180 Watching The Sunset

The beast that hid between Ronan’s legs quickly reared its ugly head. The Alpha licked his lips lasciviously. He sank his middle finger deep into Lucien’s mouth before withdrawing half of it and thrusting it inside again.

The act was very similar to sexual intercourse.

Lucien’s warm mouth made wet, sucking noises as it spat and swallowed Ronan’s finger.

The jut on the Alpha’s throat moved up and down from lust. He grabbed Lucien’s hand and pressed it against his breeches.

Lucien blushed immediately.

Ronan was rock hard.

“We should stop,” Ronan whispered with a hoarse voice. “Otherwise don’t blame me if I shove my burrito into your other mouth.”

Lucien smirked.

He squeezed at Ronan’s manhood through the fabric, extracting a moan from the Alpha.


“You are such a horndog,” Lucien scolded him. “You get excited too quickly.”

Ronan raised an eyebrow at Lucien. He wiped his hands clean on the tablecloth to get rid of the remaining salsa and then reached under Lucien’s sweater to pinch his waist.

“And you don’t?”

“I don’t,” Lucien stated confidently.

“Oh, really.”

Ronan’s hand wandered to Lucien’s chest and rubbed against Lucien’s trained nipples.

The color on Lucien’s face changed immediately.


Ronan’s wrist was grabbed and pulled out right away. Lucien was all red in the face.

“You are playing dirty,” he complained. “You have been stimulating me there so many times that they have become sensitive to touch. You cannot touch there!”

Ronan gave Lucien a disgruntled look.

“If you forbid me from touching your sensitive points, how am I supposed to prove that you are as easy to excite?”

Lucien grabbed Ronan’s hand and interlaced their fingers.

“Like this.”


Ronan leaned his forehead against Lucien’s shoulder while he shook from laughter.

“Lulu, you are killing me.”

“It is not that funny,” Lucien murmured, a little offended and peeved at the same time.

Ronan wiped at his lips to suppress the urge to continue laughing. Just what kind of man could excite another by holding hands? If he truly managed to do that, Lucien should be deeply concerned. Or did Lucien maybe think that Ronan only needed to do that to reel in his “whores”?

Ronan grabbed the back of Lucien’s neck and pulled him in for a kiss.

“I love you,” he whispered. “Silly Lulu.”

Lucien leaned against Ronan and inhaled a lungful of his scent.

“I love you too,” he said, rubbing the side of his head against the Alpha’s chest.

It felt so comfortable and secure when he lay in Ronan’s arms. The sun shone brightly above them, but the blinding light was effectively filtered out by the umbrella. Only the gentle warmth filled the air. The sound of water waves that softly crashed against the beach further acted like a lullaby to Lucien’s ears.

Belly full and eyelids heavy, Lucien fought hard against the oncoming drowsiness but was eventually defeated.

He nodded off a few times until he finally fell asleep from exhaustion.

Ronan waited until Lucien was sound asleep before he carefully lifted him in his arms and carried him to one of the rented beach cottages.

The sound of waves accompanied Lucien throughout his sleep, but the scent and feel of Ronan’s body were gone after a while, replaced by the velvety, smooth surface of fabric.

When he opened his eyes again, he was lying on a bed, tucked in properly under a quilt.

“Ronan?” He mumbled sleepily, sweeping the other side of the bed for the Alpha.


His voice came from another corner of the room. A moment later, a kiss was pressed on Lucien’s cheek.

“Hello, my love. Did you have a nice nap?”

Lucien rubbed at his eyes.

“Mmm... Sorry, I fell asleep.”

Ronan raked his fingers through Lucien’s hair.

“It’s fine. I want you to be properly rested.”

Lucien raised his hand and caressed Ronan’s cheek. “We are on a date though. You already prepared everything so wonderfully. I don’t want to sleep through it.”

“You woke up early today. It is normal to feel exhausted.”

Lucien blinked at Ronan.

He did wake up early, but what about Ronan? Ronan must have woken up earlier than him. Ronan must be more exhausted than him.

Lucien’s hand slid to Ronan’s strong biceps and gave his upper arm a gentle tug.

“Why didn’t you take a little nap? Do you want to rest a little, then?”

Ronan shook his head.

“I can’t fall asleep.”

“Why not?”

As an answer, Ronan took Lucien’s hand and pressed it against his cheek.

“Just because,” he said mysteriously.

Ronan’s mood was not quite right. They were on a date, but the Alpha seemed so nervous, so restless.

“Is something wrong?” Lucien asked.

“No,” Ronan quickly denied. “Why would you think that?”

“Well, you seem a little...”

Lucien could not think of a good word to say.

“I am okay,” Ronan interrupted him.

“Um, Lulu... The sun is setting soon. Would you like to walk along the beach and see it?”

In the winter months, the sun set earlier. Lucien sat up on the bed and squeezed Ronan’s cheek.

“Let’s go.”

It was magnificent to watch the sunrise during their hot air balloon trip, but watching the sunset while they were leisurely strolling along the beach was quite magical.

The cold, damp sand rubbed against their feet as they walked along the coastline. Above their heads, the pearly clouds were slowly dyed in multiple shades of red, yellow, and orange. As the sun slowly slipped into the night, the symphony of colors gently faded into a calm and peaceful blue.

Lucien and Ronan stood at the beach, facing the direction where the sun disappeared.

What a beautiful ending to their date, Lucien thought.

He turned to Ronan and slid an arm around the Alpha’s back.

“Thank you, Ronan. It was a wonderful date.”

“Not yet,” the Alpha said with a smile. “Lulu, there is one more place I wish to take you to.”

Lucien widened his eyes in surprise.

One more place?

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