235 Speaking About Lillian’s Status

Ronan was not surprised to see Dane Silverback present during the meeting. In fact, if he were not around, Ronan would be amazed.

The Alpha had not yet forgotten how Dane Silverback treated his mother’s corpse. He did not think that he could ever forgive his disgusting action.

Dane Silverback, on the other side, was clearly still angry about the mating bond between Ronan and Lucien.

What gave him the right to be angry, that was what Ronan wanted to know the most.

Nevertheless, today’s meeting was not to solve the problem between the father and son.

It was, of course, to talk about Lillian Woodland.

The pregnant lady came together with her father, Alpha Conrad Woodland of the Ironclad Claws Pack.

Both Ronan and Lucien looked grim. Lucien was somewhat pale.

Lillian’s gaze shifted to Dane Silverback and the few elders that represented each of the three packs; Elder Rick for the Silent Walkers Pack, Elder Aaron for the Infinite Eclipse Pack, and Elder Kragen for the Ironclad Claws Pack.


Conrad Woodland was the senior Alpha in the room, but his presence was far beneath Ronan Silverback who was tens of years his junior. Even lower than Dane Silverback who already stepped down from the Alpha position.

Sweating profusely, Conrad Woodland stuttered out the reason he called for this meeting.

“I would like to know Alpha Ronan’s plan regarding my daughter and uh, the boy that she is carrying.”

Dane Silverback narrowed his eyes at Conrad Woodland.

“What is your expectation?” he asked, quite nonchalant for someone who once spoke highly about matchmaking Lillian to Ronan.

The muscle at Conrad’s cheek twitched in distress.

“That... I would like for my daughter to have a status in Alpha Ronan’s household.”

A status.

What status could there be?

Ronan reached out to touch Lucien’s hand and squeezed it.

“I have already formed a mating bond with Lucien Clearwater. This bond is holy and protected by the Moon Goddess. Surely Alpha Conrad knows that.”

“I know that,” Conrad snapped. “So what do you suggest, Alpha Ronan? Don’t tell me that you plan to not take any responsibility for my daughter!”

Elder Kragen cracked a nervous smile. He grabbed Conrad’s shoulder and gestured for him to calm down.

“Alpha Conrad is merely concerned about Lillian’s future. No one is requiring Alpha Ronan to break the existing mating bond with Lucien Clearwater. That would be a sinful act, even,” Elder Kragen said with a broad, placating smile on his face.

Ronan took a deep breath.

Lucien lowered his gaze.

“In that case, what kind of status does Alpha Conrad seek to obtain for his daughter?”

Everyone knew the delicate situation they were in when they started the discussion. No one dared to make a suggestion. They merely shoved the question to each other’s lap, hoping that someone could come up with something that did not offend the other parties.

It made Lucien sick. Whatever status Lillian got in the Infinite Eclipse Pack, Lucien was not going to be happy anyway.

He wanted to tell everyone that he did not care.

He just wanted to leave.

But he could not do that, could he?

Lucien squeezed Ronan’s hand.

The latter took it to his lips and gave it a reverent kiss.

“The child is mine. He shall be recognized as my heir when the time comes. Unfortunately, I cannot and will not marry Lillian. It won’t be fair for my mate,” Ronan pointed out.

“Then what will happen to my daughter?” Conrad glared at Ronan. “She is going to be damaged goods in the eyes of others! Mind you, my daughter used to be the most popular bachelorette out there! She gave her heart and body to you and now you are throwing her away after she gives birth to your heir? Alpha Ronan, are you not too selfish???”


That’s the word again.

Lucien clawed into Ronan’s hand.

He could feel his breakfast coming up his throat.

“It is my fault,” Ronan said through gritted teeth. “I am willing to compensate Lillian for everything that she has to go through. I just don’t know how. As you see, I am a mated man. My mate should not have to suffer from this issue.”

Conrad broke into laughter.

“‘Issue’, huh? I guess when you did it with my daughter, you did not think that this ‘issue’ will come up.”

Lillian wrinkled her forehead.

“Daddy, stop it,” she murmured.

It’s not as if Conrad was highly against her sleeping with Ronan Silverback and getting pregnant before they even sealed a mating bond. That was actually the original plan.

They wanted to force Ronan Silverback into accepting Lillian by making use of the child.

They just did not expect Lillian to come home with another man’s seed in her belly.

On the other side, Ronan heaved a sigh as heavy as the whole universe.

To be very honest, his not sleeping with Lillian was a stroke of luck. Or maybe it wasn’t. It was purely Lillian’s achievement. Ronan should thank her for her kick that night.

If she had endured Ronan and gone through it, the baby would truly be his.

Conrad was not wrong to be angry.

Had that been the case, though, Ronan would have taken responsibility before he started courting Lucien.

He would have met up with Lillian and talked about things. It was not his style to leave a woman after he took advantage of her. Especially not if it meant that a child might have been born from a one-time union.

It was because Ronan knew for sure that they did not end up sleeping together that he dared pursue Lucien freely, without any trace of guilt.

Otherwise, he would have told Lucien about that night. He would have prepared Lucien in the event that Lillian really became pregnant from that one night.

Next to Ronan, Lucien pressed a hand against his lips. His white face had meanwhile turned blueish.

Ronan’s eyes widened in terror.


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