights suddenly blocked the path of the party attempting to enter.

“Only those with permission may proceed beyond this point,” one knight declared firmly. “Everyone besides Lady Bertina and Mr. Bahamut, please wait here.”

Ophelia frowned at this, but Bahamut responded first, “All right. We’ll do as instructed. Ashbel,” he called.

“Yes, Master?” Ashbel replied.

“Take care of things here until I return.”

“Understood. Please be careful,” Ashbel answered, his voice tinged with concern.

Bahamut knew that a person like the emperor would never resort to such naïve moves, but there was always reason for caution. 

After nodding in acknowledgment, Bahamut turned his gaze forward. Only then did the soldiers open the path and the door.

As Bahamut and Bertina entered the grand hall, their eyes were drawn to the young man sitting confidently on the throne. He was flanked by knights wearing black and white cloaks, respectively. 

This man, who was undoubtedly the emperor of the Holy Empire, was Carol.

Bahamut recognized him immediately. The emperor exuded a sense of majesty greater than King Mohichi of Hangury. 

In front of him, Bahamut knelt down respectfully, with Bertina following suit.

“Bahamut Fernandez from the Beden Merchant Company greets the Emperor of the Holy Empire,” Bahamut said, showing the utmost respect due to the difference in their social status.

The emperor nodded slowly, his expression unchanged. “Nice to meet you. I am Carol, Emperor of the Holy Empire. You’ve gone through much trouble to come this far; please be at ease.”

With permission granted, Bahamut slowly stood up and looked at the emperor’s face for the first time. The emperor had a strong chin, black hair, and a face that was objectively quite handsome. At the same time, he possessed the dignified air of an emperor.

‘This man is Emperor Carol. Just from his appearance, he’s clearly not an ordinary human,’ Bahamut thought, waiting patiently for the emperor to speak.

Unlike the previous King Mohichi, this emperor required caution in even the smallest matters. When dealing with someone like him, it was best to follow the military-like principle of ‘Act only as instructed, and only answer when asked.’

As expected, the emperor smiled slightly, looking at Bahamut, who was waiting politely for his words.

‘For a mere merchant, he certainly knows how to keep his manners…’

The emperor had already encountered Bertina during the process of borrowing money. To him, she did not seem fully cultured, though he acknowledged her abilities. She was quite arrogant, rarely bowing her head to others. Even in front of the emperor, she had spoken her mind freely, making it clear that she was someone he would prefer not to meet unless necessary.

‘She’s not unattractive, but beyond that, I find no charm in her as a woman. There’s a reason she hasn’t remarried despite her husband’s death several years ago.’

On the other hand, this Bahamut, whom the emperor met through coercion and persuasion under the guise of Bertina’s recommendation, was showing a positive impression from the start. With a favorable first impression of the merchant, the emperor spoke in a voice full of dignity.

“Yes, you are the owner of the famous Beden Merchant Company, correct? Your reputation is well-known to me. You played a crucial role in saving Hangury this time.”

“Crucial? That’s too much praise. What I did was simply assist as a merchant. All of this was accomplished by His Majesty the King and the people of Hangury.”

“No, I’m well aware that they would have been in great danger without the significant funds you provided. As an ally of Hangury, I commend you for resolving a problem I could not.”

With those words, the emperor gestured lightly. A knight in a white cloak standing to his right approached Bahamut with something in hand. Another knight, standing next to Bahamut, took it and handed it over. It was a splendid decoration made of pure gold and jewels.

“This award is given to those who have made great contributions to the empire in the name of the emperor. I look forward to seeing you live up to this honor in the future.”

“I don’t know how to repay this kindness… As Your Majesty said, I, Bahamut, will devote myself fully to the future of the empire, and the continent,” Bahamut said, his voice seemingly filled with emotion.

The emperor nodded, satisfied. 

And… Bahamut silently smiled inwardly as he accepted the award with bright eyes.

‘To think he’s just throwing a medal at me and calling it even… This emperor, noble as he is, still doesn’t understand the true power of merchants.’

Although he spoke with humility, Bahamut knew that the situation in Hangury could have led to a crisis far beyond what the Holy Empire could imagine. In the worst case, if Hangury had fallen entirely, the troops of the Tarkic Empire and the Dragona Empire could have invaded Vienna’s front yard.

The emperor’s attitude—attempting to resolve such a crisis with just a medal, instead of a fiefdom or title—revealed his limitations as a leader. 

Bahamut clearly saw this, understanding the emperor’s true nature, not just the fictional image.

‘In that sense… while he may lack in ability and be somewhat petty, the king of Hangury was a good man.’

With that thought, Bahamut, who had received a medal that was considered an honor in its own right, waited for the emperor’s words to continue.

“Then… let’s set aside the pleasantries. The reason I summoned you is not just to congratulate you but to have a discussion. Bertina vouched for your competence, and I want to hear your thoughts. Will you answer me?”

“I’m truly honored that His Majesty the Great Emperor would ask a mere merchant such a thing. If it’s Your Majesty’s question, I will do my best to answer whatever it may be.”

A satisfied smile appeared on the emperor’s lips, and he nodded slowly. “If you don’t mind, allow me to ask. Bahamut Fernandez, I’ve heard you have a keen perspective when it comes to understanding the flow of the world. From your point of view, what do you think will happen to the future of the Holy Empire and the continent?”

The emperor asked a profound question without hesitation, causing Bahamut to frown slightly. He had already been informed by Bertina that a similar question might arise, but he hadn’t expected the emperor to ask so directly.

‘I knew he was a man full of pride, but… I never thought he’d ask such a straightforward question…’

In some ways, this direct approach was fitting for an emperor who didn’t need to concern himself with the opinions of others. 

With this in mind, Bahamut let out a small sigh and slowly opened his mouth to respond.


During the recent unrest in the country I am from, our family hardware store was broken into and looted by thugs. I don’t know why they did it, since my family has always been minding our own business, without bothering anyone else. I’m guessing some people are taking advantage of the current lawless and chaotic state of the country. 

Anyways, the incident now leaves me as the only earning member of my family. Long time readers know that I was already dealing with a mountain of trouble (that I inherited from my father), and was already struggling. I had created a plan of action, and was steadily moving forward. But this incident destroyed whatever plans I had, again. I don’t know why bad things keep happening to me again and again. I might as well be cursed or something.

So here I am, after much hesitation, once again asking for your support. If you are reading this, please help if you are able to, I repeat, help only if you are able to. I am not asking something for free, you can become a Patron at Patreon to gain access to more chapters, or sponsor as many chapters you can from any of the novels you enjoy on Goblinslate here at BuymeaCoffee. Or if you just want to help, you can donate any amount at the Wishlist at BuymeaCoffee.

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