242 Lucrethia’s Horrible Deed

The news that Lillian was pregnant with a boy was received well by everyone in the Ironclad Claws Pack, particularly the matriarch Lucrethia Woodland.

The peace that followed was short-lived because Lucrethia then started asking what Ronan Silverback planned to do with this great news.

Conrad Woodland, sweating from nervosity, told his mother that, “Ronan was a mated werewolf. He, if not his whole pack, might need a few days to properly chewed the news and decide what to do next.”

Lucrethia tilted her head up and pinned her son with a stare along the bridge of her nose.

“Are you not a father with an unwed daughter who is pregnant with another Alpha’s son? Should you not do something to push Alpha Ronan?”

In the end, Conrad Woodland caved and did what his mother wanted him to do. He submitted a plea to the Werewolf Council to mediate between all the relevant parties: Conrad, his daughter Lillian, Alpha Ronan, and also Alpha Ronan’s mate, Lucien Clearwater.

When they went home with the wonderful conclusion of having Lillian move to the Infinite Eclipse Pack, Conrad thought that they could wait until the baby was born.

Lillian thought that they had a month.

Lucrethia did not wish to wait. She arranged for people to pack up Lillian’s basic necessities into five huge boxes and sent them to the Infinite Eclipse Pack, together with Lillian.


At first, Lillian was filled with dread.

If she was removed from the Ironclad Claws Pack House, she would miss out on important information to unearth Lucrethia’s criminal activities. She managed to gather some intellectual information, but she had yet to get her claws on the incriminating pieces of evidence.

How was she supposed to do that when she was stuffed far, far away in the Infinite Eclipse Pack House?

Blood frozen with anxiety, Lillian guessed that her and Ronan’s performances were not up to the mark. Lucrethia might know what they were planning. That was why she wanted to get rid of Lillian as soon as possible.

While Lillian was at the end of her wits and was brainstorming for excuses to creep back into the Ironclad Claws Pack House, her dear old grandmother summoned her for brunch.

It was a goddesssent invitation. How could Lillian refuse it?

The pregnant she-wolf left the Infinite Eclipse Pack that very evening and spent the night in Pine Groove City to be in time for brunch at her grandmother’s residence the next day.

Instead of asking about Alpha Ronan, this time Lucrethia asked about the soon-to-be Luna, Lucien Clearwater.

“How did he take the news?”

Lillian was baffled.

“He was the one who pitched the suggestion in the first place, Mom,” Conrad answered hastily, unwilling to displease the elderly woman.

“I know, but... How is he doing now?”

That question was too suspicious. When Conrad Woodland heard it, his face slowly lost color.

“He is doing fine,” Lillian answered.

That was a lie.

Lucien was not doing fine at all, but that had nothing to do with Lillian’s entry into the pack.

Lillian knew for a fact that Lucien’s health had been poor before she even set a foot in Great Lake City. So that was not her fault, right?

Lucrethia raised an eyebrow and scoffed.

Tapping her wooden cane against the floor a few times, she said in a low voice, “I guess he should have eaten more.”

By the end of his mother’s words, Conrad was as white as the marble stone beneath his feet.

“Mother, don’t tell me that... Did you...?”

Lillian widened her eyes in horror when she realized what Lucrethia and Conrad were talking about.

His grandmother had taken action on her own against Lucien!

“Grandmother, did you do anything to Lucien?”

Lucrethia let out a series of cackled laughter like a hyena.

“Just a little serving of potion, nothing more.”

“What potion?” Lillian demanded to know.

Lucrethia pinned her granddaughter with a sharp look.

“And if you know, then what? Are you going to run off to Ronan Silverback and tell him that I have poisoned his mate?”


It was poison.

Lucien Clearwater had been poisoned!

Lillian’s blood ran cold.

What was she supposed to do? She could not tell Ronan. It would not make sense. If she were truly on Lucrethia’s side, harming Lucien should even be part of her agenda!

Smiling sweetly, Lillian rubbed her hand against her grandmother’s wrinkly arm. “Of course not. I am just curious.”

“I am not going to tell you,” Lucrethia returned Lillian’s smile. “In fact, you don’t need to know at all. All I need you to do now is grasp the chance and take that Luna position away from the sick Lucien.”

“... How?”

Lucrethia gazed at Lillian full of contempt.

“Do you need me to teach you how to ensnare a man and pull him to your bed chamber?”

Lillian put her hands around her belly protectively and returned her grandmother’s gaze.

“Grandmother, I am currently unsuitable for any sexual activities.”

She was nearing her seventh month of pregnancy. Her Ob-Gyn, Dr. Collins, had warned her from engaging in the acts of intercourse.

“Not that I accuse you of wanting to do it, but that ignorant father of your baby might be interested in it. Some men had a sick fetish. They find sexual gratification from pounding into a woman when she’s heavy with a child,” Dr. Collins told her with a scowl on her face.

Lucrethia clicked her tongue in disappointment.

“Bummer,” she crowed. “I should have fed the young man the poison sooner.”

Lillian clenched her jaw. That was all she could do to hide her disgust.

“Speaking about your pregnancy, isn’t it time for you to start planning a baby shower?”


What? A baby shower?

“You need to keep reminding Alpha Ronan that you are carrying his son under your heart. That cannot be too difficult to accomplish, can it?”

Lucrethia grabbed Lillian’s chin and gave it a squeeze.

“Don’t disappoint me, granddaughter.”

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