178 An Outdoor Picnic


Lucien smacked Ronan’s hand furiously and turned away from him.

He knew that he was being childish, but he could not help it. Could Ronan not take him on a date where he had never been with anyone else?

Biting his lip from jealousy, he failed to notice the wide grin that spread on Ronan’s face.

Thick-skinned as always, Ronan hugged the sulking Lucien from behind.

“I also told my mother that she was more beautiful than the sunrise.”


Ronan pressed a kiss on Lucien’s cheek.

“... Your mom?”


“My mom,” Ronan confirmed.


Lucien felt so stupid.

“Do you not agree?” The Alpha teased.

“I do,” Lucien answered begrudgingly.

Ronan spun him around and bumped their foreheads together.

“Then why were you angry?”


Lucien glared at the Alpha who flashed him an innocent smile. Lucien could almost see the bushy tail wagging behind Ronan. What a bad, bad, bad wolf.

If he could lie smoothly about not being mad, Lucien would have lied. Unfortunately, his fury bled through when he slapped Ronan’s hand away.

Unable to answer, Lucien resorted to employing a trick to divert Ronan’s attention.

He put his arms around Ronan’s neck and started kissing him instead.

The corners of Ronan’s lips ticked up in a victorious smile.

He wrapped his arms around Lucien, pressing their bodies together while exchanging kiss after kiss.

On the other side of the balloon, the poor pilot pretended hard to be invisible, blind, and deaf.

The hot air balloon drifted past the buildings characteristic of Blue Hill City.

All the buildings were reduced to their miniature versions. The people were reduced to moving dots on the ground.

“Wow,” Lucien whispered in amazement as they passed the city’s famous cathedral. He never thought that he would one day watch the bell tower from the sky.

While Lucien was mesmerized by the amazing view, Ronan grabbed a bottle of champagne from the small storage inside the basket.

The sudden popping sound of the champagne bottle drew Lucien’s attention.

He turned around to see Ronan pouring champagne into glasses that the pilot was holding.

The pilot handed one of the glasses to Lucien.

After Ronan put away the bottle, they stood in the middle and raised their glasses.

“To the flight!” The pilot hollered.

Following the toast, the pilot started to give them a little lecture about the history of hot air balloon rides.

Lucien leaned against Ronan’s body while he listened. Such a small gesture was like an open invitation for Ronan to pamper him. The Alpha enveloped Lucien in the warmth of his embrace while they enjoyed the remainder of the trip.

The hot air balloon crossed a lake and then slowly descended toward a resort area.

The beach had a few huge, white umbrellas with a picnic table and two lounge chairs each. A few fire pits stood some distance away from the white umbrellas for outdoor cooking purposes.

A group of people were already waiting for their arrival. As soon as their hot air balloon landed, a few men rushed over to tie the hot air balloon to the ground.

Ronan jumped out without much effort, then he put his hands around Lucien’s waist to help him climb out of the basket.

As soon as they picked their table and took a seat on the lounge chairs, a man came over to bring them a pitcher of fresh orange juice and two glasses.

While he poured the orange juice into the two glasses, Lucien looked around curiously.

“Why is there no other guest here?” He asked.

“I booked the whole resort for today,” Ronan answered without skipping a beat.

Lucien gaped at him.


“I want to be alone with you,” Ronan said, reaching for Lucien’s hand across the picnic table.

Lucien chuckled.

“Did you miss me that much?”

“Yes,” Ronan replied, pressing kisses on Lucien’s hand. “I did.”

Lucien said nothing in return. He merely averted his gaze in embarrassment. The fluttering eyelashes and the soft pink blush that crept toward his cheeks were enough of an answer for Ronan.

While the two men were enjoying the refreshing orange juice, two braided girls in kitchen uniforms came over. They each had a picnic basket in their hands.

“Excuse us,” they said in unison before emptying the baskets and putting all the contents on the picnic table.

A cardboard box was placed in front of Lucien directly. Curious, he opened it and found six individually-packed burgers inside.

His eyes lit up with delight instantly.


On the surface, one would have thought that Ronan picked the burgers up from a random, unknown burger shop in town.

It was not until Lucien took a bite that he realized that the content had been tampered with.

The cheap processed Cheddar cheese had been replaced with a selection of Gouda, Camembert, and Emmental cheese.

The beef patties were extra juicy and flavorful, clearly hand-made with the best ground beef that Ronan could find.

Even the salad looked as if it had just been washed and slipped between the bread buns ten minutes ago!

Lucien stared at Ronan, who gave him a nervous smile.

“Well? Is it good?”

It was too delicious. Only lacking some edible gold sheets and truffle bits to make them the costliest burgers in the world.

Ronan had learned to lower his standard for high-quality dishes, but Ronan was still Ronan after all. Although he was willing to lower his regular meal standard down to burgers, he was still adamant about selecting only the best ingredients.

As expected of a Silverback, Lucien thought as he chuckled to himself.

“Very delicious,” he praised, prompting a smile to appear on Ronan’s face.

“I am glad.”

Other than the burger box, a bunch of glass containers were placed on the table, covering almost the entire table.

These containers contained a lot of fillings, among which crab sticks, corn kernels, caviar, boiled eggs, tomatoes, lettuce, spinach, tuna and salmon fillets, fried shrimps, hotdogs, ground beef, and even fried chicken strips.

The smallest ones contained various condiments.

Lucien’s jaw dropped mid-eating.

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