220 Repaying Kindness With Hatred

Ronan Silverback sat at his desk and glared at the poor assistant who stood before him. Milroy had put together the investigation report for the riot that happened at the art gallery earlier that day.

Smuggled among the visitors who were there to attend the launch were a bunch of troublemakers.

After hours of tedious questioning, they admitted that they were hired especially to give Lucien some grievances.

In exchange for a huge sum of money, they were requested to embellish the recently circulated image of the Silverback Corporation CEO and his gay lover.

The young woman who protested about the unfair selection did not even register an artwork of her own.

The people who shouted curses at Lucien did not even know who he was until they accepted the deal.

The woman who hit Lucien with a stone was a different case. A few months ago, she became mentally unstable after her husband admitted that he was homosexual and then left her for a man.

Interestingly, she was not the only one. Several more women with similar backgrounds were recruited to attend the launch event.

The perpetrator had specifically found these women and brainwashed them into hating Lucien.


The police department suspected that hypnosis was so involved because these bitter women did not see Lucien when they looked at the man. Every single one of them saw the person who stole their husbands instead.

During interrogation at the police station, they did not mention Lucien’s name. They mentioned the name of their husbands’ lovers over and over again along with their personal grievances.

“All of them had been sent to psychiatric facilities for correction,” Milroy ended his report.

“And who is the culprit behind this scheme?”

Milroy swallowed hard.

“Reporting to the Alpha, the culprit has not been found...”

Before Milroy ended his sentence, Ronan swept across his desk and sent everything crashing to the floor. The young man flinched and trembled in fear.

“I... I will keep searching,” he stuttered while holding his notebook against his chest, just in case the Alpha planned to rip his heart out of his chest.

Ronan roared in frustration.

Why was he not able to unearth the villain who did all of these horrible things?

He did not want to rely on Lillian Woodland. Five months were simply too long!

While the Alpha wrecked his brain in an attempt to find a way to squeeze the villain out of his hiding place, someone knocked at the door.

“Alpha, may I enter?”

Jake’s voice was heard coming from behind the door. Milroy was so grateful for the Beta’s appearance that he almost broke into tears.

“Enter,” Ronan answered briskly.

Jake entered, his face ashen and his expression cheerless.

“Reporting to the Alpha, Enoch Boyd reported a vandalism incident at the art gallery.”

“Is this even worth reporting?” Ronan snapped fiercely.

“It is,” Jake said. He took out his phone and handed it over to Ronan.

When Ronan saw the pictures, he facepalmed.

“Goddess. Don’t let Lucien see it. Erase it immediately.”

Jake had nothing good to respond with.

“Lucien already saw. He went to the art gallery as soon as he regained conscious...”

Ronan lunged at Jake and grabbed the man’s collar across the table. Jake had to support himself with both hands on the table in order to not topple forward.

Meanwhile, his phone tumbled down to the carpeted floor with a soft thud.

“For fucking sake,” Ronan hissed at his Beta, “how difficult is it to keep an eye on one person??? How did he even get out of the hospital??? What the fuck was Noah doing???”

“You know how Lucien is,” Jake said in a low voice. “Noah could not stop him. Neither could Enoch.”


Ronan released Jake and slammed both fists on the desk.

“Where is Lucien now?”

“He asked to go back to Great Lake City. Noah is taking him there now.”

Ronan sighed.

Well, at least he was back to their safe nest.

“There better be no graffiti waiting for him when he gets home,” Ronan scoffed.

“Get a Healer to tend to his wound and give him something to calm his mind,” Ronan ordered. “Keep an eye on him, don’t leave him alone without any supervision.”

Sighing heavily, Ronan knew that his instructions were useless. Lucien hated to be tailed, let alone supervised. He would most likely just send everyone away and lock himself up in a room or something.

The Alpha sank into his seat and pressed a hand over the upper half of his face.

“Never mind. I am going back to Great Lake City this evening. Milroy, get me Mara Keenthorne.”

Given an excuse to go away, Milroy naturally seized it with elan.

“Right away, Alpha!” He shouted before he bolted out of the door — not without shooting Jake a commiserating look.

It turned out that Jake was not done with his finding.

“We have found the people who sprayed the word at the art gallery,” the Beta informed Ronan while straightening his tie.

“Do we know them?” Ronan asked without removing his hand from his face.

Not that he cared for some meager pawns. The person he was most interested in was the invisible person who pulled the strings and mobilized the mass against them.

“No, but Lucien does.”

Jake picked up his phone from the floor and showed him mugshots of two young women. The name tags that they held up identified them as Neena Evans and Helene Bradford.

“Who are these two people?” Ronan asked with a frown. “Don’t tell me that they are from Silent Walkers Pack.”

“They are normal human beings,” Jake corrected him. “During his short stay at the art gallery, Lucien mentored a few interns, including these two ladies.”


A vein popped up at Ronan’s temple.

“Are you telling me that Lucien was kind enough to teach them for free and then these two turned against him and bit his hand?”

Jake pulled his lips into a thin line.

“More or less.”

“Damn it,” Ronan cursed.

Lucien was too soft-hearted. He did so many things for so many people, uncaring whether they were werewolves or not, but look at what he got in return.

It was bad enough that no one cared to stand up in his defense, but to actually ride the bandwagon to attack their benefactor?


Ronan clawed at the sides of his desk.

How he would love to tear them into pieces.

If they had been she-wolves, Ronan would personally visit their Alpha and demand payback for the emotional pain that they caused his mate.

“Throw them into jail. Let those ungrateful bunch of kids rot there.”

“Yes, Alpha.”

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