163 The Alpha Had To Say Goodbye For Now

Lucien did not realize how much the past events haunted him. In the first nights after the war ended, nightmares plagued him continuously. When he was awake, he had to see the wounded werewolves. When he was asleep, he was back in the wretched valley. The land collapsed, burying the unlucky warriors underneath.

Including Ronan.

No matter how loud Lucien screamed, his voice did not reach Ronan.


Lucien inhaled a deep breath.

He put his arms around Ronan and buried his face into the latter’s chest.

He could feel the Alpha’s steady heartbeat. His warm breath. His warm body.

The war was over.

Twenty-five precious lives were lost.


Lucien hated himself for being thankful that Ronan was not among those who passed away. He did not know what he would do if Ronan was no longer around.

“I love you,” Lucien whispered. “Don’t ever leave me.”

Ronan tilted Lucien’s chin up and locked their lips together again.

“I will never leave you,” Ronan promised. “I love you to the moon and back.”

A gentle smile appeared on Lucien’s face.

“Then, you agree, right?”



“... Fine.”

The Alpha earned himself another kiss as a reward for his cooperation. Lucien happily pulled him back to the audience hall by his hand, while Ronan dragged his feet reluctantly behind Lucien.

The Alpha could not help but feel that Lucien had no qualms about rejecting Ronan’s advances, but Ronan was more than willing to exchange favors against kisses.

He never fell this desperately in love before. It was rather infuriating. Ronan made a mental note to demand quality time with Lucien in the future for every second the latter spent with that brat from the Night Prowler Pack.

Shortly before Lucien and Ronan came back, Bjorn, the nanny, and Ralph returned to the audience hall.

“Have you two come to an agreement?” Kinnon asked, shifting his gaze between Ronan and Lucien.

“We accept,” Lucien said with a smile. “With this, there is no more debt between the two packs, right?”

“Correct,” Kinnon confirmed.

He then turned to the excited little boy on his lap and said, “Ralphy, Mommy is going to play with you whenever you want.”

“Really? Yayyyy!!!”

Ronan rolled with his eyes. He was regretting it already.

“By the way, Kinnon...”

Ronan put his arms around Lucien intimately.

“I hope you don’t abuse Lucien’s kindness. I am also entitled to reserve Lucien’s time. Unless of course you want your son to have a second ‘Daddy’.”

Kinnon narrowed his eyes at Ronan.

“I will keep that in mind. Excuse me.”

Ralphy hopped down from his father’s lap and ran toward Lucien and Ronan. He then extended his little arms toward Lucien.

“Mommy, hug. And kiss.”

Lucien gladly complied.

While Ralph was in Lucien’s arms, he threw a curious glance at Ronan, who furrowed his brows at him.

Ralphy went back to Kinnon, but he kept glancing back at Ronan. Not Lucien but Ronan.

“What is it, Ralphy?” Kinnon asked.

“It’s just that... Why does Mommy smell like that Uncle?” Ralph asked loudly, pointing at Ronan.



Bjorn cleared his throat.

Ralph’s new nanny turned bright red.

Lucien covered his burning face in embarrassment.

Ronan had a victorious smirk plastered all over his face.

Kinnon furrowed his brows.

“That’s because Uncle Ronan cannot keep his pants on around Mommy.”

Ralph tilted his head cutely to the side in confusion.

Ronan’s smirk was wiped off his face and replaced by a scowl.

How dare Kinnon criticize him? Ronan had seen how he had his hands all over Lucien at the Moon Banquet. What a hypocrite!

“Hey, Ronan.”

Kinnon gestured for Ronan to come closer.

As soon as Ronan was within his arm range, Kinnon yanked him by the collar and spoke in a low voice.

“You have a real chance at happiness here. Don’t mess it up.”

Ronan smiled.

“I won’t.”

After Kinnon left, Ronan too needed to get back to his pack. Ever since he left his pack to join the war, he had only come back for two days before leaving again to meet up with Lucien and Kinnon.

Jake had very subtly reminded the Alpha of his neglected duties both in the pack as well as in Silverback Corporation.

Besides, he still had to investigate the belt’s origin and find out the person who hired Gavin to commit the crime.

Lucien too was surprised to hear about Gavin’s involvement.

“That person? How come?”

Lucien remembered Gavin’s beastly nature. Alone the thought of him molesting Maya was enough to enrage him. To think that he almost took Ralph’s life!

“I thought that you sent him to prison.”

“I did,” Ronan remarked. “Someone got him out and gave him this evil assignment.”


Lucien frowned.

Black Reef Island was not an amusement park. Werewolves did not just go in and out casually as per one’s wish.

“Kinnon suspects my Gamma, Quinn. She is the one who raised Gavin, and she has enough authority to get Gavin out of there if she wants to.”

Lucien parted his lips in surprise.

“What do you think?”

“It’s not her,” Ronan said. “I know her for years. I don’t want to believe that she did this kind of thing.”

Lucien patted Ronan’s back.

“Go and find out. Be careful. Tell me if you find something, or if you need help.”


Ronan pinned Lucien to the wall and kissed the breath out of his lover before he left.

“I am going to miss you,” Lucien whispered.

Ronan caressed Lucien’s cheek and gave it a slight pinch. “Call me. Text me. Let’s have a video call every night. Until we meet each other again.”


Lucien remained standing at the gate for a long time after Ronan’s car disappeared.

Now that the issues between the Silent Walkers Pack and the Night Prowler Pack had been settled, it was time to build up the Silent Walkers Pack.


The time to elect a new Alpha from all the alphas in the pack had come.

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